LostGrl - Raging Tide Arc User


  • Im lvl 56 and just finished General Feng so i need to continue to "Destiny" but neither pop-up come or sign on Elder so i guess im pretty stuck. Any1 know reason why i dont have quest since my lvl is ok. Anyway my friend turned in and he got "Destiny" right away but not meh :cryb:cry i try relogin but didnt work either :(
  • uhh maybe that is problem bcoz i skip some skills (bcoz waste of points but ill try soon so we will see). still nowhere says like that require some other skills tho i look at it and b4 but anything is possible but dont say it on skill. lol i just look skill tree (never pay attention on it) yeah you rite bcoz i skip some…
  • will try tonight when i log in game but all settings are on maxed ^^ so idk if that will change smth but im always open for new trys :) i know i try on low/high setting but idk if i touch that option tho (cant remeber atm) Its not like that i have some ****ty PC or graphic, new FPS's going on maxed but ty for fast response…