Lochiel - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Vipions. Neat critters. Too bad about being untamable. If I'd seen them in my veno character, I'd probably have noticed that, but I was on my archer at the time. ^__^ I don't suppose there's a compilation of PWI monsters all together (tamable and otherwise), is there? PW has a lot of interesting creatures in it.
  • I'm sort of with VenLo. I'd like to get a group of people together to run dungeons to see how they work and learn how to pull, ect. in a dungeon rather than have some high level with wine walk me through it.
  • Wow, that Japanese site is really thourough. I had no idea there were so many. One thing I didn't see there, though, and it might be that I wasn't sure what to look for was.. well, over the Bamboo Village there's these guys that look like nagas with wings. What are those?
  • Thanks, Oishasn. There looks like there's a lot of categories. I'm still surprised someone hasn't taken time to make a site dedicated solely to the numerous types of creatures Venos can tame in this game. Aside from "families", there's colors, stats, levels, locations... wow, it's a lot of info. ^__^ Are cacti the only…
  • Cats would include lynxus types and those minkin things, right? or are minkins wolf types?
  • All good information. Too bad Veno's don't have a way to scope out critters like Hunters do (Beast Lore) before taming to see if they're worth it. How many "families" of creatures are there that can be tamed?
  • Interestingly enough, I've been spending a lot of time around the cacti near the Gate of Antiquity and wondering how good of pets they were. Good to know they're not bad. I might try taming one myself just to try out. They're cute and I haven't seen people dragging one around with them much.
  • That site Danni gave seems to be missing quite a few off their list. They didn't have undines (I think that's what they're called) or some of the others I've seen people with. Malcuid>> Really? Are you meaning the golems?
  • Thank you, Danni. I'll check that site out now. ^__^
  • As a new user to the game and still learning my way around Venomancers, is there a site somewhere with pet statistics, locations, ect? For WoW, a hunter enthusiast made a site called Petopia that's a catalogue of all the tamable pets (and a few non-tamable) with their abilities, locations, and so forth (as well as a blog…
  • I see, so they do stay big. Interesting. That's handy to know for taming a pet that strikes my fancy on if they'll be in the way or not. I've seen the golems, but I haven't a clue where people get them or if I even want one. They're not attractive pets, in my opinion. It's sort of a WoW hunter habit of mine to seek out…
  • I'm not sure that answered my question. Are you meaning to say whatever size the creature is when I'm fighting it is the same size it will be when I tame it and it hatches out of the egg?
  • Thanks so much everyone. That explains why I wasn't able to tame the creatures. I'm use to hunters on WoW for taming (how I wish for a freeze trap on PW sometimes). I'll try it out tonight and see how it works out.