Lavendarfae - Raging Tide Arc User



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  • Let me fix this for you: for every ten players who quit the game another old player creates an alt, spends money and plvls it. Also to the person who said the map was dead from the beginning, I have only been playing since 2011 and the low level areas were pretty lively when I started. All the way up until the swamp area.
  • So they can turn hypers back on in a week but it took how long to disable PK in SP? New players did quit over not being able to enjoy the game how they wanted to, but it still took how long to fix? Maybe new players are really not part of the current business plan. A lot of people have already posted very good explanations…
  • In most cases that may be true though if I am the one out of coffee and armed only with a coffee cup it's anyone's game. And to the poster who "paraphrased" my comment. I only put down those who are putting down others. From my short time playing this game and reading these forums that seems to go on a lot. But maybe…
  • No. That would be lame. Sorta like you post. Everyone realizes that lame and loser aren't good things right? That these terms apply to people who dwell in basement, never bathe, and have not seen sunlight in years? At the very least realize that lame is not funny. My coffee cup does more damage then your r999 pixel weapon.…
  • Except that also does not matter because in the grand scheme of things who cares whose pixel weapon it is. But people also did not have to comment. They could have let this post slip away into oblivion. Because it really does not matter other than op was happy. Game was going well for them. They were having fun. But no.…
  • First off congrats! But seriously no one could just say congrats and move on? Awesome community we have here. Even a mod had to chime in. Lovely. Congrats again to OP. You are having fun. Keep it up.
  • Nekid Barbie 4tw! Personally I do not think this glitch is as unintentional as most do, but at this point it's just part of the "charm" of the game. My barbie and ken dolls spend a good portion of their time running around in their painted on undies. It's nice that a Perfect World is such a free an comfortable place.…
  • Well to any alien who may be playing this game as a way to understand "human nature" the internet is the last place to go for that. Especially when it comes to an escapist activity such as this. They would have to actually walk amongst us to get us. We are pretty complex animals with very different modes of behaving that…
  • I think that if this event would have been created with everyone losing their equipment (naked NW anyone?) and the same prizes, some people would complain but most would still do the event. But because it was created the way it was, we are again stuck with the situation (however we feel about it). Too many people would be…
  • Gear that is trash? Seriously? What is wrong with you? This stuff isnt real. It cant end up in landfills... It aint trash... And I do not have balls and am very thankful to whatever power that may be for this fact. You can message me on my Core account if you want my main's name though. We do not play on the same server…
  • Because the time spent really does mean nothing. I know its hard to understand, but it really means absolutely NOTHING. It is the same time that could be spent watching television or reading a book, or doing any other sort of activity for the sake of entertainment alone. It is meaningless time spent. Not to say we should…
  • Someone of use? Seriously? You cant be of use in something that does not matter. You can just have fun. Maybe you should just play solitaire by yourself. You can be all sorts of pro, be really fast, and no low levels can disrupt your "fun". Just go play by yourself. We need new players having fun. Not old players who need…
  • The point that seems to flying completely over your head is the fact that we should all be casual players of this game. It is not that important, but the now flashing neon L on your forehead is showing that for you this game is VERY important. Countless hours.. seriously? earning money for the game? OMG really? Come on....…
  • See if you have another Perfect World folder somewhere. If not see if you have another screenshot folder. Normally screenshots created with print screen go to the picture folder in libraries. Maybe your F9 screenshots are going there instead?
  • Go to Computer -> Perfect World folder -> Perfect World folder (I have one embedded in the other... seems sorta strange) -> element -> screenshots That should get you to your F9 screenshots... I had a hard time figuring it out at first too...
  • This game doesnt even come close to requiring the skill needed in either chess or basketball, which is why you can make money by being good in both of those. You also could not buy "skill" in either of those. In this game you can buy what amounts to the ability to beat a good portion of the players. Not a big deal. Makes…
  • The chronic underachiever? Seriously? Does this game pay you? Is your ego so frail and pitiful that this is where you have to shine? So sad... There are ways to shine in life that will actually amount to something. This is not one of them. Chances are you will hopefully outlast this game, so I really do hope you find…
  • 10 hours at work, an hour at the gym, and then 13 hours talking about this game in the forums? Seriously? You live and breath this game. Thats why you are constantly comparing this game to real life. You cant tell the difference. Working out has nothing to do with this game. Hours spent making a living has nothing to do…
  • There is a difference between wanting to play a game where skill matters more than money spent and working hard in real life to live in a nicer area... I really hope you can tell the difference.... Personally the advantage that those who spend more money (both rl and obtained through merchanting) on this game have over me…
  • A little off topic but if you only have 30 seconds for an instance why are you even bothering? I only play this game when I have time and only do things in game that I enjoy. This needing to have the boss dead in under a minute makes no sense to me as it must mean one if two things. You do not like what you are doing or…
  • Sadly I found another interesting problem with PK in the SP. While trying to kill a mob a player killed my level 39 veno's pet. This was not accidental. They targeted them with a bow. No AOE. This doesnt show up in the message bar other than your pet is dead. Now I guess I get to buy food to raise my pet's loyality back to…
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