R9 should blah blah blah nation wars...



  • Posts: 522 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I like how defensive some of you Rank 9s are getting about the gear. The fact of the matter is that unbalanced games die sooner than other games because game balance is a normal element of game design. That nix you were QQ'ing about earlier being so OP? They nerfed the venomancer because they used to know that. The games that have stood the test of time are all balanced. Chess? Balanced. Go? Balanced. Basketball? Balanced. All the longest running mmos? balanced.

    Chess, Go, Basketball, all are quite imbalanced when you pit a noob vs a pro. People who have trained their bodies and mind for years have an immense advantage over the casual player. Same goes for PWI, except the "body" is a virtual one.

    You want to be competitive, work for it. Nah, much better to write angry letters to the NBA complaining about how unfair it is that your HS basketball team has no chance against the Lakers or some similar drivel.
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Fact is fact....
    No one has any right to complain about r9.Some have gotten it by RL Cash(by working their arses-off in real life) and some farmed it ( like i did) and if u do not have RL cash to get your fantasized gear then you better acquire a know-how to get it. Many did, does and still doing it.Stop being so pissy-rat about r9.That is the best gear in-game and if you do not or can not have one, you prolly do not deserve it.period.

    P.S: About complainers on Cash-shopper> They are the reason you are still playing PWE MMO's. If you can not appreciate them, atleast do not humiliate yourself by QQing on them.
  • Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I like how defensive some of you Rank 9s are getting about the gear.

    Yes because it's really original and out of the ordinary to defend something you've worked hard to get.

    How would you like it if you spent $2000 on a new tele and then a new one comes out?...

  • Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Alright im nowhere near R9 and you dont see me complaining, of course i may get 1 to 2 shot by r9r2 people and get a little frustrated at times but they worked/paid a butt load of money for their gear so they kinda deserve to be OP, you people complaining and ******** about this stuff and i dont quite understand why, if you want to be on their lvl get off your lazy *** and work for it, its just not fair for the people who spend so much money and time in this game to be challenged by the weak who does **** for themselves. b:bye
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    I guess that's the difference between you and I. I do mind getting one shotted... and I most certainly mind being the weakest link. That being said... no one really gives a rat's furry *** who joins nation war... bring in anyone you can for all I care. It's not like I care to distinguish between who I shoot at anyways. I know I have an ego... I know there are people out there with better gear... I also know that I won't dumb myself down for the likes of the chronic underachiever.

    The chronic underachiever? Seriously? Does this game pay you? Is your ego so frail and pitiful that this is where you have to shine? So sad... There are ways to shine in life that will actually amount to something. This is not one of them. Chances are you will hopefully outlast this game, so I really do hope you find somewhere else to shine. This is really not the place to have an ego. This isnt that big of a deal.

    I am trying to get better gear in this game too, and it is fun. But I am not working "hard" for it. This is not "working". This is fun, and the minute it stops being fun, its time to move on. I also am willing to spend money on the game as I believe in supporting things I enjoy. I have many things I enjoy though, so that does limit what can be spent.

    Using terms like "working" "earning" etc to describe achieving what amounts to as a milestone in a game (that doesnt pay) just makes the "L" branded into your forehead glow in neon. This is not WORK! You did not work for anything. You either spend a lot of time PLAYING a game or you spend lots of money on a game.
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Chess, Go, Basketball, all are quite imbalanced when you pit a noob vs a pro. People who have trained their bodies and mind for years have an immense advantage over the casual player. Same goes for PWI, except the "body" is a virtual one.

    You want to be competitive, work for it. Nah, much better to write angry letters to the NBA complaining about how unfair it is that your HS basketball team has no chance against the Lakers or some similar drivel.

    This game doesnt even come close to requiring the skill needed in either chess or basketball, which is why you can make money by being good in both of those. You also could not buy "skill" in either of those. In this game you can buy what amounts to the ability to beat a good portion of the players. Not a big deal. Makes the company money. Keeps the game free for the rest. Not a bad situation.

    But really, comparing it to chess or basketball? Come on. Go outside and get some sunshine. This game does not even come close.
  • Posts: 377 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Now now. Lets just wait for R10 to balance the game
    youtube channel: youtube.com/user/chezedude
  • Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I'm almost tempted to agree with Kiyoshi here. Yes, it doesn't take much in the way of actual "skill" to become proficient in this game, but let's keep things in proportion. You don't need a lot of elements to create a complex system, which I'm kind of surprised the so called mathemagician didn't bring up in this thread himself. Let's say you only really get two go to moves on your char, and perhaps a couple of good situational skills/combos. If your oponent also gets the same that already is 16 posible scenarios of what a fight can look like, and we are leaving out a host of other factors affecting the battle's outcome, ranging from the responsiveness of your mouse or keyboard to the stability of your internet connection to in-game mechanics such as crit rate, etc. This is the reason old school arcade fighting games like Street Fighter 2 were so much fun to play despite extremely simplified game play. And yes, amongst "skilled" oponents it kind of came down to the little bit of randomnes on who was able to land a combo first.
    PW PvP is a lot like that, just nowhere near as much fun, so that the people claiming skill (eg twitch based gaming) are just as right as those claiming that there isn't anything like that involved. The argument is fully subjective, so even if I do sympathize with the no skill camp I must admit this is pretty much a moot point to discuss.

    And yes. there's also the gear factor to account for in here. I think that while those arguing against R9 or whatever may be doing so from a very naive perspective (the fact remains this is a progression based game) there actually is a good point to be made on the matter of proportion. Personally I think NW does a good job of accounting for this but there's no denying that the P2Win aspect of PW does amount to quite an enormous difference. It certainly goes beyond ameriolation or a slight advantage, which is basically the rationale behind f2p gameplay, and in that sense it is objectively unbalanced. This doesn't mean it holds water to argue for a nerf to competitive endgame gearing, and it would be ridiculous to even think that PWI would ever fully go along with that, which does beg the question of why would someone resort to such a disproportionate response to this proposal however.
    I spend a bit over one hour at the gym per day... I'll let you know when I manage to out bench my friend who spends a good 3-5 hours per day there. Then maybe... just maybe... someone who spends little time/effort/money in game will manage to out class me.

    This is bull... You're entitled to nothing. Either you're an irresponsable adult failing to provide for your own future, or that of your loved ones, or a no lifer unable to even cope with your present reality. I'm certainly not against dedicating a reasonable amount of time to an involved activity such as gaming, and neither am I against paying for services effectively provided to you, but let's face facts here. Unless you're a ridiculously time efficient merchant then chances are you have paid a very high price for your R9rs2. Leaving aside your own mental well being, why would you do that in a game you yourself consider requires no skill and it's basically a P2Win wallet race? You can't have it both ways, you can't really pretend to be a jaded gamer when you're investing so much of your time here. You can't really go around showing contempt for others attitudes towards the game when yours is as much of a problem for the community. And you really can't freaking talk of effort when you dismiss the idea that this game requires any.
  • Posts: 522 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    This game doesnt even come close to requiring the skill needed in either chess or basketball, which is why you can make money by being good in both of those. You also could not buy "skill" in either of those. In this game you can buy what amounts to the ability to beat a good portion of the players. Not a big deal. Makes the company money. Keeps the game free for the rest. Not a bad situation.

    But really, comparing it to chess or basketball? Come on. Go outside and get some sunshine. This game does not even come close.

    The point that breezed right over your head is that when those at the top of their game go up against casuals, no matter what the contest, the casuals don't have a chance, it's completely unbalanced. It's ludicrous for someone who just learned to play chess to attempt to beat a grandmaster. Is it a fault in the game? No, of course not, the game is balanced, it's the players who are not.

    How is this any different in PWI? Oh, for some reason L60 nubs who devoted a few weekends to the game are supposed to feel on par with people that have been playing for years? People who've invested countless hours running instances and earning money to acquire their gear should have all that stripped away from them so some casuals can feel good about themselves?

    If you're not up to handling the challenge of NW, do something else until you are. Don't blame others for your own inadequacy.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    That would be a fair point if you had to be skilled to earn Rank 9. Merchanting and Cash Shopping take no in-game skill and many of the biggest trash talkers on the server are not great players who have earned respect. If you think a person earns respect by buying things instead of working hard, being skilled, or being a nice person then that's on you. Your response just feeds into the Rank 9 stereotype about people who use it being people who aren't well-adjusted in real life and don't understand simple concepts like common courtesy.
    None of those example games are as difficult to balance as an MMO. People have been saying PWI will die for years, yet it is still here. Is it in its decline? Sure. But I've been here almost four years now and have seen many doomsayers come and go.

    Do I think r9 is OP? Sure. Stupidly OP and totally unnecessary in the game. But you know what? I also recognize the need to adapt, even if it means adopting r9. I want to be competitive in PvP. If that makes me an elitist, then so be it. I do not enjoy one-shotting lowbies, there is no joy in any of that for me. I also do not enjoy steamrolling low factions in TW.

    Lastly, and this really annoys me, but why does everyone with "good gear" have to clearly lack skill and everyone that's a low level or with "sub par gear" have to have great amounts of skill? That works both ways. I know plenty of crappy players, some who have endgame gear and some who have tt80. It's a flawed argument to say that having "bad gear" (or whatever) makes you good. The same applies to both parties. As a full r9, I still get one-shot pretty often.

    It's not that bad gear=skilled and good gear=no skill, I agree with you there. It's that if someone in bad gear is unskilled they are not going to win 90% of the time. The same is not true the other way around. A R999 will win automatically against 90% of the playerbase based on gear and gear alone. Which means they will also get most of the money and rewards to be had in nation wars without earning it or having skill. That's just stupid. And it could easily be fixed by having gear level and soulforce based sorting with tier based rewards. Or to force everyone into a certain grade of gear like they did the PWIC so only the skilled survive. Yes, you can adapt and get Rank 9. I'm already half way to my own set. But just because players would rather see some balance brought into nation wars while it's still new enough to be changed into something more reasonable, does not mean they begrudge someone else their gear. That's a massive fail assumption. And that's what this game is really about.
    Chess, Go, Basketball, all are quite imbalanced when you pit a noob vs a pro. People who have trained their bodies and mind for years have an immense advantage over the casual player. Same goes for PWI, except the "body" is a virtual one.

    You want to be competitive, work for it. Nah, much better to write angry letters to the NBA complaining about how unfair it is that your HS basketball team has no chance against the Lakers or some similar drivel.

    Lemme know the next time you see a HS basketball team being forced to compete for their college scholarships against NBA all-star players. You will never see that. The way basketball tournaments work removes any imbalance from the game that is a result of human nature/real life and gives people tiers of play to work towards. That's the way it works in real life. Only in PWI will you see something as stupid as a new player only level 60 being pittied against a R999 player who has been playing for 5 years for coin rewards and then telling the level 60 that the problem isn't the matchup, it's them.
  • Posts: 522 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Lemme know the next time you see a HS basketball team being forced to compete for their college scholarships against NBA all-star players. You will never see that. The way basketball tournaments work removes any imbalance from the game that is a result of human nature/real life and gives people tiers of play to work towards. That's the way it works in real life. Only in PWI will you see something as stupid as a new player only level 60 being pittied against a R999 player who has been playing for 5 years for coin rewards and then telling the level 60 that the problem isn't the matchup, it's them.

    Thing is, in real life, you wouldn't even get a chance to tryout for a professional team if you aren't of a minimum caliber, let alone compete. PWI grants you the option to go in over your head, it's your choice to do so or not. Just because a door is open doesn't mean you should walk through.

    Perhaps they should have made NW L100+ with +5 refines as a minimum to enter. Oh wait, you'd be whining about that too. PWI doesn't have the resources/interest to make 5 tiers of NW just to make you happy, deal with it.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Thing is, in real life, you wouldn't even get a chance to tryout for a professional team if you aren't of a minimum caliber, let alone compete. PWI grants you the option to go in over your head, it's your choice to do so or not. Just because a door is open doesn't mean you should walk through.

    Perhaps they should have made NW L100+ with +5 refines as a minimum to enter. Oh wait, you'd be whining about that too. PWI doesn't have the resources/interest to make 5 tiers of NW just to make you happy, deal with it.

    You mean, there isn't already a level based pvp tournament for players to take part in? And the NPC can't already calculate how much soulforce you have when it attempts to balance the nations? Well shoot And in real life they would never stop me from playing basketball period just because I was not an NBA player. Anyone that would suggest that is a moron and there would be no NBA after a while. Just like there will be no game here after a while if they don't stop making things hard for new players. . And low levels don't have much farming options anymore, they enter what they can. hey should not be allowed to enter the 101+ parts though, you are right. But NW isn't just for you. It's not a tryout for a professional team. I think it's pretty obvious nation wars goes out of it's way to lower your advantage against other players and yet still somehow feel entitled to be the only one who runs it and you don't want any suggestions on balance. And shoot I didn't know that discussions on a forum about nation wars shouldn't include suggestions for making it better. Keep dreaming kid, you wouldn't even have r999 if it wasn't for people making suggestions. It was specifically stated that g16 was added as a response to player complaints, and we got r999 as a bandaid to keep the fragile ego cash shoppers happy with their distinct advantage as well. Most of the Rank 9s that weren't desperate to maintain their huge advantage didn't even bother with it until it became cheap, and then it would've been stupid not to get it. And you won't have a game if this game becomes impossible for new players.
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The point that breezed right over your head is that when those at the top of their game go up against casuals, no matter what the contest, the casuals don't have a chance, it's completely unbalanced. It's ludicrous for someone who just learned to play chess to attempt to beat a grandmaster. Is it a fault in the game? No, of course not, the game is balanced, it's the players who are not.

    How is this any different in PWI? Oh, for some reason L60 nubs who devoted a few weekends to the game are supposed to feel on par with people that have been playing for years? People who've invested countless hours running instances and earning money to acquire their gear should have all that stripped away from them so some casuals can feel good about themselves?

    If you're not up to handling the challenge of NW, do something else until you are. Don't blame others for your own inadequacy.

    The point that seems to flying completely over your head is the fact that we should all be casual players of this game. It is not that important, but the now flashing neon L on your forehead is showing that for you this game is VERY important. Countless hours.. seriously? earning money for the game? OMG really? Come on.... Go outside... Sunshine... lots of fun...

    The challenge of life is a much more important challenge for me then the challenge of NW, but since I do enjoy NW I will keep doing the event (when I can) and having fun. And I hope everyone that enjoys the event, even when the odds are against them will also continue to do the event and enjoy it. Do not worry about those who spend HOURS on being the best at something that though fun, doesnt really matter. Just have fun.
  • Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Some people enjoy being the best and being challenged. The only way you can see if someone is truly better than you is by having equal gear. So what stops the other person wearing better gear than you?....
    The only thing I can think of is actual availability of better gear
  • Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    How is this any different in PWI? Oh, for some reason L60 nubs who devoted a few weekends to the game are supposed to feel on par with people that have been playing for years? People who've invested countless hours running instances and earning money to acquire their gear should have all that stripped away from them so some casuals can feel good about themselves?


    People will always find something to cry and moan about.

    People are treating players who have played for a long time as if none of that time means anything because they have R9 and are automatically less skilled than someone who is self proclaimed pro but they only have TT90 gear.

    If you dont have the gear to compete... you cant compete.
    Its really as simple as that.
    Whether you like it or not - this is always going to be the case.
    If you dont like the game you dont have to play.
    R9 is part of the game.
    CSers are part of the game.
    Being killed is part of the game.
    Competition is part of the game and therefore wanting to be the best IS PART OF THE GAME.
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    People will always find something to cry and moan about.

    People are treating players who have played for a long time as if none of that time means anything because they have R9 and are automatically less skilled than someone who is self proclaimed pro but they only have TT90 gear.

    If you dont have the gear to compete... you cant compete.
    Its really as simple as that.
    Whether you like it or not - this is always going to be the case.
    If you dont like the game you dont have to play.
    R9 is part of the game.
    CSers are part of the game.
    Being killed is part of the game.
    Competition is part of the game and therefore wanting to be the best IS PART OF THE GAME.

    Because the time spent really does mean nothing. I know its hard to understand, but it really means absolutely NOTHING. It is the same time that could be spent watching television or reading a book, or doing any other sort of activity for the sake of entertainment alone. It is meaningless time spent. Not to say we should not try to get better but we cant expect anyone else to care about the time we have spent playing this game.

    I actually feel prouder of myself for getting better with words with friends than I do with this game, but that is besides the point...

    Edit: oh and competition is only a part of the game. Another part is playing dress up with your barbie doll... Lots of people really enjoy that part just as much if not more than other parts of the game. I have had way too many conversations with various teenage members of our community about how cute certain shirts look with certain skirts... WAY WAY too many... but it amuses them so I do not judge.
  • Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I've been reading through all the forum threads about this and many (not all) higher levels are making comments about how it's lesser geared/lower levels players fault they are getting rolled over and that it's their problem. This thinking is flawed for a couple reasons. When PW first told us about this event they said it would be a balanced fight, and I think that is why so many people are upset now is because it's not balanced like they said it would be.

    Another reason is this was suppose to be an event that everyone could enjoy, not just end game players. I have read numerous comments that have said lower levels should not be allowed to enter. This is what creates hyper levelers (that everyone on the forum complains about). If everything is aimed at end game, then that is what people are going to hurry and rush to do. You can't have it both ways. You can't complain in one thread about hyper babies then in the next saying that low levels should not be allowed to do the same things you can and if they want to they should hurry up and get to high level.

    I fully admit I plan on going R9, but I'm not going to rush to get there nor am I am going to treat it like it's a horrendous ordeal (and hopefully not get the attitude that seems to come along with it). This a game, it's suppose to be fun, it's not suppose to be work. Work is something you do to earn money so you can pay your mortgage. If your R9 was such a hassle to get that you have palpitations at the thought of not being able to use it, why did you do it to begin with? Personally I like playing this game, I think it's fun. Even in NW when my Wizzie get's one shot by tons of people I still have fun and usually laugh because I often play decoy, draw there attention towards me so the person with the flag runs by. I know at my level my duty in NW is sacrificial pawn.

    And last I have to ask: Why are R9's so against the idea of a balance fight? And that excuse your using of having worked hard for it so you want to use it isn't fooling anyone (and there is that word again "work"). No one is saying they are going to take it away forever, they are talking about 4 hours a week. There are many other events that you can still use your gear for (TW, PK, Morai... just to name a few).

    My thought is maybe some of you have been hiding behind your gear for so long your afraid you can't play without it. Maybe at one time you were very good, but over time you lose the know how. I've had higher levels helping in lower level BH's and have seen them do some very foolish things (and these were not hyper babies). If you are a good player than you have nothing to worry about, you will still do great in NW. I've only been playing for two years (started over in summer when I changed servers) and I can do decent in NW, for you old timers it should be a piece of cake. You should be able to survive 4 hours without your R9.


  • Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I've been reading through all the forum threads about this and many (not all) higher levels are making comments about how it's lesser geared/lower levels players fault they are getting rolled over and that it's their problem. This thinking is flawed for a couple reasons. When PW first told us about this event they said it would be a balanced fight, and I think that is why so many people are upset now is because it's not balanced like they said it would be.


    Another reason is this was suppose to be an event that everyone could enjoy, not just end game players. I have read numerous comments that have said lower levels should not be allowed to enter. This is what creates hyper levelers (that everyone on the forum complains about). If everything is aimed at end game, then that is what people are going to hurry and rush to do. You can't have it both ways. You can't complain in one thread about hyper babies then in the next saying that low levels should not be allowed to do the same things you can and if they want to they should hurry up and get to high level.

    This, +1.

    I fully admit I plan on going R9, but I'm not going to rush to get there nor am I am going to treat it like it's a horrendous ordeal (and hopefully not get the attitude that seems to come along with it). This a game, it's suppose to be fun, it's not suppose to be work. Work is something you do to earn money so you can pay your mortgage. If your R9 was such a hassle to get that you have palpitations at the thought of not being able to use it, why did you do it to begin with? Personally I like playing this game, I think it's fun. Even in NW when my Wizzie get's one shot by tons of people I still have fun and usually laugh because I often play decoy, draw there attention towards me so the person with the flag runs by. I know at my level my duty in NW is sacrificial pawn.

    That would make you one of the *very* few.

    And last I have to ask: Why are R9's so against the idea of a balance fight? And that excuse your using of having worked hard for it so you want to use it isn't fooling anyone (and there is that word again "work"). No one is saying they are going to take it away forever, they are talking about 4 hours a week. There are many other events that you can still use your gear for (TW, PK, Morai... just to name a few).

    Maybe not all R9's are, but the ones that do are Pay 2 Win players "I paid 2000+ USD into this game, That means I should win." Sorry, that's not how it works. Suck it up and ****.

    My thought is maybe some of you have been hiding behind your gear for so long your afraid you can't play without it. Maybe at one time you were very good, but over time you lose the know how. I've had higher levels helping in lower level BH's and have seen them do some very foolish things (and these were not hyper babies). If you are a good player than you have nothing to worry about, you will still do great in NW. I've only been playing for two years (started over in summer when I changed servers) and I can do decent in NW, for you old timers it should be a piece of cake. You should be able to survive 4 hours without your R9.

    I'd love to see what would happen if they gave everyone the same gear for NW like they did in PWIC, then it would actually be fun AND rewarding.

    (Need better/up-to-date sig)

    Remember my name. For it's the one you will fear in your waking nightmares...
  • Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I like how defensive some of you Rank 9s are getting about the gear. The fact of the matter is that unbalanced games die sooner than other games because game balance is a normal element of game design. That nix you were QQ'ing about earlier being so OP? They nerfed the venomancer because they used to know that.

    The game is unbalance... sure. The game will die... people like you been saying that for a good 4-5 years now. But sure... it'll eventually die. They nerf venos... really... what did they do? The nix still hurts like a ***** on my 9x veno/psy.
    For an example of skill, in Sunday's NW I managed to hold on long enough in a battle were it was me alone against 9 opponents. I was my Wiz who was only level 78. Not only did I last 5 minutes alone until help arrived, I managed to dig the flag once and prevent them from getting the flag a second time after their first capture. Once I had help we ended up winning that land and when I left I still had 2 respawns left and was ranked 1st.

    The only character that I did not power level is my archer. Every other character that I have has been power leveled. Pick any of them... and i will make sure you level 78 wiz *** hits the ground before you touch the flag. Rankings is mostly based on kill/damage credit. In order for you to score first, it means basically no one on your team did any damage or gotten any kills. If you must lie... at least make it somewhat believable.
    And last I have to ask: Why are R9's so against the idea of a balance fight? And that excuse your using of having worked hard for it so you want to use it isn't fooling anyone (and there is that word again "work"). No one is saying they are going to take it away forever, they are talking about 4 hours a week. There are many other events that you can still use your gear for (TW, PK, Morai... just to name a few).

    Refund my entire cost of my r9 or whatever gear I have to my paypal account and i'll instantly npc said gear. Until then... I have every right and intention to use whatever I worked for.
    My thought is maybe some of you have been hiding behind your gear for so long your afraid you can't play without it. Maybe at one time you were very good, but over time you lose the know how.

    Sure... if you are assuming we're only picking on idiots like you. I on the other hand have fun with other r9s... and ignore **** gears... well occasionally I would throw you guys an arrow.
    People are treating players who have played for a long time as if none of that time means anything because they have R9 and are automatically less skilled than someone who is self proclaimed pro but they only have TT90 gear.

    That is actually false. Any active competitive geared players out there will know the gear level and capabilities other other competitive players. The only people who look down on r9s (or anyone with gears) are **** geared themselves. Since it seems like they are not getting any fun (aka their are getting killed), they fun can only come from trying to belittle others.

    Whenever i am doing anything... once in a while I'll get some expletive swearing in pm. 100% of those pms will be from people whos gear i would consider trash. Those with (gears) will take me head on, but those without (gears) will hid, complain, and cuss.

    And I think as a new year resolution... I am going to stop responding to any unknown alts of level 1. If they don't even got the balls to face me on their main... only to hide behind some random character. They probably don't got anything worth while to say.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The game is unbalance... sure. The game will die... people like you been saying that for a good 4-5 years now. But sure... it'll eventually die. They nerf venos... really... what did they do? The nix still hurts like a ***** on my 9x veno/psy.

    Can't be bothered getting their post, though I'd like to add on that they didn't nerf venos or nixes, people simply became geared up enough that at end game they just aren't as noticeable.

    The only character that I did not power level is my archer. Every other character that I have has been power leveled. Pick any of them... and i will make sure you level 78 wiz *** hits the ground before you touch the flag. Rankings is mostly based on kill/damage credit. In order for you to score first, it means basically no one on your team did any damage or gotten any kills. If you must lie... at least make it somewhat believable.

    Again, too lazy. Grats on spawning far away from them and most likely doing nothing to stop them from taking the flag. Great job indeed.

    Refund my entire cost of my r9 or whatever gear I have to my paypal account and i'll instantly npc said gear. Until then... I have every right and intention to use whatever I worked for.

    You guess it, too lazy yet again. If you worked for your gear, farming.. CSing.. merchanting... you should get to use it. You worked for it, being forced out of it just to even the score for people that haven't put in nearly as much time, effort, money, or combination of the three just so they can feel good is stupid. Period.

    Sure... if you are assuming we're only picking on idiots like you. I on the other hand have fun with other r9s... and ignore **** gears... well occasionally I would throw you guys an arrow.

    That is actually false. Any active competitive geared players out there will know the gear level and capabilities other other competitive players. The only people who look down on r9s (or anyone with gears) are **** geared themselves. Since it seems like they are not getting any fun (aka their are getting killed), they fun can only come from trying to belittle others.

    I look down on a lot of the R9s on Loth, but that's mostly because they really don't have any skill to match their gear. Nothing can be done about it though, not like it really bothers me if they suck at using what they have.

    Whenever i am doing anything... once in a while I'll get some expletive swearing in pm. 100% of those pms will be from people whos gear i would consider trash. Those with (gears) will take me head on, but those without (gears) will hid, complain, and cuss.

    And I think as a new year resolution... I am going to stop responding to any unknown alts of level 1. If they don't even got the balls to face me on their main... only to hide behind some random character. They probably don't got anything worth while to say.

    Replies in red, reply to me please so I can feel like I'm not level 1!
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The game is unbalance... sure. The game will die... people like you been saying that for a good 4-5 years now. But sure... it'll eventually die. They nerf venos... really... what did they do? The nix still hurts like a ***** on my 9x veno/psy.

    The only character that I did not power level is my archer. Every other character that I have has been power leveled. Pick any of them... and i will make sure you level 78 wiz *** hits the ground before you touch the flag. Rankings is mostly based on kill/damage credit. In order for you to score first, it means basically no one on your team did any damage or gotten any kills. If you must lie... at least make it somewhat believable.

    Refund my entire cost of my r9 or whatever gear I have to my paypal account and i'll instantly npc said gear. Until then... I have every right and intention to use whatever I worked for.

    Sure... if you are assuming we're only picking on idiots like you. I on the other hand have fun with other r9s... and ignore **** gears... well occasionally I would throw you guys an arrow.

    That is actually false. Any active competitive geared players out there will know the gear level and capabilities other other competitive players. The only people who look down on r9s (or anyone with gears) are **** geared themselves. Since it seems like they are not getting any fun (aka their are getting killed), they fun can only come from trying to belittle others.

    Whenever i am doing anything... once in a while I'll get some expletive swearing in pm. 100% of those pms will be from people whos gear i would consider trash. Those with (gears) will take me head on, but those without (gears) will hid, complain, and cuss.

    And I think as a new year resolution... I am going to stop responding to any unknown alts of level 1. If they don't even got the balls to face me on their main... only to hide behind some random character. They probably don't got anything worth while to say.

    Gear that is trash? Seriously? What is wrong with you? This stuff isnt real. It cant end up in landfills... It aint trash...

    And I do not have balls and am very thankful to whatever power that may be for this fact. You can message me on my Core account if you want my main's name though. We do not play on the same server and I am not looking to change so it really does not make a difference what account I use for the forums. But I think I have already proven my point. You take this game way too seriously, and someday this game will be gone and you will be a sad sad individual...
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Gear that is trash? Seriously? What is wrong with you? This stuff isnt real. It cant end up in landfills... It aint trash...

    And I do not have balls and am very thankful to whatever power that may be for this fact. You can message me on my Core account if you want my main's name though. We do not play on the same server and I am not looking to change so it really does not make a difference what account I use for the forums. But I think I have already proven my point. You take this game way too seriously, and someday this game will be gone and you will be a sad sad individual...

    He's referring to the quality of the gear in comparison to what is used competitively. Since you're so hung up on the wording.

    That other stuff, feel free to work out with him. Gonna get some popcorn, this thread has excellent potential for causing butthurt.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I am going to stop responding to any unknown alts of level 1. If they don't even got the balls to face me on their main... only to hide behind some random character. They probably don't got anything worth while to say.

    what if a person doesnt have a main and just has multiple characters for different tasks would you still talk to said person b:begb:laugh
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    This thread has excellent potential for causing butthurt.

    Agreed, so let's end it here.

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