Ladycrysania - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Finally, someone with a brain.. GIVE THAT LADY A COOKIE!!! Already been requested by many people in many threads 1.) Please make an option to fully remap the keys (almost every popular game has this ability, and the number one reason my friends are giving it a miss) Don't shove a certain setup down peoples throats, give…
  • Your right...I live by words like morality & honour, very unheard of nowadays. There is a reason for males and females. Certain orifices in the human body are made for one specific thing. Certain human organs are made for a specific thing and a specific action. "These Modern Times" ..yes, **** , murdering, bombing,…
  • Greated the 'must die' was extreme. Although I consider talking about 'homosexual' topics in a public place to be 'vulgar and obscene'. (as well as disgusting) This doesn't count? I'm not about to have to explain to a child who may be viewing these forums what it means. Please clean it up..
  • They make **** ***** marriages in game and I will be filing a formal protest and imforming the software rating office to force a R18 rating on perfect world. (Delete this one too ya fascists, I guess your from Communist China and don't care for free speech)
  • Rule 1 : "You may not use the Perfect World International (PWI) Forums to transmit unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable content." Requesting people die in real life is right out. they are a perversion against god..
  • Well, I mean when I get a little burnt on other games. If I want ridiculous drop rates I will go back to WoW, at least your given choices on how to control. No more money from me, PWI , you don't deserve it.. I'll keep this around when I feel like getting aggravated...after all it is free..(and I see why now, who would pay…
  • I doubt I will get to there.. this game is now on the 'Only play when extermely bored pile' Cheers
  • Well, after the ridiculous 'collect these' quest the last session. I was thinking about spending a few bucks and getting a cool mount, then I thought "Whats the use". My final decision was, if they are not even going to try to make the game more enjoyable then why pay anything. I think PW will be put in the "Only play when…
  • If we can't even get simple options in controls, good luck on a full crafting change.. Cheers
  • I think she is just trying to keep sticking it in their face, in the vain attempt they might get sick of it and do something about it. Fat chance, but what the hey... PWI should really do something about it, I know a ton of people who are just hanging out here until November 13-16 when the new WoW Expansion - Wraith of the…