Yet again...

Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear
Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Suggestion Box
Already been requested by many people in many threads
Maybe if we keep shoving this in PWI's face they will get the point. (But I begin to doubt it)

1.) Please make an option to fully remap the keys (almost every popular game has this ability, and the number one reason my friends are giving it a miss) Don't shove a certain setup down peoples throats, give the option for them to set it up how they want it

2.) Define a 'run lock key' so you don't have to keep the 'W' key pressed. (or have to constantly click in front of you)
"Clicking the horizon" works fine UNTIL you have to move.

3.) Define a 'select next target' key.

4.) Option Off/On for the 'click on ground and got to this spot') this annoys a lot of people. Give the option if you want it or not.

5.) Optional on/off World Chat, Options for Whispers (On/Off, On/Off Block all but friends/clan)

6.) Option On/Off for the display of stupid spamming smileys (some people like to totally **** chat with row after row of smileys)
How to change your portrait from ? to you.
1.) logout, login
2.) on your login picture click "change" (sample)
or use the manual link (must be logged in)
(copy and paste and add the 'h' , Your not allowed links in sigs)
Post edited by Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear on


  • Yukiko - Lost City
    Yukiko - Lost City Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Interesting how you actually seem to believe that they intend to add any of the suggestions written by players.

    Reality check time! Not only do they not appear to be reading this section, the chances of any suggestion here actually being implemented is 0.001%. That is of course after it gets sent to China, discussed over there, gets accepted (or rejected) and then put in to the game.

    The waiting time on that is months. So rather than creating a new thread every other day for your suggestion, keep bumping the original one ... and don't get your hopes up.
  • Ladycrysania - Sanctuary
    Ladycrysania - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I think she is just trying to keep sticking it in their face, in the vain attempt they might get sick of it and do something about it. Fat chance, but what the hey...

    PWI should really do something about it, I know a ton of people who are just hanging out here until November 13-16 when the new WoW Expansion - Wraith of the Lich KIng comes out.

    They should really start doing something to please their client base while they can, because if things don't change and become more industry standard (with at least some of the options like she stated) there is going to be a mass exodus in November. Not all, but enough it will definitely effect them (PWI).

    Just my humble opinion..
  • morgainne
    morgainne Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I agree. There are tons of good ideas and requests and suggestions in this thread and they seem to be blowing it off like they can actually keep players by ignoring their "wants." People will get tired of a lot of things that are not fixed, or get tired of grinding for 200k, 300k, and even 500k with no quests. Let's face it, it's boring and redundant! Grinding is part of the game yes, but for ridiculous amounts?! COME ON! Take a look at the poll done on the site developers!!! Over double the people have chosen to want more quests than all the other options!! PAY ATTENTION OR LOSE YOUR PLAYERS TO OTHER GAMES! As far as suggestions listed above, I watched 3 friends of mine come onto the game, try it for an hour, got so fed up trying to click here and there, and holding down keys to get through, they uninstalled the game. So, that is definitely a wonderful idea and should be addressed. What is the likelihood of any of this happening? ZILCH! I will and plan on sticking the game out a bit longer but if things don't change and at least a few suggestions taken seriously, not only me but many others will walk away from this game.
  • Yukiko - Lost City
    Yukiko - Lost City Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    What most people do not understand about the suggestions they are making is that the company they are making them too has NO ability to approve or implement them. They need to be sent to China, who have most likely received thousands of suggestions from the many version of Perfect World they 'lease'. The chances of something you suggestion being added to the game is very very very very slim.

    What you are better off doing is thinking of ways the staff HERE can be better. There was a thread for Live Support .. probably the best suggestion I have ever seen thus far, but has been dumped under a pile of hopeless suggestions like the one above...
  • Ladycrysania - Sanctuary
    Ladycrysania - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Well, after the ridiculous 'collect these' quest the last session. I was thinking about spending a few bucks and getting a cool mount, then I thought "Whats the use". My final decision was, if they are not even going to try to make the game more enjoyable then why pay anything.

    I think PW will be put in the "Only play when massively bored" pile and only because its "free". This game had so much potential and they are just going to be satisfied with a small group of fans instead of appealing to the larger audience. I wish them luck!
