Kurluss - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Personally, I find tanking to be a very humbling experience. Whenever I tank, I'm very aware of the lives of everyone else in the party and if I fail and the party gets demolished (and it's amazing how fast everything goes to hell once the tank dies) I take it personally. It really makes you feel like a first class…
  • Any weapon you're going to use (that your skills work with anyway) will take lots of STR. Just get used to pumping it. There'll be enough left over for vitality, as long as you go easy on the Dex. Keep in mind that you'll get plenty of skills and gear to further increase HP. You've got a while to find good stuff before you…
  • The lion color does suck. But it beats being the 100th tiger you've seen in one day...
  • To my knowledge, the form you are in doesn't change the speed of the manta ray. You can change form while on the ray, so give it a shot and see what you think. I really couldn't tell any difference. As a result, I usually run as a tiger until I get to someplace where I HAVE to fly. Of course, the solution is to get better…
  • I wholeheartedly agree. I love this game and love my character, but as a Barb you look like all the other Barbs out there. Small comfort that my eye color is a shade different... My wife spent 30 minutes making her female Cleric. Setting up my Barb took about 3. At the very least, we need the ability to change the fur and…