Well, either im so F unlucky or it was just changed . . hawt signature btw.
So true. And like I said before, PWE ALWAYS fails. If It's not this, It's that. If It's not that, It's this. I swear that If PWE makes something awesome like adding a new PvP ENGLISH Server, I'll spam forums thanking them or even give them my credit card info cause thats what they really love!
No Din. You are NOT alone. I feel the same way you do, been waiting forever for a new pvp server . . and everytime they come up with new servers, It's always PvE. I wonder when PWE is gonna make actually something good . . everytime they try they fail. If it's not this, its that. If its not that, its this. >.<
They just need to press F1 or F2 to one shot, not worth learning the game. You don't need skill to put your finger on a button I guess or do you?
Lol. Yeah right. I was one of the first people to join Harshlands server, this is just my alt and no I didn't FC to 100 unfortunatly. If I did I wouldn't be QQing here. I mean ppl who FC to 100 are csers, I'm not a cser. Ppl who cs, have no troubles in PK. If I were a cser and fc'd a sin to 100 when i had that much of…
I would rather kill a 3x nab in sp, so I could rofl at his pm spamming. "can put up a fight for you" Yeah, right. I wouldn't even call that a fight, I'd call it a "who has more money" battle.
I wonder what's so fun about PK'ing same lvls ( Lvl100 vs Lvl100 ) nowadays. Now with everyone around with r8's r9's +12, seriously no fun at all. The purpose of this game for a non cser is : quest / fc to 100 and then rage. Simple as that.
I was totally bored and meh . . decided to try this out. Sadly, it says my class is more like a Psychic when Im a sin. Ty for killing my boredom for like 2min tho
Yeah I already did.
Oh I see . . . damn. Well guess Ill have to wait =/ Ty for reply