Every teleport master in the races' capitals lets u teleport back. U just need to talk to them, then choose QUEST instead of TELEPORT and the option should show.
U need to be level 20 to leave, i think. Doing ur culti isnt manadatory for that as u can later reenter the vale. After the phoenix-ride in the floating city, u need to talk to the npc up there. They will give u the flyer. If u go too high level-wise, some quests may not even show up. That happened when i used the instant…
They changed the minimum level to 28 for the crafting quests. So if u didnt use the lv 95 pill yet and r below that level u cant get it yet. At level 28 u will get a pop-up window giving u instructions about it.
I think u should perhaps get more of the Quicksand gear, its better than TT gear of equal or slightly higher level. It adds a set bonus if u wear more than 1 piece and it seems to have a guaranteed 4 sockets per piece. Ur necklace should be replaced though with Sky Demon's Pearl or the like, even the protection necklace…
Apparently people got a problem with so called "FC-Babies" - easy to solve that: either get friends u do ur quests with or teach them babies how to play... Crying doesnt solve anything , neither does turning to old times - the "damage" was done. >No Hypers in FC? - people will find a way around that... They already do by…
Funny how people like to bash on so-called "fc-babies" and be happy that PWI banned hypers in FC - especially if those people already r level 100+. Must be cool nowadays to bash the weak... I sold FC for a time and was happy with the profit. If u dont want people to be clueless about their class: teach them! Taking away…