Spawn Delta is interesting. Being a vet of PW, I was really against it, but I finally tried it the other day. It is a bit more controlled, and exciting. But if you die alot in regular delta (which amazingly, a lot of people do...its amazing the amount of fail out there), then spawn isnt for you.
I used to hang out in South all the time. But then South started getting lag just as bad as West. So I'm switching to North. The only thing I don't like about North is no PW Agent, and the lack of room. I wish they would put a banker at the buildings across from the Elder of Archosaur, near the docks. That way, there is a…
Do people sit around when they are bored and think of posts that are going to 1) induce massive QQ'ing, 2) get closed, or 3) be a repeat of a gazillion other threads previously posted? b:surrender
I still quest/grind.... And this thread is still going? wowzers.
And this, people, is the outcome of over-consumption of food coloring and preservatives before unprotected sex Just imagine, in 50 years....more than 75% of the worlds population will act like the OP. Scary thought, right? I am terrified.
This takes the cake as the failest troll of the year. And its only Jan of 2012. Might as well **** the rest of the year and skip right next to 2013, yeh?
You still sit at a desk while on the computer? :o Retro-gaming ftw
lol@archer buffs *sigh*
You seem very proud of that fact. What a pathetic life, you must lead....if you are proud that you dropped $300 on a F2P game in 2 months. Some people just miss the mark on a fulfilled life and all it has to offer. Something tells me you are one of those individuals. Now THAT is something to lol!b:laugh about
This is the best approach to the solution of this issue, OP. I suggest you take this advice and go with it. When you join, inform the squad lead that you are not interested in being to healer, and they must look for a cleric.
Good stuff. I hope we keep up on this, I'd like to know what pans out in the end.
Mystic canNOT replace cleric. Seriously, stop trying to troll.
A seeker with daggers huh..... Haven't seen that yet. Always thought it looked funny. That BM...oops..I mean male seeker....was previously a male BM. They just slapped a third eye on him. Talk about laaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzyyyy
Preeeeetttyyy sure that Mystic was classified as a Damage Dealing class. Not full support. Next thing you people are going to say is that Venomancers in squads are moving chi posts, and not damage dealers! Or...what about..Seekers? Why don't we start demanding that they give everyone one of their buffs that cost a mirage?…
2 Billion coins is cheap nowadays, with inflated gold prices. Im sure someone has that lying around in their couch cushions somewhere.....
The best post in this entire thread. At least there is 1 decent, supportive gamer in this community out of the whole basketcase of idiots posting overused catchphrases like 'what is this I don't even' or 'qqmoar', ect. What this person needs is a role model (a good one, not some fail *** ones like most pretend to be by…
Nothing is 100% guaranteed in this game. Not even this comment.
Typical forumers always siding with the argument that the OP is against. Mystic was not designed to be the rez ***** nor the heal *****. Cleric was designed for that purpose. Mystic was put into place to be a secondary support character, if placed in a squad with a cleric (which every squad should have a cleric unless its…
Nahktuul, please. It was my bm's name on Arch, and that character is the one most known. thanks :)
I have Core Client and PWI installed on the same drive. Someone said in another thread that their BOI was recognized, but not PWI. Give it time, man...send a ticket suggesting that, maybe they will include that later on :)
Same. Submit a bug report through the Core Client. Hopefully they will sticky a Core Client thread here so we can report bugs and discuss how much we love it (when it is working properly) :P
Have you been able to enter a game using the Client? It refuses to register PWI on my computer. Also, the in-game overlay is not working when I hit Shift+Tab.
I like it. A lot. Its something that I think people will warm up to very quickly, once they get over the initial shock of something new. I installed it, watched the tutorial video. I think its a really awesome thing that makes PWE stand out from the rest. Sure its like Steam, and no, its not as 'tricked out' as Steam like…
Wow....wait, what? PWE actually fixed something? ..............
That was probably the most touching thing I have ever read on these forums in the past three years. I totally get what you are saying. Major props to you, for helping those people out and speaking out for them. You are an amazing person and a rare find!
The reason why they suck balls is because they are broken the moment you create a character and enter the game. I am talking about a server that is like old PWI. No hypers. No rank in boutique. No TT in boutique. No game breaking equip or packs in boutique. Bugs fixed (there are tons of people out there who know how to fix…
And this, everyone, is the future (or present?) of your average internet gamer. Back to board games we go!
PWI does not have set GM's anymore. PWI was given a CM, and that was that. GM's from other games pop in once in awhile when **** hits the fan, to calm people down and the such...but PWE has pretty much given up on their flagship game. Customer service is a thing of the past. Honestly, I am kind of surprised that the…
I f***ing hate Tideborn I wish they never existed in this game. Was way better without them. Tried playing them, couldn't stand it.
F*** yeah, thats how we did it