Kazunoko - Archosaur Arc User


  • I meant the external IP, not the internal NAT IP. To see what I mean, open a web browser and go here: http://www.whatismyip.com/ So unless PWI checks your MAC address or if elementclient sends the local machine IP (which it didn't in 1.3.6, don't know about 1.4.2), then all the server can see is the external IP.
  • On a more serious note, welcome. I look forward to reading your column! I've enjoyed the other columns you've written. Regnum Online looks pretty awesome; I think PWI would do well to incorporate some traits from that game into a future expansion.
  • PvE is all the same. But to see the sea of cat-shops in Arch, or the bustling marketplace called the Auction House... yeah, a bigger server would be better. To experience the "thrill" of PWI's PvP, you don't even have to log in to the game. Just follow me on my thought experiment for a moment... You're all ready to go to…
  • I'm sorry all. Damn. Twelve pages of insults and arguing... I think I'll just go hide in my corner and not post on the forums. b:surrender b:chuckle I have to agree: /thread.
  • I'm talking about PWI and how pw-protector works. Technically, they could check your MAC address or a hardware-specific ID (e.g. motherboard ID, video card ID, or hard drive IDs). As far as I know, this game doesn't do that. However, like everyone else has said: It's bannable, so why even risk it? This is exactly why I run…
  • LOL who oracles anymore? Just hyper frost; it's much much faster than oracles for low-level characters. And Lanyiara is correct. I was able to learn every available skill to its max level when I was done. Hypers give 12x spirit too, in case you didn't know. Besides, you act like I should know how to play my toon. Pfft.…
  • Nice find. I bet zhen parties in PQ will become popular again if they nerf Frost (I can't tell if the people speculating that are trolls or serious).