Once when I was around level 77 I hit a 200k+ Zerk Crit Arma on Fushma in FB51. We had HF, Amp, EP and my devour + tangling mire. I had Calamity Axes and used ToP too. For a Barb no problem I guess. With just my own debuffs and arma it was like ~50k I guess.
Nah no no, I was JSXJoe and anything with "JSX" before its name xDD
It was pretty much the same on Momaganon xD at first at least, but after a while nobody seemed to care anymore. Same here I don't care if I dont understand a few ppl xDD
SweetieBot thank you very much!
SweetieBot take it if you like to dear.
SweetieBot you are indeed very cute and helpful (:
I wouldn't bother with ppl bound to their own country without even a try to understand others. No matter where they are from and what language they speak, english is a common one and anyone on this planet should be able to understand at least the basics. It's for the sake of a better understanding and communication…
Just you wait a bit then you find something xDD SweetieBot analyze SweetieBot - Lothranis.
SweetieBot analyse SweetieBot - Morai.
SweetieBot please kill Cenminator 100 times.
They are working on the Merge ppl. Let them take their time rather then they hurry and *** everything up. I'd really like to keep my things the way they are ingame xD SweetieBot how do you like the Morai Server?
Dunno whats going on on your server but on Momaganon there was a Vortex in Bidding hall on a daily base...sam goes for the Mastery xD don't know where your prob is.
O.o we are at about 60-70 each Nation during NW xDDD but most of our players dont like NW too much =P
How much players you got on Lothra? I'd say we got max 900 active players on Moma (active means being online for at least 1 hour a day xD) Compared to other Servers thats pretty dead as well xD
Oh yes those fights are horrible, we should carry it out in NW then so we get at least soem points out of the massive charm **** xDDD Our Server already lags alot even without that many ppl on...somehow I fear that things are not getting better...I guess they might get even worse xD but we'll see. Only good thing is that…
Yeah it is really luck based, thats why I need way more HP to compensate the aps dmg output. I simply underestimated him thats my fault and I'm sry to Preist that I did xD but I saw him killing himself on my roar bramble in NW and thought...well he can't be too good xD I dealt him around 2,7k crit with my +5 dual hammers…
Yeah Zan I played BMs for about 3 years now on Sanctuary server and you just got a lots of advantages over barbs while fighting sins. Let alone you can always switch to a poleblade and stun him to compensate the r9 range effect. I have a Poleblade too but cannot use skills with it and it would merely deal any dmg. You can…
Nah those are just +5 because I don't really use them and don't want to waste Orbs on this one til I get my r9 axe xD and the fists are +11 xD
Yeah I agree with you, I need my r9 axe pretty bad and as my defense, I never had expected Preist to show up with interval gears >.< with the pitty g16 Dual Hammers I got now it's just impossible to deal enough dmg while he kites me. So you see the matter we were not equal. If he would have just used G16 Dags without range…
Ok I lost twice to him. So he is double OP and I suck double time xDDDD
Yep and that's it xD Until Charm dies. That's why PvP like that is expensive as hell for Barbs xD but liek I said the Barb always got the upper hand because the sin will have a extreme hard time killing the barb even if he is lucky and the Barb just needs one lucky random arma and it can hit even with tidal on, but that…
Oh gawd then hurry and go to bed xD
I like you and your way of pushing up against me. You remind me of an old friend I used to discuss about those very things we discuss now xDDD Like I said I like sins. I've got some myself like I said xD and I am not focused on Barbs. It was this very friend that convinced me about a year ago that Barbs are the strongest…
It already shatters Diamonds I swear xDD BTT: Sure like Skai said, sins can stop me from performing deadly combos but all classes can do that. It's like when you guys say sins can stun lock that no one could ever break through this lock. It's just stun, seal + freeze. For things like that we got AD, Fortify, Badge of…
I don't CS at least I did not on Momaganon. I was a Pack junkie back then on Sanctuary....nvw... I meant it the way I said it...I killed preist 3 times alrdy in NW when he was buffed and I wasn't, he is the biggest Overgeared nub on our server lol. You didn't get my point. We talked about equal geared players >.< ofc…
As if anyone could beat me alone on Momaganon, the only one capable of this would be AlbDruid. I saw them play against others. They simply fail. When I'm done with my barb the way I want him you well never ever see my name turning blue again =P I played on sanct for 3 years actually xDD Just had a Main BM^^ compared to…
An there in your video we see that the cleric is just plain weak. If r9r3 Cleric with +12 weap while skai just had around 15k HP back then...just try til sleep hits, elemental and dimensonal seal....triple spark....crit skill (that ignores def levels and such) -> end of the line if it hits or the sin uses AD. the sin would…
I like sins that don't stealth, cuz stealth is lame. I never said that sins are sooo weak, I just said that they are not the top end of all classes 1on1 wise when it comes to chances and playability. Barbs, Seeker, Wizards and Clerics e.g. got way more advantages then a sin, thats all I'm saying thus amking sind everything…
lol? thats why a wiz is a wiz, though it should be no prob now with purify spell to get out of the stun lock and as a barb. I just press solid shield and wait til all stuns are done then I antistun and kill the sin. Or rather I just have to us demon roar and let the fail sins kill themselfes on me^^ No stun lock is…
Barb. period. Just because I'm a natural kitty....lover xDDD and my rl appearance is somewhat...well "tanky" too (in a positive way!) =P