Why the Heck are sins OP!?



  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yeah it is really luck based, thats why I need way more HP to compensate the aps dmg output. I simply underestimated him thats my fault and I'm sry to Preist that I did xD but I saw him killing himself on my roar bramble in NW and thought...well he can't be too good xD I dealt him around 2,7k crit with my +5 dual hammers with bestial onslaught. With A zerk crit from a +10 r9 axe that could have been ~8-9k each hit. But nvm I lost and I will take the blame.

    Hope we see us on Morai when it's up today...or rather...tomorrow, or next week. I hope they get it fixed soon. I'd really like to fight a great BM (:

    BM and Barb fights are horrible.. but I'm feeling confident after I hit 18k on my barb friend b:avoid

    Hour or so to go, hopefully it's not laggy. If it is I'll be kinda upset. Been 5 days now that I've been unable to do anything, so hopefully it won't be like that after we're merged. I'd really like to get some pk in. Nation Wars should prove interesting.
  • Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    BM and Barb fights are horrible.. but I'm feeling confident after I hit 18k on my barb friend b:avoid

    Hour or so to go, hopefully it's not laggy. If it is I'll be kinda upset. Been 5 days now that I've been unable to do anything, so hopefully it won't be like that after we're merged. I'd really like to get some pk in. Nation Wars should prove interesting.

    Oh yes those fights are horrible, we should carry it out in NW then so we get at least soem points out of the massive charm **** xDDD

    Our Server already lags alot even without that many ppl on...somehow I fear that things are not getting better...I guess they might get even worse xD but we'll see. Only good thing is that the rewards should scale with the amount of players on the server so we should get the same NW rewards while having less dead territories which should result in more fun I hope (:

    Got at least one alt of any class above level 100.
    All decently geared and skilled (: .
    And the most important thing is: They are all fun to play ^.^ .
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Oh yes those fights are horrible, we should carry it out in NW then so we get at least soem points out of the massive charm **** xDDD

    Our Server already lags alot even without that many ppl on...somehow I fear that things are not getting better...I guess they might get even worse xD but we'll see. Only good thing is that the rewards should scale with the amount of players on the server so we should get the same NW rewards while having less dead territories which should result in more fun I hope (:

    As long as the server lag goes away I'm fine with whatever happens, it can't be nearly as bad as having dead servers. Hope it doesn't take too long to get our server up.
  • Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    As long as the server lag goes away I'm fine with whatever happens, it can't be nearly as bad as having dead servers. Hope it doesn't take too long to get our server up.

    How much players you got on Lothra? I'd say we got max 900 active players on Moma (active means being online for at least 1 hour a day xD) Compared to other Servers thats pretty dead as well xD

    Got at least one alt of any class above level 100.
    All decently geared and skilled (: .
    And the most important thing is: They are all fun to play ^.^ .
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    How much players you got on Lothra? I'd say we got max 900 active players on Moma (active means being online for at least 1 hour a day xD) Compared to other Servers thats pretty dead as well xD

    Hell if I know. I don't really pay attention, but we have about 100ish per nation when we do NW. So, if at a peak time we only have about 400 on doing NW I'd guess.. I dunno.. probably a bit less if we're talking about non-catshops going around doing low level stuff. Couldn't really say.
  • Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hell if I know. I don't really pay attention, but we have about 100ish per nation when we do NW. So, if at a peak time we only have about 400 on doing NW I'd guess.. I dunno.. probably a bit less if we're talking about non-catshops going around doing low level stuff. Couldn't really say.

    O.o we are at about 60-70 each Nation during NW xDDD but most of our players dont like NW too much =P

    Got at least one alt of any class above level 100.
    All decently geared and skilled (: .
    And the most important thing is: They are all fun to play ^.^ .
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    O.o we are at about 60-70 each Nation during NW xDDD but most of our players dont like NW too much =P

    I don't really blame them. Oh well, plox make server no lag
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sure =P no prob^^

    Oh boy , this is going to be fun , but betting my money on holly sorry joe :P
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I find them too be a Bit over powered.

    1. Stealth
    2. Fast
    3. Mass stun's

    Okay well maybe not for all Class's this is a Probable.
    but as a Wizard or arcane user Getting hit anywhere from 10k-30k
    in 1 hit is just down right Overpowered and at 5 Aps IF there was the Hp
    is just too much for any arcane user.from what Ive seen the are op too a point although if they don't see me i can easily 1 or 2 hit.IE in NW i never see a a Sin not in stealth.b:surrender
    f:laugh"In the virtual world, you have power,respect,friends and peace. Why would you
    want to return to the real world?"f:laugh
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited April 2013
    Okay well maybe not for all Class's this is a Probable.
    but as a Wizard or arcane user Getting hit anywhere from 10k-30k
    in 1 hit is just down right Overpowered and at 5 Aps IF there was the Hp
    is just too much for any arcane user.from what Ive seen the are op too a point although if they don't see me i can easily 1 or 2 hit.IE in NW i never see a a Sin not in stealth.b:surrender

    In terms of damage dealt, an arcane can dish out those same numbers to HAs and sins, so that's a nonfactor here.

    As for the APS argument, that's fairly dated and no longer works very well on any well-geared arcane.... or anyone well geared and skilled in NW for that matter (seriously I can laugh off APS on level 8X characters in NW and said characters tend to not have any gear above +5).

    So what you currently have issues with really won't be the case once you've improved some. ;p
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yes i agree If i would have the Best Gear lets say Rank 9 or maybe full G16 Or Higher Def Levels. Or Gems i could stand there but Atm I'm G15 with-out Chest Just rank 6 Robe and only +3.

    i can easily 1 or 2 hit a Assassin or a Barb. If i don't see them or if they stun lock me I'm done for. if a sin were too hit on avg 2k ea hit it would only take 2 hit's for my wiz too go down (about 4k hp) And Most assassin's i see are either Part G15/TT99/G16
    For the APS and atk level's.*at-least on this Sever*f:worry

    Guess I'm just not too lucky win it comes too assassins targeting me.
    Al-tho Archers are a bigger threat

    f:laugh"In the virtual world, you have power,respect,friends and peace. Why would you
    want to return to the real world?"f:laugh
  • Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1on1 him with an equal geared lets say seeker or Barb with self buffs only then this sin will be oneshotted faster then he can say "oh...no plz spare my life" 50k zerk crit...end of the line. Same goes for nearly any other class if they know how to play their class to an extent.

    It's not that sins are weak or something. They are just not OP and a bit less powerful end-game-wise compared to other classes like wizards, clerics, barbs and seeker (those are the strongest by far).

    Long ago sins were considered very OP because in those days no one evan had r8, however as time goes by you see less of such claim. Most sins have the aps set and they all get 1 shoted by r9 class's.

    I play a sin and i know they are very weak, Aps sins in particular they are a joke in group PK, TW or NW unless you know what your doing, compare to other classe's, however in a 1v1 a pro aps sin who is a 1 shot can manage to kill anyone- even end-game players.

    A DPH sin is very good for survivability, however DPH sins are like DPH barbs/BM/Seekers, as a DPH sin you simply cannot kill end-game heavy class players or evan light armour players jut like barbs can kill barbs or endgame bms can't kill BMs.

    As for me i plan to make a tank aps gear set propably using r8r but as for that yea assasin is not an easy class to play - people think sins are played by underclass players but truth is they have no idea how hard it is if your a 1-2 shot.
    Am Awesome b:victory

  • Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A DPH sin is very good for survivability, however DPH sins are like DPH barbs/BM/Seekers, as a DPH sin you simply cannot kill end-game heavy class players or evan light armour players jut like barbs can kill barbs or endgame bms can't kill BMs.

    They cant?

    b:cute killed a +10/11 r9rr barb 2/3 times using DPH yesterday b:cute

    The last fight of which i recorded:

    I believe bait also has a video killing a barb with a DPH sin
  • Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    nice video!, You still need a lot of luck to be able to crit and zerk that many times in a row though w/out debuffs or 3x spark. I guess pvp nowadays w/ sin is like sitting down refining a piece waiting until it happens. b:laugh
  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited July 2013
    closed for necro

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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