Why the Heck are sins OP!?



  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Venos ftw!f:hush

    *pats kitty head*
  • Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    Joe, your hard on for barbs is getting to the point where it could shatter diamonds I swear.

    It already shatters Diamonds I swear xDD

    BTT: Sure like Skai said, sins can stop me from performing deadly combos but all classes can do that. It's like when you guys say sins can stun lock that no one could ever break through this lock. It's just stun, seal + freeze. For things like that we got AD, Fortify, Badge of Courage and so on. Also I would rather use Vec Powder while fighting a sin on no matter what class.

    Tell me, what can a sin do cept stun locking? Even tho performing stun locks was cheap as hell on BMs it is still on sins. A class the purely relies on locking another class down is fail. It really is. It's just performing the same pattern. Good sins kill ppl without that lame pattern.

    In my whole time of playing Perfect World, no matter the Version. I never saw myself going down to a sin. Not on Venos, Archers, sin myself, barbs, seeker, BMs, Wizards, Clerics, Mystics and Psys. I tried them all against sins and had no problem and I fought some of the best. Trust me.

    The Point is. If you know what a class can do if you play it really well and you happen to know your enemys class quite well too and you are aware what the enemy could do in any situations that would hurt you the most, then you can easily beat them.

    Knowing just your own class is lame and I consider ppl like such not PRO. If you know what you're dealing with because you played all friggin classes in any range of this game then you can possibly assume which class is slightly in an advantage and which is not.

    In the end it doesn't matter at all. Very few ppl tend to waste their time on a game like this like I did, to achieve such "knowledge" as you can even call it knowledge. Most ppl tend to call their own class OP because they killed a few ppl no matter the circumstances. They don't really wanna compare. They just know the basics of their class but don't know what other classes can do.

    It is still a game and it is about fun after all. ALL Classes are fun to play, at least I like them all. They are fun to level, to play with and to PvP with and I guess I had enough with this topic because it's gotten out of hands which is my fault I know xD

    It all depends on how well you play your char and how good you know your enemy in PvP. Thats it.

    Got at least one alt of any class above level 100.
    All decently geared and skilled (: .
    And the most important thing is: They are all fun to play ^.^ .
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It already shatters Diamonds I swear xDD

    BTT: Sure like Skai said, sins can stop me from performing deadly combos but all classes can do that. It's like when you guys say sins can stun lock that no one could ever break through this lock. It's just stun, seal + freeze. For things like that we got AD, Fortify, Badge of Courage and so on. Also I would rather use Vec Powder while fighting a sin on no matter what class.

    Fortify doesn't break seal+freeze, nor prevent it. Badge wont' break you out of it. Those two only work on stuns. AD will break any part of the lock, unless used poorly. Popping a Vac during the freeze and before the won't do much for the few seconds you're "stunned" but it will break the rest of the chain.

    Tell me, what can a sin do cept stun locking? Even tho performing stun locks was cheap as hell on BMs it is still on sins. A class the purely relies on locking another class down is fail. It really is. It's just performing the same pattern. Good sins kill ppl without that lame pattern.

    Sleep you. Seal you. Freeze you. Waste your chi by passively evading your statuses. A stunlock is anything but cheap. In order to maintain a full lock (not multiple locks, one complete lock) requires .35+1+.35, assuming Roar>Bash>Roar. A lock utilizing Smack will take .35+.15+1+.35, unless your opponent breaks out early enough that you decide to stop. That's a minimum of 1.35 sparks each time you attempt to lock an opponent down, unless they break out of your Roar in which case it's .35. This, combined with the fact that BMs are extremely chi dependent, combined with the fact that in some cases we have to use 1 or more sparks to simply get to an opponent, means our locks are relatively expensive. PvP is all about locking your opponent(s) down and resisting their tactics. Anyone that dies without being locked down is stupid considering how easy it is to resist things if all someone does is auto attack or skill spam on you without putting status on you. A "good" sin WILL be trying to lock you down. Period.

    In my whole time of playing Perfect World, no matter the Version. I never saw myself going down to a sin. Not on Venos, Archers, sin myself, barbs, seeker, BMs, Wizards, Clerics, Mystics and Psys. I tried them all against sins and had no problem and I fought some of the best. Trust me.

    Trust you based on what?

    The Point is. If you know what a class can do if you play it really well and you happen to know your enemys class quite well too and you are aware what the enemy could do in any situations that would hurt you the most, then you can easily beat them.

    This would apply to sins as well.. they aren't as weak as you seem to think.

    Knowing just your own class is lame and I consider ppl like such not PRO. If you know what you're dealing with because you played all friggin classes in any range of this game then you can possibly assume which class is slightly in an advantage and which is not.

    Well.. you seem to only know about Barbs, so I guess you're the lame one. You don't need to play all classes to know how to combat them. Anyway, you seem incredibly bias towards Barbs. You're a slightly more intelligent version of Knight, given your disliked of sins... no.. that's not right, more of a condescending attitude. You seem to look down on them rather than dislike them.

    In the end it doesn't matter at all. Very few ppl tend to waste their time on a game like this like I did, to achieve such "knowledge" as you can even call it knowledge. Most ppl tend to call their own class OP because they killed a few ppl no matter the circumstances. They don't really wanna compare. They just know the basics of their class but don't know what other classes can do.

    Alright bud, let's whip out the farming e-peen. Hi, I'm Zanryu by the way, I'm R9rr3.999393939939 whatever we're calling it these days without having cash shopped, I've spent quite a lot of time farming and PvPing with both APS and DPH styles. If we're comparing classes Barbs are just meat shields, they'll hurt with Arma but aside from that they don't seem to do much against other classes of equal gear. Even with their Pdef debuff they're easy enough to survive.

    It is still a game and it is about fun after all. ALL Classes are fun to play, at least I like them all. They are fun to level, to play with and to PvP with and I guess I had enough with this topic because it's gotten out of hands which is my fault I know xD

    It all depends on how well you play your char and how good you know your enemy in PvP. Thats it.

    K bruh. This merge is gonna be interesting. If I'm forced into Magic marrow because the arcanes you're with are a much larger threat than you, don't get hard if you zerk crit Arma and kill me on it. While I'm sure that'd make you pleased with yourself, it's not Barbs being the god class of PWI. I can go around and **** out 30ks on some people, but I don't think Blademasters are the best thing in the world for it.

    Replies in red.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    i am a non aps sin myself i wont lie the max damage output of a zerk crit with chill and wolf on is pretty dam nice but thats all we have cause without the damage they might as well drop sin as a class and make them all fish shops. a perfect example is i dont have full 2nd cast yet so i lose my att lvl bonus if i zerk crit with my nicely built genie i can 1shot a full 3rd cast 12 josd archer with recast r9 ring and both with self buffs.........poor girl has me on kos for that lmao but even so it all depends on the player and how they try evade you the best players and get you to do what they want which = gg. f:cute
  • Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Barbs are OP, end of discussion.
    Sage barb in progress.
  • Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Replies in red.

    I like you and your way of pushing up against me. You remind me of an old friend I used to discuss about those very things we discuss now xDDD

    Like I said I like sins. I've got some myself like I said xD and I am not focused on Barbs. It was this very friend that convinced me about a year ago that Barbs are the strongest Class in PWI and I didn't believe him for a long time.

    Ok I compare it just one time:

    Barb (Demon, max gears, Str skilled, a little Dex ~100 with vit stones ~47k HP in Tiger)
    Sin (Sage, max gears, full josd, max dex, ~20k HP)

    self buffed only.

    (I don't count in changing gears for special enemys, like, magic and phys rings, ornas and stuff just because a max Phys def equipped Barb got over 40k Pdef even without any buffs in tiger Form thus making it impossible for the sin to kill the barb unless the charm goes out.)

    Here's an example of how I encountered many fights against sins on my barb:

    (and before some ppl QQ the server doesn't matter since the game mechanics are the same)

    The sin attacks the Barb while Barb is in Tiger. He can stun lock the Barb but without triple spark he wont hit him harder then ~5k zerk crits each hit (at max). Sins skills are really slow compared to some other skills especially the "lock" skills. The Barb can constantly spamm def charms thus reducing the dmg to a redicolous low amount. Sin Sparks. DMG grows a bit but the Barb uses Solid Shield (assuming a min 100 Str genie!) -> DMG will be laughable.

    While the sin still tries to lock down the Barb and pushes his own chi up again he has only 2 choices. Uselessly try to stun lock the Barb or just try to spark again. If he sparks again then he will possibly have not enough chi to stun lock or spark again according to skill CD and immense Chi waste for Locking skills. So if he sparks the Barb can just use ToP which will come up for the DMG combined with def charms pretty well. Useally they try using Tangling Mire or Occult Ice if the Barb tries to move away from them so their genie will be all out too. Nows the time for the Barb^^

    After that I guess we wasted out the duration of Tidel protection. The Barb uses devour, switches to human Form and tries to stun the sin and uses Bestial Onslaught. Now the sin can possibly use IG if the stun misses and the Barb tries to use Arma or whatever. If the sin does then the Barb switches Back to tiger and wait for IG to fade. If the Barb is good he will interrupt the next skill coming from the sin with alacrity of the beast (tho needs extreme timing) and Inner Harmony would still be in CD, Tidal too, he could use Rising Dragon Strike for Chi or genie which should be pritty full again (would be a waste, save for AD). In that time the Barb can devour again and possibly use Occult Ice from his genie and simply bsh the sin to death. Most sins tend to immidiatly press the AD button in that situation which leaves them vulnerable. When AD fades and OI is still going try to stun again and if it hits -> tangling mire -> bestial onslaught -> a few skills and the sin is usally done for without any chance of definding himself because he used up everything.

    It's not that sins are weak and even the fight above mentioned depends on a lot of luck with zerks and so on. But the Barb just gotta do quite nothing while the sin needs to play perfectly to have even the smallest chance to win. the HP Buffer a Barb go is just way to high for a Melee class to break through just like that.

    In end game pk it is all about who makes the first mistake and if you can use that mistake to bash the enemy. The main thing on which I calculate the OP-ness of classes is not their skills and stuff. It is how many mistakes they can do til they get blasted away and a Barb can make quite some mistakes with no problem. So let's say a Barb can simply camp out most of the other classes xD.

    I killed Barbs with my sin too many times. But you need the right strategy thus depending on the player and I can tell you that. You can play the sin as good as you want if the Barb is friggin perfectly played you cant kill him. OK he might be unable to kill you too but he needs way less preperations compared to the sin.

    Oh god sry for this huge Post xDD

    Hint: Try Wizard vs Wizard Endgame wise. that's a hell of fun. I once fought 2 hours til I finally got killed xD 2 friggin hours!!! xD yeah I lost, I dont care (:

    Got at least one alt of any class above level 100.
    All decently geared and skilled (: .
    And the most important thing is: They are all fun to play ^.^ .
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Joe it's 6:36 AM, I haven't slept, and I'm hungry. I'm just not even gonna read that.
  • Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Joe it's 6:36 AM, I haven't slept, and I'm hungry. I'm just not even gonna read that.

    Oh gawd then hurry and go to bed xD

    Got at least one alt of any class above level 100.
    All decently geared and skilled (: .
    And the most important thing is: They are all fun to play ^.^ .
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Oh gawd then hurry and go to bed xD

  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    After that I guess we wasted out the duration of Tidel protection. The Barb uses devour, switches to human Form and tries to stun the sin and uses Bestial Onslaught. Now the sin can possibly use IG if the stun misses and the Barb tries to use Arma or whatever. If the sin does then the Barb switches Back to tiger and wait for IG to fade. If the Barb is good he will interrupt the next skill coming from the sin with alacrity of the beast (tho needs extreme timing) and Inner Harmony would still be in CD, Tidal too, he could use Rising Dragon Strike for Chi or genie which should be pritty full again (would be a waste, save for AD). In that time the Barb can devour again and possibly use Occult Ice from his genie and simply bsh the sin to death. Most sins tend to immidiatly press the AD button in that situation which leaves them vulnerable. When AD fades and OI is still going try to stun again and if it hits -> tangling mire -> bestial onslaught -> a few skills and the sin is usally done for without any chance of definding himself because he used up everything.

    You're forgetting the fact that most sin locking skills are out of CD within 15 seconds. Sleep and seal are out of CD in 8 seconds. You're fighting a sage sin, where chi is readily available.

    Sure after the sin's first "assault" it might be the barb's turn, but the barb would only have a 8 second time window to try to do damage to the sin before the sin can continue locking again. And have you ever seen the video of Bait vs the R9r2 vit-stone based barb? Sins kite barbs when barbs are in defensive mode, just like any other character would if the enemy is in IG or Dew (in the case of Dew, the sin could just continue locking the player). If they use a Vacuity apoth, then the sin would just simply Throatcut to kiting until the 20 seconds are up. Just because the sin "uses up everything" doesn't mean they can't go in defense mode and kite. And this is all while not using stealth.

    What else can a sin do other than locking? If they cannot kill you, then they'll just continue to destroy your charm until you do die, or until you land a lucky zerk crit arma.
  • Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Skaitavia wrote: »
    You're forgetting the fact that most sin locking skills are out of CD within 15 seconds. Sleep and seal are out of CD in 8 seconds. You're fighting a sage sin, where chi is readily available.

    Sure after the sin's first "assault" it might be the barb's turn, but the barb would only have a 8 second time window to try to do damage to the sin before the sin can continue locking again. And have you ever seen the video of Bait vs the R9r2 vit-stone based barb? Sins kite barbs when barbs are in defensive mode, just like any other character would if the enemy is in IG or Dew (in the case of Dew, the sin could just continue locking the player). If they use a Vacuity apoth, then the sin would just simply Throatcut to kiting until the 20 seconds are up. Just because the sin "uses up everything" doesn't mean they can't go in defense mode and kite. And this is all while not using stealth.

    What else can a sin do other than locking? If they cannot kill you, then they'll just continue to destroy your charm until you do die, or until you land a lucky zerk crit arma.

    Yep and that's it xD Until Charm dies. That's why PvP like that is expensive as hell for Barbs xD but liek I said the Barb always got the upper hand because the sin will have a extreme hard time killing the barb even if he is lucky and the Barb just needs one lucky random arma and it can hit even with tidal on, but that depends heavely on luck. But the Barb can't just arma whenever he pleases. Arma in the wrong situation leads to sure death xD

    Well, it's fun (: tho I like fast paced battles more like Barb against seeker^^ that's settled alot faster xDD

    Got at least one alt of any class above level 100.
    All decently geared and skilled (: .
    And the most important thing is: They are all fun to play ^.^ .
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    unlucky if you drop an arma and think YES YOUR DEAD........................and you hit 1 f:grin
  • Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    geestring wrote: »
    unlucky if you drop an arma and think YES YOUR DEAD........................and you hit 1 f:grin

    b:surrender b:cry I had once three damn sins on me, missed one and got 1 from the other two, so wrong. b:cry
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Are you really measuring OPness for the ability to pk an equal geared barb in 1v1? You realize that's totally impossible for archers and probably other classes.
    Refining Simulator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/refiningsimulator.html (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/geniecalculator.html - (don't use IE)
    Socket Calculator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/socketcalculator.html
  • Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Of course when pvp is like paper-rock-scissors, looking at one matchup is bs anyway.

    Would be nice if the servers would just keep statistics of pvp results and make those public. No more need for debate whos more OP.

    Regardless of how they compare with other classes, one thing im sure of though, sins are more powerfull than they should be. b:laugh. All sins should be like this and do what they are made for: provide other chars with BP.
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    After a sin our server read this he made Joe swallow his statement and I think it's unbiased enough to say that it was a very one-sided fight. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2nAHicQgG4
  • Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    After a sin our server read this he made Joe swallow his statement and I think it's unbiased enough to say that it was a very one-sided fight. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2nAHicQgG4

    Ummmm, how do you 1 v 1 like that? Theres like 10 people right on top of them lol b:faint
    Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
    TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer

    All Luck No Skillz PvPer: youtube.com/user/zsw007
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    What's that sin's gear? I didn't watch past the first fight, it was too boring. All you did was sit there and take hits pretty much and I had no interest in that after having just woken up.

    I beated up an r9r3 fishie. Wanna see? b:avoid
  • Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    What's that sin's gear? I didn't watch past the first fight, it was too boring. All you did was sit there and take hits pretty much and I had no interest in that after having just woken up.

    I beated up an r9r3 fishie. Wanna see? b:avoid

    The sin had vit stones and josd. Other than that similar id say.
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The sin had vit stones and josd. Other than that similar id say.

    Hmm the sin I fought was.. hmm.. what was he I can't remember. Lemme go watch my video. There's also another sin I fought, full third cast with NW recasted stuff. Managed to beat him in a 1v1, but I caught him when he switched to aps gear to try to tear through my armor. I could last some time with R9r2 against him, with third cast I can tank even better. Love this gear. Anyway, wondering how Joe lost (that's what I've heard and seen on the forums) if his gear's better refined than mine and he has all that sexy HP and shield skills and such.

    Joe should be a BM, we're the true OP class b:avoid
  • Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hmm the sin I fought was.. hmm.. what was he I can't remember. Lemme go watch my video. There's also another sin I fought, full third cast with NW recasted stuff. Managed to beat him in a 1v1, but I caught him when he switched to aps gear to try to tear through my armor. I could last some time with R9r2 against him, with third cast I can tank even better. Love this gear. Anyway, wondering how Joe lost (that's what I've heard and seen on the forums) if his gear's better refined than mine and he has all that sexy HP and shield skills and such.

    Joe should be a BM, we're the true OP class b:avoid

    Hes not full r9rr. He uses an aps build.
    Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
    TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer

    All Luck No Skillz PvPer: youtube.com/user/zsw007
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hes not full r9rr. He uses an aps build.

    I'm aware. I saw his R8r chest and interval pieces in the part of the vid I did watch. His axe weapon was pretty terrible, me thinks he needs an upgrade to R9r, or R9 at the very least. If he can +10 his whole set or at least majority of it then surely he can make cash for an R9 weapon and +7 it at the very least.
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ummmm, how do you 1 v 1 like that? Theres like 10 people right on top of them lol b:faint

    It was a big hype in WC before it took place so once the conditions were settled west Archo was filled with trolls and clowns additionally to the normal viewers, sorry about that, not much I could do.

    I'm fairly confident I've seen Joe use at least 3 weapons that he swaps between, his +10 G16 peak of clouds that was shown at the start of the first fight and +10 G16 dual hammers for more offensive use of barb skills and of course the +5 r8r weap that he uses to tank with.

    EDIT: The G16 resonance of pride can be seen a few secs into the 2nd fight after Joe uses vac.
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It was a big hype in WC before it took place so once the conditions were settled west Archo was filled with trolls and clowns additionally to the normal viewers, sorry about that, not much I could do.

    I'm fairly confident I've seen Joe use at least 3 weapons that he swaps between, his +10 G16 peak of clouds that was shown at the start of the first fight and +10 G16 dual hammers for more offensive use of barb skills and of course the +5 r8r weap that he uses to tank with.

    EDIT: The G16 resonance of pride can be seen a few secs into the 2nd fight after Joe uses vac.

    Well, I"m more woken up now. I'm a go watch the whole fight.
  • Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm aware. I saw his R8r chest and interval pieces in the part of the vid I did watch. His axe weapon was pretty terrible, me thinks he needs an upgrade to R9r, or R9 at the very least. If he can +10 his whole set or at least majority of it then surely he can make cash for an R9 weapon and +7 it at the very least.

    Yeah I agree with you, I need my r9 axe pretty bad and as my defense, I never had expected Preist to show up with interval gears >.< with the pitty g16 Dual Hammers I got now it's just impossible to deal enough dmg while he kites me.

    So you see the matter we were not equal. If he would have just used G16 Dags without range I would have no problem at all as you can see in the video and with pure r9 gears he wouldn't have dealt enough DMG to beat me.

    Though it's still my own fault that I even accepted that challenge xD I never could have been able to beat him with my current weap...although if I just had full vit or full josd or a mix of both in my gears then he wouldn't have been able to beat me too. It was always really close until my charm would have ticked, a lil more HP or def would have been enough.

    Well I asked him to fight on PWV for real equal terms, but he refused that option xD and I wanted that QQing to stop so...well the QQing is over at least (: We'll be having a rematch when we got "equal" gears xD

    @Asterelle: No I'm not meassuring the OPness of one class compared to a Barb. I'm mainly a barb that's why I'm somewhat keen on the Barb xD I rather put in all classes and compare them to each other and Barbs and Clerics simply got the highest survivability thus making them top end of the classes because beeing able to tank dmg gives you way more time to react tho I think cleric(absolute end game) is the class that can tank the most DMG.

    Got at least one alt of any class above level 100.
    All decently geared and skilled (: .
    And the most important thing is: They are all fun to play ^.^ .
  • Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It was a big hype in WC before it took place so once the conditions were settled west Archo was filled with trolls and clowns additionally to the normal viewers, sorry about that, not much I could do.

    I'm fairly confident I've seen Joe use at least 3 weapons that he swaps between, his +10 G16 peak of clouds that was shown at the start of the first fight and +10 G16 dual hammers for more offensive use of barb skills and of course the +5 r8r weap that he uses to tank with.

    EDIT: The G16 resonance of pride can be seen a few secs into the 2nd fight after Joe uses vac.

    Nah those are just +5 because I don't really use them and don't want to waste Orbs on this one til I get my r9 axe xD and the fists are +11 xD

    Got at least one alt of any class above level 100.
    All decently geared and skilled (: .
    And the most important thing is: They are all fun to play ^.^ .
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yeah I agree with you, I need my r9 axe pretty bad and as my defense, I never had expected Preist to show up with interval gears >.< with the pitty g16 Dual Hammers I got now it's just impossible to deal enough dmg while he kites me.

    So you see the matter were not equal. If he would have just used G16 Dags without range I would have no problem at all as you can see in the video and with pure r9 gears he wouldn't have dealt enough DMG to beat me.

    Though it's still my own fault that I even accepted that challenge xD I never could have been able to beat him with my current weap...although if I just had full vit or full josd or a mix of both in my gears then he wouldn't have been able to beat me too. It was always really close until my charm would have ticked, a lil more HP or def would have been enough.

    Well I asked him to fight on PWV for real equal terms, but he refused that option xD and I wanted that QQing to stop so...well the QQing is over at least (: We'll be having a rematch when we got "equal" gears xD

    @Asterelle: No I'm not meassuring the OPness of one class compared to a Barb. I'm mainly a barb that's why I'm somewhat keen on the Barb xD I rather put in all classes and compare them to each other and Barbs and Clerics simply got the highest survivability thus making them top end of the classes because beeing able to tank dmg gives you way more time to react tho I think cleric(absolute end game) is the class that can tank the most DMG.

    The thing about equality, is that I don't have it either. When fighting R9R3 sins they've got a huge offensive edge over me. To be honest I expected you to last longer even once your apo/defense skills wore off but you didn't manage to do a whole lot to that sin other than tank with your defense skills.

    If you catch him in the APS switch you could take him down, his gear is far squishier than the sin I fought and killed. Since getting my R9rr that sin and I are 1 for 1, he beat me in a full buffed vs full buffed fight (I got purged after using my genie on the very first hit of his bow, was very unfortunate) then I beat him self buff vs self buff. Best I can provide is a screenshot, as I didn't record the fight since it was the same sin from another video. Kinda wish I did though. You need to be a bit more offensive, when going for a sin whatever opening you can find you've gotta use unless you know they can break it too easily.
  • Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The thing about equality, is that I don't have it either. When fighting R9R3 sins they've got a huge offensive edge over me. To be honest I expected you to last longer even once your apo/defense skills wore off but you didn't manage to do a whole lot to that sin other than tank with your defense skills.

    If you catch him in the APS switch you could take him down, his gear is far squishier than the sin I fought and killed. Since getting my R9rr that sin and I are 1 for 1, he beat me in a full buffed vs full buffed fight (I got purged after using my genie on the very first hit of his bow, was very unfortunate) then I beat him self buff vs self buff. Best I can provide is a screenshot, as I didn't record the fight since it was the same sin from another video. Kinda wish I did though. You need to be a bit more offensive, when going for a sin whatever opening you can find you've gotta use unless you know they can break it too easily.

    Yeah Zan I played BMs for about 3 years now on Sanctuary server and you just got a lots of advantages over barbs while fighting sins. Let alone you can always switch to a poleblade and stun him to compensate the r9 range effect. I have a Poleblade too but cannot use skills with it and it would merely deal any dmg.

    You can use phys marrow and doesn't have to switch a form to dish out ant stun skills xD Barbs don't have that much of control skills anyway.

    After my Barb is finished I will definitly go along with my BM. BMs are more tactical and versatile. I loved playing my BM.

    Preist used Tidal Protection while we were fighting. Imagine I had 34k HP instead of 28k HP with Blood Bath and a r9 axe +10 or soemthing. I just would have to use ToP + arma and land zerk and he would have been dead with those gears. I was just too limited. A BM wouldn't have had such trouble. And honestly if he would have just used his full r9r2 I would have 0 problems tanking the dmg. I didn't expect him to fight in aps gears xD

    Got at least one alt of any class above level 100.
    All decently geared and skilled (: .
    And the most important thing is: They are all fun to play ^.^ .
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yeah Zan I played BMs for about 3 years now on Sanctuary server and you just got a lots of advantages over barbs while fighting sins. Let alone you can always switch to a poleblade and stun him to compensate the r9 range effect. I have a Poleblade too but cannot use skills with it and it would merely deal any dmg.

    You can use phys marrow and doesn't have to switch a form to dish out ant stun skills xD Barbs don't have that much of control skills anyway.

    After my Barb is finished I will definitly go along with my BM. BMs are more tactical and versatile. I loved playing my BM.

    Preist used Tidal Protection while we were fighting. Imagine I had 34k HP instead of 28k HP with Blood Bath and a r9 axe +10 or soemthing. I just would have to use ToP + arma and land zerk and he would have been dead with those gears. I was just too limited. A BM wouldn't have had such trouble. And honestly if he would have just used his full r9r2 I would have 0 problems tanking the dmg. I didn't expect him to fight in aps gears xD

    You've gotta be prepared for anything, just because PvP has shifted in favor of a DPH style of play doesn't mean APS isn't viable for certain things. The sin I fought liked to switch when his DPH tactics weren't killing me. Quite a few sins do that. The only issue with landing a zerk crit arma is, well... actually there's a few:

    1: Deaden being down.
    2: Tidal being down for debuffs
    3: Getting a zerk, crit, or zerkcrit
    4: Enemy not using a Pdef charm
    5: Actually hitting

    If any one of those conditions aren't met then those two sparks go to waste. It's very luck based, while the sin will be able to lock you up pretty efficiently, or kite during the 30 second cooldown of Tidal. Not to mention, seeing as he's Sage, there will be less gaps between his Deadens. You'll have to kill him before you can kill him most likely.

    I'm looking forward to being full +10, but due to the server lag I've been experiencing this week (every other server and game I play is fine) I haven't been able to. I'm hoping the merge fixes this, since maybe they were having issues or something with it. I suppose we'll find out in an hour and a half or so. Sell me a cheap HP charm and we can pk to celebrate the merge (if I'm unlaggy).
  • Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You've gotta be prepared for anything, just because PvP has shifted in favor of a DPH style of play doesn't mean APS isn't viable for certain things. The sin I fought liked to switch when his DPH tactics weren't killing me. Quite a few sins do that. The only issue with landing a zerk crit arma is, well... actually there's a few:

    1: Deaden being down.
    2: Tidal being down for debuffs
    3: Getting a zerk, crit, or zerkcrit
    4: Enemy not using a Pdef charm
    5: Actually hitting

    If any one of those conditions aren't met then those two sparks go to waste. It's very luck based, while the sin will be able to lock you up pretty efficiently, or kite during the 30 second cooldown of Tidal. Not to mention, seeing as he's Sage, there will be less gaps between his Deadens. You'll have to kill him before you can kill him most likely.

    I'm looking forward to being full +10, but due to the server lag I've been experiencing this week (every other server and game I play is fine) I haven't been able to. I'm hoping the merge fixes this, since maybe they were having issues or something with it. I suppose we'll find out in an hour and a half or so. Sell me a cheap HP charm and we can pk to celebrate the merge (if I'm unlaggy).

    Yeah it is really luck based, thats why I need way more HP to compensate the aps dmg output. I simply underestimated him thats my fault and I'm sry to Preist that I did xD but I saw him killing himself on my roar bramble in NW and thought...well he can't be too good xD I dealt him around 2,7k crit with my +5 dual hammers with bestial onslaught. With A zerk crit from a +10 r9 axe that could have been ~8-9k each hit. But nvm I lost and I will take the blame.

    Hope we see us on Morai when it's up today...or rather...tomorrow, or next week. I hope they get it fixed soon. I'd really like to fight a great BM (:

    Got at least one alt of any class above level 100.
    All decently geared and skilled (: .
    And the most important thing is: They are all fun to play ^.^ .
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