Jetue - Harshlands Arc User


  • The turning, at least from my perspective, is to help see agro changes. I usually ask dds to spread out around any boss if possible, so that I know that agro has changed as soon as it happens, as well as who got it. That way I can change targets before they get hit. It's especially important on bosses that have random agro…
  • Go to west Archosaur and ask around for help. That run is rather easy once you get 30+. Cleric 50+ can solo easily, barb/cleric combo can do it at mid3x at a decent speed, and veno can solo at 25 if right build. BM or barb can tank it at 19 with either 2 19+clerics or one 3x cleric.
  • Solo macros are: 1 - IH>Cyclone>wield thunder>cyclone>repeat used for most bosses 2 - IH>plume>cyclone>plume>repeat used on metal bosses or bosses with a chance to interupt, as the macro cannot be disrupted unless I get stunned/slept/sealed 3 - cyclone>plume>repeat general grind 4 - cyclone>WT>cyclone>plume>repeat also…
  • There is a group of buildings in the general area of 220 580. The flowers and everything else you need is there.
  • For once, not rice. (Had a sandwich instead).
  • Some BMs are just as OP said, but you get those in every class. I personally like BMs because unlike most others, they can go crazy and I still have time to save them before they die. Also, there is a much larger amount of BMs who respect/protect the cleric than any other class except Barbs. Enjoy your rage, but remember,…
  • Random squad member: How the heck did you do that? Me: Magic!
  • Favorites taste wise: Cheesecake and Pasties Favorite cost wise: Rice (doesnt get much better than $11 for 25lbs of food)
  • Je tue is french for I kill. I am a cleric (and dont do pvp).
  • The way I use is have someone invite you to a squad. Wait 'til you get the timer (and let it teleport you outside), then have them pass you lead and leave squad. Rinse and repeat.
  • You can switch servers as much as you want, whenever you want. But you can't bring your characters with you (ya gotta start over). To do this, go to the login screen. Just above where you put in your username, it shows which server you are logging in to, and gives the option to switch.
  • Either the wep you had on before gave you +3 str, or some other equip did, which you have since unequipped. You can use the wep, but as soon as you unequip it, you wont be able to re-equip.
  • Yeah, the tank bm was using calamities. I said nothing, thinking either they would switch at the bosses (didn't), or would yell at me saying they didn't have those weps/skills. So I went with it just to see how far we could get. @ Joshcja "holy **** dead barb hold the boss till fluffles is rezzed then go back to my…
  • Doing that requires a few things: 1- i'm bored out of my mind 2- i'm online for enough time 3- I'm really really bored 4- there are no barbs available 5- I'm about to go crazy from the crushing boredom My boredom level is a large factor in the things I'm willing to do. Like soloing fb59 on a whim.
  • 1-2 run with faction ppls. Got dimentora down to about 5% hp, then no more server.
  • Personally, I love having a bm in my squad. Besides the suicidal impulses you all seem to feel constantly, you are the least squishy dds around, and normally are very good about looking after the cleric (mages as a class fail at this). One of the best squads I have ever had was me (cleric), barb, and 4 bms for a bh59 run.…
  • When you can tank things depends on your clerics lvl/skill also. Assuming solo heal at about your lvl, I'd say you can tank 1-2 and 2-1 pretty easy (wurlord gonna be hard tho). For 1-3 wait till high 7x or 8x with good cleric at least 75. 2-2 and 2-3 I have never done with less than a mid to high 8x barb. Wurlord and ape…
  • I use it to regen mp, boost heal power when tanks hp is going down slowly, and for when I need to res somone (spark>stack 3-4 heals>res person>back to heals) without freaking the tank out too much.
  • 42k on one of the trio of bosses in the swamps (think it was non element) max mag debuf > Extreme poison > bm dragons > jones blessing > double spark > crit wield thunder
  • Tested: Stream of rejuvination, nonsparked: Heals about 60% hp on 8x veno (5k ish hp) Stream of rejuvination, double sparked: Heals almost 90% hp on same veno (and I get 10% mp back) Wellspring, unsparked: heals about 25% on said veno Wellspring, Double sparked: heals about 40% on same target Verdict: Spark = sizable…
  • Things I use macros for: 1) squad buffs, 'cus I'm far to lazy to press all 4 buttons. 2) bosses:solo IH>cyclone>WT>cyclone>repeat, or some variation of this dd-mag debuf>phys debuf>cyclone>WT>cyclone>repeat, again, with variations 3)grind: cyclone>WT>cyclone>plume> whatever till dead (again, 'cus I'm lazy) I have never…
  • I have a veno alt I use to get the hay I need (7X quest you need 50 hay for). at lvl 23 I went to silver pool to kill the antelopes with my froggy. Pretty easy, and you can kill the other mobs there for lots of dq items (4 mobs, each drops diff dq item).
  • And now, a comment from the clerics. I do this, and I know several others do as well. Whenever I have an archer in squad that is either close to or higher lvl than tank, I first off keep an eye on their hp, if it drops or I see boss change agro I switch targets or hit BB if I have the chi (<3 BB). If you have a good…
  • At your lvl I was grinding on the carrion vultures just north of sanctuary.
  • Again, thanks for the replies. And it's good to know i'm not the only one confused by this.
  • translation please
  • Thank you all for the replies. I have found it very helpful in FC runs. One heal then move on to next person, instead of stack a few IH then frantically try to save the next person. @Alyyy - I am working on the -chan gear slowly but surely
  • Salvia herb is in the starter area along with golden herb, nectar, and ageratum. Herbs to collect everytime you see them: Salvia Golden Nectar crane tuckaho fleece-flower root serpentine herb butterfly herb these all are used to make regen powders, which are a great help. And the life powders (golden and nectar) can be…
  • I am a squad based cleric, so here is how I built my char. Dex - 5 (do not need at all) str - 1 str per 2 lvls vit - I am capping it at 60 (its 58 now) mag - everything else The extra vit is very helpful, as many bosses in the 60+ range have rather nasty aoes. However, I was full mag (9mag 1 str) up thru lvl55, when I…