IxTsuki - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • I use this it works from time to time but after deep sing it takes a min to do slipstream i'm actually wasting more hp then i did
  • it shouldnt be stickied yet now you said dont lvl shadow walk until much later levels, well shadow walk needs to be leveled just at a pace. Its very handy. A friend and I did some test before we were sure
  • Not bad I agree with a lot of skills not being leveled yet nice guide some people may disagree.. I do admit I disagree with some stuff because some turn out useful and others have not Also note a beginner combo for those who want to make quick work of monsters (may not work everytime but very useful) Dagger Throw>puncture…
  • I agree with sade and velarious, A sin can kill higher lvl monsters 10 to 15 lvls above them easier then archers. Sin killing those lvled type monsters is like a archer killing a monster equal or around the same lvl. I can easily compare the two because I have an archer as well. I prefer sin over archer. I cant say that…
  • you beat me to it .-. flying fish nothing odd about that
  • There are quite a few ways to build your assassin so do it your way it will probably turn out good and if you dont like it you can always get a point reset. I do 7 dex 2 str and 1 vit every 2 lvls