Imortalz - Harshlands Arc User


  • about one way to make a guild more active or ore fun to we on why not make it more academic for members like having crazy pking each ather at remote places so its unknown to player outside and u get members pk need at same time and u make them work better 2 make it duo 1 for all pk each ather and 2 a squad pk ofcoure i…
  • and there it is again Random Pking lower lv i have no clue why its cllaed Random iff the location is picked and knewing its lv u knew tehy would never stand a chance so stop acting like u didnt knew or that they chold accept it as like 70% or so dont like u pking lv30s (fb29) iff u why chance are lv72 i CAN not understand…
  • ok stats str 113 vit 123 mag 5 Dex61 i care less what ppl think i love to grind all the time heheb:dirty grind is funy and easyb:kiss
  • i am leader off WatcherZ who i hope will grow strong with bond with its members have still lv1 guild with 1 miljion less to lv up to lv2 and with 40 members really active and helpfull will we do events weakly and help new players bond toghether and squad and pk iff u have honnor ull we welcome to join us. As only thing i…
  • ;uahahha stupid nuub saying that lv 70 can and do pk lv30 in hidden villge and silver pool fools i am happy i left when i did u redhawk are a disgrace to me now and iff u ever go to harshland ill make u R quit the game there is no way a pvp is a MUST to pk just cus u hate to GRIND and seriusly beliving that is plain doom…
  • good good make the nix bleeding go faaar away and make venos like RQuit and quit or play ather classes ill still we veno hahaha iff a pet is the killer its not fun iff its that way and really who aaaaare u ppl beliving u are something with xp event and trash talking u own a player 20+++ lv lower really u must suck ****…
  • i have only 1 reply 2 make looooooooooooooool about the races gooo gooo goo make them