IIZoaII - Archosaur Arc User



  • yeah i guess i got an aniv. mount for my wiz on LC server and archer on HL were gifts cuz i was cool and i just started playing when oracles and hyper came? so if i rerole on sancturary server and reach 80-103 with oracles it will give me respect when i lie? don't think so! get a life foreallz naw b:shutupb:bye
  • lvl 91 and lvl 83 on arch server are BETTER than 90 and 80 on RT server, so... i really don't get what the hell you still talking about, you lost the game bro give it up. get a life is all that is left to say from me to your fail **** bye b:bye bye
  • ^ b:bye 10char
  • Bye pinka good luck with whatever you do next! i'll miss you :(
  • more ppl attend the nien beast on this server then HL and sometimes RT ijs!
  • im suprised this thread is still open o.O . . . . what does it take to get Taboo to post on here so it will be closed 5 minutes after?
  • noobski NUUUUUUUUUUUUUU QQ who the ** is going to set up pk events now?
  • you must be one of those ppl that are vERY original and with a mind that is veRy full of creativity. you must have thought about your name all Night, and finally came up with a name for Raging tides server. color coded for the smart kids.
  • the only thing they can do now is start a new server that Does not include any Cash items EVER!!! that means NO oracles, NO hypers, and NO endgame gear in a single click. think of it as a hard mode of the game or something like that. but again who would listen to cheap ol' Zoa b:surrender
  • all the high lvls that i used to know and have spend months with playing the game all quitted the game eventually after the packs were added only few remained, all the new high level players on all the servers now are those who couldn't get passed lvl 50s, they saw oracles and how available it became to them they used them…
  • i wish i had my 91 cleric in this TW D: i was on a lvl 61 cleric with lvl 20 mp pots b:surrender
  • my brother also didn't pay for this game so far, want a SS of his billing history? but yeah 40mil from HL can buy you alot trust me!!
  • instead of how well u play, lets name it how much u paid. i used 20$ on oracles lvl30-58, another 20$ hypers from 77-90, all my gear i farmed tt and sold it to buy skills and paid for my chest and wrists pices lol. i could easily spend 500$ on this game buy my way to lvl100, buy gold mats, buy packs cape, buy a nix and a…
  • from my experince and my own damn opnion... veno: i'd say PinkahBoo and meatbunz( they acctually know what to do beside sending pet in) barb: Meatshield his hp doesn't go down for some reason lol, DeadGame he is pretty good, been with him once tho and he died cuz he pulled too many horse guys in a full fc =/...</3, bad_boy…
  • it was a fun event, until leaz showed and started QQing '' lol it takes 7 ppl to kill me SEVEN PPLZ'' ( had him on target saw his HP go down in 2 hits >.>)... oh and ty proski for the 1 doll it was gone when ULMOS killed me in SZ
  • omg no wonder it was too cheap, you didn't make it =/ well anywho it looks good on me and you saved me 7mil on that top b:victoryb:chuckle
  • HI there!!!b:chuckle
  • i saw that barb oracleing near in the swam i almost had to heal him when at some point his HP got kinda close for some reason o.o ( i think charm ran out or something) but that boss is no biggie tho, any barb can do him all you need is some chi, invoke, good HP, some apoth pots, HP charm, BB, and some sage IH ( 90+ hercs…
  • is gold all you can think of?? and you call me an idiot? lol your lost in your own one prespective view thinking.