Hl/ - Harshlands7 Arc User


  • .....oh, don't you worry. The ASSASSINS will be QQing in about a month. I can see it now. "QQ THAT SEEKER JUST KILLED ME WHILE STEALTHED!" "QQ MYSTICS ARE OP!" "QQ STUPID EG'S!" Music to the majority of the server's ears. My new main shall be a Seeker....and there will be hell to pay. (Oh Okeano..... >.>) Now to return to…
  • Oh I know, let's make a server without CLERICS in it. Then we can replace the barbarian's claws with marshmallows, and the Assassin's daggers with Q-Tips so nobody gets hurt. Then we can all barf rainbows for our special attacks, while we grind on teddybears and unicorns. Yeah. Your post made about as much sense as that.…