Gwendolen - Raging Tide Arc User


  • Ok Winddagger, I'll try that. I hope it works! THANK YOU SO MUCH! b:thanksb:thanks
  • I think you might have the login screen already up. I'm not sure which version of windows you have (or if you have windows at all) but I use this game on Windows 7. Look near the lower right corner of your screen (near the clock) and see if you can find the icon that looks like PWI. Click on that, and you should get the…
  • Thanks ZeaKuro for the hint on tech support. I will try that. As for the rest of you, if you can't help me, then get a life and don't reply if you have nothing to do but harass people who are having trouble doing something. Especially you DaKillanator. Thank you and have a nice day. P.S. If you have one more dirty thing to…