Grotesquery - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I may serve as a Psychic or Mage or Cleric. you choose. However, I may not be able to fufill the 90+ requirement..
  • [SERIOUSLY OK TIDEBORN PSYCHICS CAN OWN ANY BLOODY ASSASSINS OK?!?! Good. As for the best PVP character, it depends on what risks you want to take. Wizards can blink (teleport away) when fighting, get long range and nuke the barbarian. Psychics and Clerics attack quickly, and BMs are made for PVE. lets face it. BMS have…
  • Well, I have always hated Barbarians because of their uncanny skill to spawn and be born on the crappiest and most mud-covered area: LOST CITY. However, I do respect Barbs at PVP and ..E and they are my greatest enemy to overcome. Blademasters have more Area Of Effect attacks, making them invaluable against multiple mobs…