Wizards yes...BM's are still pretty prevalent...
I use Equine Talisman, some legendary elemental belt lvl 7x (can't remember the name) and another Misty Forest Ring...don't need the extra accuracy but I can't find a seal of eternal solitude anywhere...
Zeal lvl 66 40/60 lp Second Wind Tree of Protection Tangling Mire True Emptiness (one shotting squishies in the air ftw)
I hear ya on the pot but usually lvl 70 pots take too long to give me any worthy regen and rolls my charm whereas Sutra or 2nd will give me damn near full hp back and the extra regen on top of Sutra comes in handy because by the time I use it there's only 2-3 mobs left from a pull of 7+
The fact that ur a BM who thinks 5-600 hp isn't a big help is kinda disturbing to me. You said they do 100 per atk so that's 5-6 extra attacks. I'd suggest teaching your genie Tree of Protection, and Second Wind for starters. ALWAYS use alter marrow physical before each pull and after your roar to lower damage. Do NOT…
I'm just giving you a view of what I had 2 days ago BEFORE I got **** and lost everything. The only things of this I still have is the fists, top, and leggings...but I'm gonna re-up on everything you see in this build.
Don't forget about Sirry Wine Camp...pure physical mobs around there...alter marrow and sutra and you'll be aoe grinding around there in no time (note all mobs in this area are 81+)
I've been 3str/2dex the whole game and been using fists in 1v1 PVE and for bosses since my first set of legendary fists at lvl 20 I think it was. What's the problem of multipathing the whole game? Some of us can't afford the resets it would take to restructure our stats and its not a bad look at all to use fists because…
You do realize I said so long as the cleric doesn't suck right. How is that a lie. The "with ease" part is probably a stretch because I do need a good cleric but I can do it and have done it.
the lvl 30 is more expensive because its more rare. Supply and demand. If you want it and the only person on the server with one is me you'll pay more for it than if there were 150 in the AH.
I also have 3 base vit...I tank everything in FB 59 and 69 with ease so long as the cleric doesn't suck
You flubbed up by putting in mag but its only 3 points...I'd say STOP putting in vit...30 is enough to add to survivability without taking away from atk power or accuracy too much
I use dark flash due to easier accessibility but you can't go wrong with either IMO
You'll have to run the fb of the level range of mold you want and PRAY the boss drops for you
I'm still on Rage of Crixalis but I have my 2 misties +2 already for when I ding 77 tomorrow
You already have ridiculously high vit...if you want more roll a barb and be a fulltime tank. BM's are damage dealers at the core you can't deal damage if you can't hit. Add more dex...use Misty Forest Rings, and Amber Shards...
b:victory I agree completely
if you've been going 3str 2dex per lvl stick with that...its served me quite well up until lvl 76 (not crazy high lvl but not low either) with the proper ability for skills and what not you shouldn't have any trouble with that build...unless your squad is a total fail...
lets see...I personally used the best fist/claw available to me at that point and at each x0 lvl from 30 on I had the most current set of Legendary fists or claws available...currently using Dark Flash +2 with flawless garnet. I'm debating on buying TT80 fists or waiting for Gorenox Vanity TT85 since buying both would cost…
Are you going ONLY fist?
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