Gie_ - Archosaur Arc User


  • ty ^__^ finally a guide or something like that instead of a QQimnotacaster post :3 i love u with all my strenght <3
  • QQ moar XD oh yeah take the stacking ih and ull see ppl raging when they drop at fbs and bhs, bosses and what not cause without stacked ih they cant survive. and i loled so much about this QQ from the person who created the thread XD now lets all QQ about all clases and how OP they r XD cause seriously if we r not good in…
  • not really. i've already been a veno for a long time, playing since 2008, and it hurted when i saw some1 kicking an herc veno (which debuffed and passed chi just awesomly) from fc squad lvl 80-90 just cause they felt like having a sin on squad. wanna talk about being "secure" now? i understand ur point, the problem is that…
  • hmmmm... if u were in a bh51 squad with a barb that runs into a bunch of mobs, doesn't aoe (or hits them all at least once), doesn't even have true form skill and still orders u to heal him (which every1 knows is suicide), then u'd have that problem... at least i had. i appreciate when decent players gimme tips though,…
  • gj hope^^ btw Mango_ is now leader of Nemesis if i am not wrong, idk what about Narla.