Sorry Honesty... my hubby quit when I quit. I still talk to him though, I'll tell him you miss him, lol
Anne, I love those!!! I saw vamp, who else wore a blue trench, pulled a cat, and had green axes? lol Those were my favorites too. I still have a ton of screen caps from back then, but not on this computer. I think I have some on my tinypic account though, lol. Ultra on its way into the infamous way with Legion, A naked TW…
misscrub is an EPIC cat puller. Hari is another. MsE was probably the hardest non-barb cat puller I have gone against. Thats one awful tempest when we try to attack her lol.
Oh, come on. TW isn't about a good strat anymore. It isn't any of that BS. Its about having the highest levels, with good gear. I used to TW as a level 3x cleric. I had NPC gear and molded boots. Hell in my 6x-7x levels I was a cat cleric, and could stand up against the factions we fought. Bxvamp, the best cat BM ever IMO.…
I actually came over from a PvE server 2 weeks ago. I would have to say there is little difference except that you can die while grinding, so I dont just sit in one place and grind as much as on a PvE server, so I'm having a harder time getting coin. It is a lot more fun though, and a lot less drama, because you risk dying…
I have a QQ about BH's too... they make stupid *** noobs who can't figure out how to hand their class properly because they level too fast *HINT HINT*
OP... first off, who the hell are you? Second off, you never saw a good TW, so sorry. (There hasn't been a good fun TW in damn near a year IMO) Third off, just uninstall the game (which you wont do) or like posted above reroll somewhere else, or be afk for like a month. Forth, please uninstall Explorer or Chrome or…
He replies to my whispers... I'll join.
Psssh, I would level faster but I have too many alts... 15 cleric (you know why I quit her), 17 sin, 15 psych, 8 BM, uhm... oh and 12 veno. Thats at least a full level or two on my barbar. But a woman needs a break from women hitting on her to try to get free stuff... damn hookers, get your own stuff, quit making us all…
I can LC troll you knownase?
oh noz, its mini, everyone RUN!!!! Hi Mini.
Says the "hidden alt". Sweety, why don't you troll with your real name? lol
Guys, we have given you the answer OVER and OVER. Even Enrage has given you the answer. Get your heads outta your arses and listen. THE WHOLE SERVER needs to attack Enrage... Radiance may be the only one to win a land, maybe another faction or two will, but you will keep Enrage from taking over the map. *hits all the…
I can't believe they didn't lock this thread yet... oh, and you are a piece of trash.
@Lenore (Im too lazy to multi quotes) It's not as bad as we remember. Now there are BHs and all this nonsense. If I had no idea about the game before I would be a level 55 noob in a VERY short period of time. It wasn't that hard. Being a noob again sucks, but it's kinda fun at the same time. @Anni, wtf, whisper me on your…
LMFAO, you guys crack me up. I loved fighting vs. Enrage, but let me tell you, there is nothing on HT like what I have found recently on LS. I have had PvP fights better than my war with Enrage, and Im only level 53 lol. I'm busting my bum to get into one of their TWs. I think thats what Enrage should do after they win all…
I haz no idea what you are talking about Surreal, isn't that against the ToS... I don't ever do anything to... well except for that 2 week ban, and that other time... oh and.. lol *Check this thread you noob, my barb needs new gear*
I'm with you on the facepalm Anne, does Enrage own HT map yet?? Come on, I'm freaking waiting.
Yes, he can. You do the special rain dance, then pat your head 3 times, turn in a circle, and POOF the money shows up on Heavens Tear. Are you looking to transfer coins or items?
We can not blame the "noobs" for being whiney. Look what they were raised in PWI with. Packs, BH's, hyper stones. They didn't put any "work" into the game like the older folks did. I know it sounds a little... snobbish.. at best, but I think the older players "earned" these special things in a way. We all went through the…
Lets go thread, lets go. California Peaches, Texas Jam, your thread smells like........I can't say that here, Ill get in trouble.
Probably because while SDollfie was gone, QueenBii played the toon. They were pretty close. Remember in Elysium Bii was leader SDoll was Director. SDollfie is pretty cool though.
*bites off Jess' finger again* You know there are more silly.
I figure if they decide not to expect much from me because I'm a female, I'll shock them when I show them I know as much, if not more about the game and my class. The last game I played I was one of very very few female players, but ALL the huge factions were owned by female players (cept 1) and we rocked their tiny little…
Someone slept with someones wife through the interwebz? I need to learn how to do that, seems it's pretty safe from STD's then right? LMFAO @ being insulted for virtual cheating though, I LOL'd.
Rule seems to have a brain on his head. As far as everything else, Mono, let them take the time slots, then YOU arrage to have ALL the tiny little factions that no one has ever heard of bid at the same time as you, and you guys ALL bid on Enrage, maybe they lose 1 land, maybe they lose no land. But really, unless you are…
I am a female barb, and I love it. I join parties with women, and explain that I'm not some creeping dude, and we usually get along grand. I do admit my account it new, and when I'm being flirty with males and they don't know I'm a female there could be a moment of weirdness, or screaming, but it usually goes away quickly.…
^^What she said Trolling>Modding
@Anne, I talked to him yesterday, he called me 54, I told him to go change his diaper, we went on for hours like usual. I'm trying to talk him into joining me over here. LOL! Some of the funniest whispers mid-TW have been with Sgt actually. Poor vivi when she joined Enrage would PM me going "I'm so sorry" lol, she was so…