Flame_tail - Sanctuary Arc User


  • i have seen the claw skill and i was wondering witch pet has and/or how can i get plz let me know also a price or some advice on it will help plz and thxb:victory
  • alot of you said that venos r easy 2 play and yes they are XD unfortunately it is not that simple it is easy 2 play venos but it takes alot more 2 play them good also after playing the veno u will get really lazy and probably not like another class so mainly chose what u feel like
  • i did read the 1st page and just wanted more info on it cuz of slight uncertaintys. if u cant awnser just say so plz i dont mean 2 be a painb:surrender
  • this is awsome but just a few questions 1.will we have 2 reset our chars compleatly? 2.will we have 2 buy more gold so we can have the new featues 3.is there a way 2 change back 2 the old skins if you dont like the newer ones? 4.also the update on april 29 was that just for the pack or also part expansion? 5.and the travel…
  • 1,ok... who spawned the wall here? 2,decapication is the way 2 go guys =) 3,i fell srry for these mounts 1st being abused now having 2 stick their heads in a wall for a cheep laugh. 4,now whats this behind the wall?b:dirty 5,QUICKLY PUSH BACK!!!BEFORE IT KILLS US ALL 6,OMGWTFBBQ A WALL!! 7,this would be a great time for a…
  • i think i would lime 2 remove my hp/mp charms and not have 2 keep it on at all time for times like duels cleric friend ect. i also think there needs 2 be less cut and past in the codeing(monster remakes emotes look like skills every wep looks similer) and finally i think there should be more hotkeys for classes like mages…
  • hey i a veno and i also hate the masses of cat shops(laggy) as for the money making i save alot more time and effer 2 just keep grinding on good dq droppers and just sell 2 npcs makes alot but with all the reapirs and new heiro every 5months i think it the easyest way 2 go (also some decent exp in the process) plz mind the…