and dun be sad, kona is from carebear world too! :D and we're best buddies b:pleased
Holy **** dude he made his acc 5 days ago? glitch or oracler :D
I have a lvl 72 archer thats on Heavens tear. Its a carebear server b:chuckle and in your 80's-90's, you need to grind if you dont wanna spend days doing bh/wq/cs. I asked about light armor bc I pk and you cant kill pk'ers before they hit you (well 90 or below at least b:chuckle)
and your on a carebear server and you'd get owned in about 3 seconds if you went PVP mode with a barbarian your level b:chuckle
Yeah believe it or not I considered going arcane just for the meer fact the armor looks so sick (: Light armor on a wizzie looks so ewwieee.
now I gotta re-do my wizzy u.u there goes one day of questing ):
Thanks for all your replies(: i'll max it at 70+ ( btw MagicHamsta I stole ur name for my wizzy :D) But thanks for all your replies :]
Exactly. Two different classes. Two different roles.
Well All I can say is how many buffs do wizzies have again? For one elemental def at a time? b:chuckle You buff water, I hit you with earth :P You buff fire, well its pointless since I have no fire attacks b:chuckle You buff earth I hit you with water :P You use your little water weapon buff? I'm ARCANE, I already have…
Okay your going for straight damage output and saying wizzies beat psychics. It depends on the playability of the player and the skills and what they do. Psychics have debuffs to increase cooldown time of charms, lower pot effects, and lower self heals. They make it so when you hit them you get damage, Wizzies just hit…
TIdeborn is lvl 9, not lvl 19 o.o
You do know classes change over time right? So a wizard may be stronger then a psy at lvl 80, but a psy may get crazy strong after lvl 59, or lvl 79. Just like a wizard get ssuper strong after 79. Take that into fact when you start to claim a class is better then another at only lvl 45 o.o
Okie :D I ish lucky b:victory b:bye
You pure? pure/vit? or vit? O.o
But would a veno last in a fight w/ an archer without a nix? and I think that its hilarious that it says pvp ability 5 and grinding ability 4 when everyone pretty much knows a veno can grind better then it can kill? b:chuckle and tell me how your class isn't easy to play. and tell me what classes you beat in PVP. Player…
Oh yes mr. Expert b:thanks You on psychic forum cuz... w8 why you on psychic forum again? O.O
Keep using Find quest. You finish getting every piece of yoru armor after lvl 14. You get one piece from lucius the tainted. I forgot what else.
Well please oh expert of psychics, whats the most powerful skill of psychics? b:thanks
You make me cry b:cry Its okay I fail alot.. you'll probably see more in the other threads b:thanks
Dude thats a Sig worthy fail. xD
wait a sec. this isn't my thread. my thread is below this one... with only 2 pages. FAIL b:cry
I leaev for 10 minutes and now theres 14 pages of reply's. Who pwns at making threads? ME b:thanks EDIT: ... not really u.u
Dont diss meh finny's b:angry
This is a fail thread... I stop posting now.
No ... I think I'll start crying if I do? b:sad
Shhhh you give out our weaknesses b:surrender
My main is sorta a low lvl (mid 70's) and I can usually take down 90+ clerics with himm b:surrender No I didn't read the entire thing, All I know is some wizzies are scurred of the new class, which is all I need for self happiness b:laugh
I really hope your main isn't a lvl 30? Your still in pampers b:chuckle
- b:chuckleb:laugh "So apparently psychics are the class we have to worry about" :D
Eh, we hit hard? but we're freaking marshmellows at the same time ):