If they nerf soulburn I'm rerolling a wizzy on lost city. b:surrender
after lvl 50 I go camp oracle n00bs b:chuckle Fear de arcane ninja b:shocked
lol notice that your manaburn number is the same as your soulforce number b:chuckle
You forgots BB b:laugh
lol I cant follow your advice xD cause I used to be an archer b:chuckle which is melee/range/being punch bag xD
Okay so psychics have soulburn and apparently some people have sent me screenshots of it working, and then some people show me screenshots of it not working, some people tell me "ZOMG I luvz dis skillz" and some hate it. Yeah Assasins usually 3hit my psy, But maybe with soulburn we will stand a bit of a chance. I said…
and I'd just like to point out besides me and godprince and that other guy everyone is saying "Assasin would own psychic" when they ARE an assasin. adn everyone is saying Psychic owns assasin when they ARE a psychic. In about amonth (first lvl 70 with NO oracles will show up) and we'll get them to fight.
If you looked on the thread you'd see that we got several 49+ psychics to try it...
Does deaden nerves let it so that when the assasin dies its sorta like a "purify"? Well you gotta admit some assasins wont be able to see this coming... We could stun him and then use it on him :D And this skill will be really fun to use on other pk'ers at random times, Cause its like "Okay... I just cursed you... soooo…
Oh Yeah I just got defended by a guy I'm arguing with b:victoryb:laugh
I had 2900 Soulforce at lvl 30. 30 x 3 = 90. 2900 x 3 = 8700 / 4 = 2175. Sorry for being off by like 100 HP loss? xD and its not including the fact that at lvl 90 if you have refines on your TT armor (who doesn't have at least 1 refine) that also adds to your soulforce. and the assasin is going to go invisable? well what…
Well... Psychic @ lvl 90 have soulburn which is an active curse that makes it so everytime you attack you get 9000(soulforce) / 4 = 2250 HP loss. If assasins can fight so quick then they get 2250 HP loss everytime they hit b:chuckle Look at the soulburn thread :D EDIT: Psychics at lvl 90 have 9000 soul force, thats why I…
I bet the wizzies who are pwning barbs are wishing they went LA huh b:chuckle
I sure hope thats it ):
"A BM about my level" ^^ He was using lvl 20 hammers... b:cry Made me feel like even more of a fail ):
I was looking on page 1 of the forums and found at least 3 other posts about snowmen. There are several threads going about it, Couldn't you have just joined one of theirs?
im only lvl 30. I three hit Archers my own lvl, and all LA-MAG i can 3hit or less. for some reason I cant take down HA? ):
i'll QQ my **** off.
... my lvl 80 archer is on Heavens tear :D So I can come on and pk sometime? xD I moved to harshlands cause PK'ing is so much easier :D <3
hahahhahahah, and people say psychics aren't OP at all? pahahahhahaha. (unfortunately I know GM's will realize how overpowered this skill is and totally fugg it up) then we're back to zero :/ but till then we shall DOMINATEEE WITH KONAA :D b:victoryb:laugh EDIT AGAIN:... what hamsterr says above ^^ :D EDIT: Just guys…
Yes sir it is. I was doing that at lvl 90 though. So soulforce is high 8000's low 9000's. divide that by 4. = 2250 HP loss. But as kona said, we're still waiting confirmation from a 49+ Pyschic using no voodoo buffs. EDIT: The late 8000's low 9000's is an estimation by what my soulforce was at lvl 30, and multiplying by 3.…
You've restored my faith in tideborn<3 EDIT: Btw ... I just realized its 2250 HP loss at lvl 90 ... PER HIT. and people say their not OP xD
She editted her answer up there... I'm really bummed though b:surrender I thought this was gonna turn the PVP world around for psychics u.u
Yeah it means trouble for a bunch of classes if this is right. At lvl 90 our skill force should be in the late 8000's or early 9000's? that means 2250 HP loss for classes. EPICCCC b:laugh
PVE dam - PVP damage = 1/4 reduction. thought that would help. and to the post earlier, You did that against a 8x wizzie at 5x and did 364. now try that on a 5x Heavy armor and see how much you do since they have low elemental def :]
well I agree with you... cept the last line says "srry sounds a bit lazy to me" when inr eality he's not using bows so it can be HARDER so he has to work MORE to stay alive... sorta the opposite of lazy = working?
I've played psychic and assasin, and gotten them both to lvl 20. Its easy Psychic = Easy PVE, Hard PVP Assasin = Easy PVP, Hard-ish PVE. Assasin is a serious PVP class. Shadow walk, Shadow jump, Shadow teleport, etc etc, All could be used amazingly in PVP mode. Psychic just doesn't have that many good PVP skills. Mostly a…
No i talk to him, he tells me to go away, and thats it. There is no mob :/
I talk to the guy (with lucius in my inven) and he tells me to go away!