Evilixx - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Strange, I was on today and checked out the gold prices in the AH. They were between 100K and 110K, about the same as I remember from before the bug. I checked a couple of cat shops for prices of hieros, they were about 400K for the gold. Considering it costs 4 gold to buy from the CS that seems about right. Where again is…
  • First off people will still complain even with the disclaimer. Secondly the CS will never sell clothes in a color you determine. They would lose too much in the sales of dyes. Not to mention the countless players that would complain because they took away thier cat shop fodder.
  • Yes there are plenty of normal quests for the under 40 crowd. While it can be disheartning not getting the prizes, the under 40 crowd doesnt need the xp boost. After lvl 40 the 2 or 3 quests you get dont level you up. You have to grind or do daily's a couple times just to get the next lvl.
  • Yes we all do. But they have to get thier fix in somehow. Everyone knows come Mon morning they'll have to go back to work and get pushed around, stepped on, and basically they are the bottom of the barrel in RL. Im just surprised by the whining of LC players about the PKing. I thought playing on LC added adventure they…
  • And you play on LC why? Really now, if you dont like to be PKed why play the PK server? Too many idiots and not enough bullets...
  • It does make them criminals if they knew it was bugged yet kept on doing it. Can people really say they thought with the patch the Devs made it possible to make tons of easy money? I think not. People knew it was a glich. They knew they were taking advantage of a situation. A better example would be if you seen a broken…
  • Ya know with a rollback the TW bids will just be a do over. Anything you made or bought will be availiable to made or bought again. Say you used an XP scroll, you'll still have the scroll to use. It may be a bit annoying, but it is just a game afterall. Its not like lives hang in the balance.
  • Hmm thats strange I got my Veno to 40 in like a week. I have yet to buy any pots, and my charm from the test at lvl 4 is still at 9000.
  • If you get to lvl 90 and it finally hits you you dont like the name, yea make a new toon. Would you eat 2000 lbs of chocolate only to realize at 2001 you dont like it? Would you drive a chevy 100,000 miles only to realize at 100,001 you dont like chevy's? Or would you wear a blue shirt for 5 years only to realize you dont…
  • Missing out because someone else caught the rare pet is one thing people should be able to handle that. But to come on and just kill the rare pets before anyone can try to catch is just wrong. Are in game coins that important? I personally dont think so. I already have over 1 mil at level 39. Im sure alot of people have…
  • Not nearly as annoying as the constant honking of the Duskgoths. I had one for a pet for a short while but the honking drove me crazy...
  • Just make a new toon.
  • Yea volcanic magmites have the "tough" skill which they never use. So its really 6 of one and half dozen of another as to which one to get.
  • If you are attacked or attack a monster it will follow you anywhere until the aggro timer expires. Most "normal" mobs have a very short aggro timer and when it expires they will run back to thier original spot unable to be pulled or attacked until they get there. Most "bosses" have a much longer aggro timer and can be…
  • Thats a nice screenshot but everyone knows that horses dont have 48K of HP. So while it says you did 48K, you really didnt. I have noticed against mobs lower then your level the damage is spiked. Yet against mobs equal or above your level the damage is lowered. I have a wiz, a BM, a cleric and a veno. Granted my veno is…
  • Cracker is a derogatory word for someone who is white. It goes back to the plantation days when white plantation owners had slaves. They "cracked" a whip to keep the slaves working, hence called "crackers".
  • Im thinking the 1% xp for the quest must have been 1 of the "solo missions", that some guards offer. before I knew how to use to find quest button I did a few of those til I realized they gave no XP.
  • Yea he hit it pretty well on the head. All that matters is if you can buy your skills, repair your items and buy what you need. Some will brag they have millions and millions of coins but if you enjoy the game with what you have thats all that matters
  • What about making the rare pets spawn in an instance. After you enter the instance it would be 2 or 3 hours to spawn. In that 2 or 3 hours there would be "elite" mobs all around that respawn rather fast as to prevent just entering and camping all the time. The spawn wouldn't start to trigger until you entered the instance.