Evena - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • I've always either played a healer or ranged dps of some sort. I've been playing MMOs for about 4-5 years now and haven't strayed much. In fact I tend to automatically roll a healer as my first class whenever I start a new game. I think I play a healer for a few reasons, I like being needed 'cuz I hate soloing the entire…
  • Doooooooooo eeeeeeeeeetttttt!
  • I can attest to that (guild activity 24 hours a day). I have yet to log in and see no one on doing something. Sorry to my O's that I forgot, and that I misspelled your IGN FatherTed! b:surrender
  • Ah, I was wrong. And yes, PvP servers can be fun, but I am a PvE preferred player myself so I can see their pov. I was on a PvP server in WoW for years and hated it. I stick to PvE realms now b/c of it. To each their own, and I prefer PvE realms. So I was just informing them that they might like it even less as they level,…
  • I'm new here too! Hi!
  • Still working my way up in the levels, since I'm new to that game, but here's my Cleric. http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q29/charis29/2009-08-0103-17-05.jpg
  • At this time I don't think that you can transfer servers. If you hate PvP that much, I highly encourage you to change servers. I know you feel like you have put alot into your characters, but it will most likely only get worse the higher your level gets. As for the cash purchases, I think that your Zen is to your account,…
  • Moeta- I too am new to this game from GW and have found a really great 'faction' entitled Placid on the Dreamweaver server. They are a great group of people and are really most interested in just having fun and enjoying the game. If you're interested in playing on Dreamweaver you should look them up. Here are some of the…
  • Hey guys, I'm new to the game, not new to MMOs (being a former WoW addict and now somewhat bored with Guild Wars). I would love to find a faction with some friendly helpful peeps, which you guys sound like. About me? I'm 30 (yes, 30) and can be both fun and serious when it calls for it. I love MMOs for the "team" aspect…