Elahinon - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • More oracle babies? yeah that's exactly what this game needs, more clerics that can't tell their pataka from a hole on the ground, more barbs that force me to attack bare handed because their aggro management sux, more venos that don't know how to pull with a pet And people asks why we're leaving this game
  • In Dreamweaver stuff you can make with best luck tokens < coins you can get from best luck tokens, the boots or helmet are WAY more expensive than buying them pre-made or the item you can trade directly, a chrono page is around 2m, highest i've seen is 2,1m and lowest has been 1,7m in AH Moreover, more often than not i've…
  • ROFLCOPTER Can i haz a thread stiky nao as wel?
  • I have an almost fully functional time machine, it's in development tho For real, if i didn't had a main backing up this guy i would have had a WAY harder time struggling for money as a low level, DQ was the main source of income for starters, if starters don't have money they won't buy the stuff the mid levels have to…