U seen RT sever later lee there map has lots of colours on it not got ever Cat shop in one guild like HT sever has and they have fun TW's too and dont complan about get ganked by 3 guild if one guild own's most of the map. Then saying its fake biding or that stuff lol. They dont put in WC afder a TW that they only sent 7…
I will turn my PC on and come to this sever to help my brother's in need. This just mean's hell yer i be there b:laugh
cocke's BM me and all the best people are in QQme that it all i can say
lol i think we only tolk like 5 of your play's and that itb:bye
RockyK from HT this why im here and a BM the try vib u got from him when he killed u in TW than chat in WC how **** u are then diss Curse_ the number 1 BM on HT too lol b:laugh
ok easy way to sort this out join the sever im on TW is at 1am u chose to start on a new sever because u fort it be easy for u lol im from england too i make it to ever thing on this sever
Mr.Pew_Pew him self b:laugh
very funy i ment lol b:laugh
Welcome and u made the right chose to move sever as HT sever is FAIL and the people there i just ******* ****. b:chuckle
Be ELITE and get a thing called a cred card it really help's a lot lolb:laughb:laughb:laugh
FPS u mean CODMW2 init xboxs360 live game tag MasterOnmicide
I dont why but this sever it self seem's to have the hever's cat shop ever seen on this game
So u find no one on that sever as i am here b:cute
Sorry dont take noob's and u have to be 99+ if u from infamy 85+ for everone else
lvl dose not mean nother when u armor is sick mate b:victory
Not any more because then its no fun in tw when we can roll u in 5min
Love u frankieraye b:dirty ty b:thanks
Me being in QQme i dont want us to grow any stonger but we keep get aps from form member of infamy asking to join i think QQme should only take the 99+ people from infamy that fear init. Im saying if u like under 90 and u from infamy dont jump ship stay loar to your guild and fight on. Ok this is brecking point to for…
so pew u get about 100/100 from me and yes u are and u spend more time on form's than on the game start lvling man
me dont gammer or FC im not a noob
Im in QQme this wat we do if u dont like dont post a coment back then b:victory
History of Raging Tide end's with me but started long time a go b:thanks
[QUOTE=Egaenil as for bm.. no surprise there :p DAMN curse_ ranked no1, no wonder RockyK comes back from raging tide to QQ about how his **** got owned, half year later.[/QUOTE] lol wat who is RockyK again wat a noob he was back then no he got this thing called a cred card too so now…
SgtSIaughter lol long time no chat its RockyK here and yer that wat i was trying to say no guild has take the holl map because it is no fun so wat they do is start lot's of drame in guild get to slit up then there u go 2 stonge guild's fighting each other again b:laugh
look HT=Fail+noob's+credcards+More noob's = Fail Guilds fail apart to easy This sever has so many lvl100+ it dont wat to do with them all and most of them dont no how to play there char any way. This why the sever is not owned by one guild and where is the fun in that any way
A fist BM is the best for 1vs1 in PvP but PvE dont try it plz just dont lol
Fuzzy_Wuzzy was the reson i join varden and he is one of the nice people on the game + he just love's to help people out P.S a big ty to u Fuzzy_Wuzzy for helping me when i was lower lvl toob:thanks
Nevv u would of been dead a lot if i didnt stun so much b:laugh
Nevv i only post this because im in it so much lolb:laugh
AGAIN b:surrender