What I most hate in pvp and pw is cashshop class :/
yep... like when we press go to town bottomb:angry
I mentioned I would never pick another pve server... that aplys to every game not only pw! At least in pvp servers the good part of doing quests/grind is that we must stay alert all the times. Besides in pvp servers there is always someone at our level... here 90% of pkrs are 90+ with ubber gears
Dont worry coming Shevanel... this event was my biggest epic fail ever... No one come (at least on the first 20 minuts after event started) and that only shows how this server fails at pvp, Ayano was rigth and I totally agree with her... this server only deserves trolls (maybe not even trolls it deserve). This were suposed…
90 minuts left to start the event. I dont know yet but, I am gonna cheack eden/hell if the NPCs sell lvl 90-100 armour, otherwise people would have to use lvl 80-90 gear I will come with an aswer in a few minuts on this thread On and another thing since this is an event to have fun and all that pk can contain, you guys are…
Dont worry... you will have more wipes in the future!!! Its normal, specialy for the first time, it happened with me too. After gammas come fcc, I took 3 hours to learn it and wiped squad 2 times (I wasnt charmed), now I do it very easily. Gear can help a lot.
I think you have pretty much vit already :O Just put the str and dex necessary for weapon, the rest spent on vit.
Guess what I reached 90... and i starting playing more than 1 year ago :O and yes i used hypers from 89 to 90
if you planning on playing to 90+ go to pvp server... unless you wanna pass the rest of your days on a boredoom server
Venos for me are just another DD. Sure venos can have herc but remember that every boss veno+herc can tank so cleric+barb can do as well and better. I always say this to everyone and its the truth: Barb and cleric work the others just come along.
Naito <3b:kiss
NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU stay in that server... You dont wanna come to pve server where "boredoom" rolls all over the days!
OK since no one said anything I come up with an ideia =) This Sunday 11:00 AM (server hour) we could have the first NPC pk event =P why so soon in the morning? -Simple so europeans like me can get in and 11:00 isnt toooooo soon besides there is no tw at this time either so better chance to get more people. Location: Eden…
LOLZb:laugh bush and obama still figthing for the white house...
Quoted for being wrong!!! In this game Magic/Ranged classes can attack even if there is a wall betwen magic/ranged user and melle user. Melles can only hit at melle range (of course), if you do a jump we need to wait you to come to the ground again or we are forced to use flying mount if the opose happens we are hitted…
I never used to fly at 78 in wq... for some reason.
Wait till PW implement character transfer... I am sure in the future pvp servers will be more full.
Name: Dominatiger Class: Barbnoob Level: focus on the avatar and you may find the aswer Reason: I think I had a reason... oh I remember... I dont keep people drops!!
Bbbbbbbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpppppppppppppppppppp Nnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Hello Is Anybody There?????
dudettes XDXDXDXDXDXDXD Name:LadyTuga Level:94 Class: Venomancer Reason: Thanks to her now I know how to FCC, also a big thanks to some enelisyon members as well
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh? there are lots of then... toooooooo many to write here
They have millions... around all servers... oh wait... does an alt count as a new player O_o? If not then we are just a few mil!!! btw you are nice veno to play =P 1 hour looking for cleric-.-, cmon people I am the barb I dont need to wait XD
Its all about re-sell back stuff I make lots of profit from it, theres always people that pay 1.3M coins for somthing that cost 1M coins. This game is all about re-sell. But decreasing DQ drops price will be bad for poor ones and rich ones, since poor ones wont be able to buy much stuff.
Seems great... when do we start?
THIS b:bye
this seems to be a nice ideia. It would be fun if in one place of the map people PvP there only with NPC gear. This PvP event should be donne near 1K streams... so we would be have the same level as the mobs there, in case anyone agroed one would be a challange to kill mob and another player LOL. Hopefully after this event…
could be luck or real bad luck, but when a drop molds or flawless/immaculate or books drop I have high chance of getting that, when bosses drop DQ or white stuff item i rarelly get that part of loot.
w0000t... I got a 10b:victory Its been 1 month since I give up playing, my pwi still dont have tideborn (lol). I was expecting something like 10 lands... but only 3 lolz I guess there are now tideborns more lvled than my barb (I know only 1 week passed, but cashoppers are now to busy killing the same mob till lvl 100). Kon…
long time no trolling :O