I miss you all... ... nt rly
you can tank 1-2 easy, you can tank 2-1 if you have a couple of good clerics, wurlord hurts.
they cant... I wont call stun lock only 1 chi bar. In a melle figth barb have more advantages than BM. The rest you sayd I agree... but the Bm damage is almost the same as a barb.
I must now fear BMs that wont stun lock me?b:chuckleb:shocked
you guys ask to much... I agree for 4x drops but only for DQ items
one of the few pots I see from you that i have to agree...
this is why you are wrong... BMs attacks (skills) have twice channeling comparated to a barb, barbs its like instant cast (talking about skills), plus penatrate armour reduces physical defense in 30%... Bms cant debuff us like we do. really after 90 Bms and barbs do around the same damage edit: except the part we can do…
red mage - white mage -
Go barb... the most endgame BMs use axes, due to lvl 90 zerk axes. That means the Bm will dealing the same damage we do. Besides barbs have NICE debuffs, we can decrease target evasion, physical defense and attack, and if you debuff a BM he dies fast. The only debuffs BM have is stun (we can count that as debuff, since…
wait for christmas packs... I am sure they will put gear for level 99 and 100 in there...
I am making money from the packs also... already got 17 millions in the last days for doing nothing. And I am sure in chishtmas there will be new packs
every day I make 1 million coins from doing nothing...
just like you said "Nao" gratz
whats this o.O?
aww, you guys could save this event for december. (hopeffuly by chirstmas demand we shall have another event :) ) Unfortunally I will miss this one too (dam exams... but I will try to do one TT run this weekend, at least). But nice having this kind of events, keep the people motivated to play. Once again thanks for the…
level 100 requisite to enter??!! things will be expensive
Gratz on your 90? Nice event...
I play withat kind of graphs too... hate the lowest ones
Violent Triumph is the only 79 skill "worth", for 10 seconds you are immune to debuffs, you cant be stunned, freeze, slow and sleep. That means archers, clerics and wizards will have trouble in keep the distance, also BMs cant stun lock for that time :) The only prob of Violent Triumph is the chi, it consumes 50 Chi (half…
that explains the silver spoons I found some days ago...b:chuckle
if a second Mdef buff is added to the game barbs would be even more OP... magic attacks against us would be pittyfull, plus with our giant pool HP the only option for magic users against us is RUN. When I have the magic defense buff from cleric, wizzards deal around 1000 damage to me (I am talking about wizzards from my…
This quest is also know as busy in real life...
I am going to eat my kids... Bacon is there <3 but for now.. I ma just raising then :O /slaps the white mage for posting this :P
in before locked... necro is here^^
I think every weekend is a bit too much... even if it is a great event. I will be glad if we could have one event like this, like one time per month. Also its not the "first time" they do this event, last time was on september 2 months ago (it was only double exp and spirit). For this event I rate 10/10!! Thanks
in before this thread face a gatelock
she was out squad when i come back second time
whats your hair color naito? Blond here :P
isnt this cute?!! I want blue hair toob:cry
Some stuff you have to try as a cleric: 1- Heal other people in duels. (yes they will get mad... but thats the point) 2- Keep your rez at level 1!! (and rez everyone you can, again people will get mad for pressing your rez bottom instead of waiting for a decent cleric) 3- Now that you are Low level you should buff everyone…