DQ Drops NPC-Price Dropped 20%



  • Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I looked at the forums of another mmo today. guess what they had in their general discussion section. a banlist. thats right a banlist. the gms posted a list of names for all to see. ingame names of accounts as well as the (what we would see here as) the blank avatar name saying they were banned. that didnt look like a slap on the wrist welcome back 3 days later it was an account ban. they cant come back and use the funds they botted to get that account was gone.

    sounds like a good solution to me

    I like it, but then that would require work on PWI's part.....

    so yeah ;>>
  • Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Here is an article in business week:

    Here are the factories that Crysler moved to in Mexico
    Saltillo Engine Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila 1981,2009
    Chrysler Hemi engine
    Chrysler Pentastar engine
    Saltillo Truck Assembly Saltillo, Coahuila 1995 Dodge Ram 2500 &3500
    Toluca Car Assembly Toluca, State of Mexico 1978 Chrysler PT Cruiser
    Dodge Journey

    Now Ford:
    Blue Diamond Truck Escobedo General, Nuevo Leon Mexico Ford F-650
    Ford F-750
    Ford LCF
    Chihuahua Engine Chihuahua, Chihuahua Mexico Open 690employees Duratec I4
    4,4L and 6,7L V8 Diesel

    Game keeps cropping the list.... dang... you get the picture though. If it really matters to you, I can also post the list of ALL the factories they closed in the US.
    That is parts as to outsourcing not the entire assembly line as that would cost billions which they have invested billions into.the sharholders would have some to say about this.Don't forget about the bail out package that that GM and Chryco just received.This would mean billions of dollars in compensation to dollars to laid off workers as well as pension benefits.You think will all the tool dye workers and all that has been invested they are going to simply move everything south to Mexico.

    That doesn't effect Canadian operations up here as we build cars and parts which we have the largest part manufacture of them all up here.it is one thing to read something off the internet but different to what is being said on the nightly news.

    Did you read all the comments to.
    Nickname: Edson Torres
    Review: Well, in a way isn't it better to send the jobs to Mexico instead of China? China is a communist country and they use the money to pump up their army. Mexicans just want to feed their families.
    Date reviewed: Apr 11, 2007 4:44 AM
    Nickname: oswaldo

    It sure say differently here.http://www.ehow.com/facts_5040488_ford-vehicles-made.html
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    stupidest the devs have done. makes it take even longer to grind money. grinding is my preferred way to get exp and money. sure i can do bhs but nowadays u even need coin to do bhs. and as a cleric bhs can be very stupid sometimes. when u get ppl like bms or sins who think they can just run around attacking everything and get surprised when they die cuz my slow cleris **** cant run fast enough to keep up with them. and other ppl just running around making it as hard for the cleric as they can. so grinding was a more easy way or maybe just less stressful way to get exp and was a good way to get coin for my exspensive as hell skills.b:angryb:angry
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    and this is proof imma cleric wasn't paying attention n didn't know blkwolf was the avatar
  • Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I like it, but then that would require work on PWI's part.....

    so yeah ;>>

    actually maybe less....they do ban people but only for a couple days. this way they ban and forget. they dont have to push the button to reactivate their account unless they can prove it was banned by mistake.
  • Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I am not talking about HH at all!! <3

    Has nothing to do with level. You adapt like you would adapt to gas prices rl (used this for lack of a batter example). People complained about that and how no one could afford ect, but people are still driving and people will still be playing..

    This same thing has happened with other things in this game and people ended up eating their words because they jumped too conclusions too fast. DQ items were meant for a quest(s) in-game that is relatively dead.

    What if the new Tide Badge Quest yields something that would make the added $$ to make up for the 20% loss in DQ? Then everyone freaking out going to eat their words here?

    Chill out and wait ffs. That is all I am saying it is not a big deal and people will survive. Just wait and see what happens....

    People just flip out too soon...*sigh*

    Hell...people are dealing with receiving less mirages for decomping of 3*'s...suc's but you play on if you truly like the game.


    You are right, however; numerous businesses took a hit to the gut when over 80% of travelers and even casual drivers learned they didn't have to go on vacation this year. Or they realized they can just spend 30.00 more and buy a few extra groceries this trip and save gas. Few adapted, they merely survived. Many people still cut corners on gas. Point is, when they did it; the businesses felt the sting. Not just the people buying the gas. The same will be true here as well.

    Now lets discuss just why the DQ quest is dead? Is that buy ANY fault of the players? Enough said on that one..

    Yes everyone is freaking out prematurely, but I believe its in hopes that their effort will produce change. They don't want it to happen and they feel voicing their concerns might help in efforts to change what is.

    Last but not least if they didnt' want input they wouldn't have put it in patch preview notes. Why do you think they slipped it in there?
    No.I don't for being over 40 years of age and it would cost billions to move an automobile factory and close one down.They would have to have hefty pay out to those unionized worked as well for compensation and retirements.They just don't make Cars and Truck in the US as there are plants up here in Canada and our unions are a lot harder to deal with.there are Japanese built car in North America Canada/US.

    The new players that have lvl 30 still get quests with coin and will learn how to adapt faster than most of you as some one mentioned

    To that person who said boycott buying zen why don't they shut down the servers down now.I would say that 90% of the player population wouldn't agree with you.

    It is either that or qq more I am use to changes like this in rpgs and atleast they didn't nerf any skills like they do every 2 months in another rpg I play.Grow and adapt.

    Being 40 doesn't make you have wisdom. But I won't go there any further than to say, I've seen it happen and I've lived through it.
  • Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    damn u guys still QQing? like RedRose said, kill one more god damn mob

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    We're asking the devs about this, and I'll get back to you on it as soon as I can.
  • Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    We're asking the devs about this, and I'll get back to you on it as soon as I can.
    Hi Frankie o_o ty
    ●Barb - The "natural" leader. Cool and collected, slow to anger, and typically jovial. Swift to act when friends' lives are in danger, and prepared to lay down his life if the situation calls for it.

    End of lvling, starting of the unimaginableb:laughb:victoryb:coolb:cool
  • Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ^ frankie :o
    oh and as you may not have realised, it's not as simple as kiling one more mobs, plus let them QQ in this thread, if you don't like it don't go here O.o
    its a real pressing matter, especially to a non-cashopper like me with limited game time
    Support The Cursed Race
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  • Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    My point is that it does not take that much longer to kill a few (since when I say one ppl get nit-picky) extra mobs for the dq.
    I guess it's subjective, but 20% seems pretty big to me.

    I make my fortunes in the game mucking around with numbers like "5%" or "8%", so personally I think 20% is a pretty big number.

    Another way to look at it is if income goes down by 20%, then it actually takes 25% longer to grind the same amount of coins: 1 / (1 * .8) = 1.25

    So if somebody used to grind for 2 hours they're now looking at grinding 2 1/2 hours.

    If my boss told me I had to start working 10 hours shifts, but for the same 8 hour pay, I'd just quit and go find a better job.

    The analogy isn't perfect, and also I can't for the life of me understand why people subject themselves to doing things in a video game that feel like work in the first place, but nevertheless I do understand how people are going to perceive the changes.

    The end result will probably just be a new round of mass-quitters, but I'm not naive enough to think they won't just be replaced by a bunch of new players who don't care about the DQ prices. This is why I now tell all my friends that Perfect World is a good game, but that the people in charge like to **** over their established player base every so often just for fun, so watch out.
    PWI Merchanting Guides: warrenwolfy.wordpress.com
  • Posts: 180
    edited May 2010
    Just sold all my dq items in my PW-MY version account. Made 12m+ from one alt inventory/bank. Was mostly DQ 71/81/91 since in that version you had to actually grind to gain levels (before new frost, etc). b:quiet

    Would've lost around 3m if this was applied there. Also could've gotten more than double if I never used a lot of it to do actual dragon quests before... b:lipcurl
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    IThe analogy isn't perfect, and also I can't for the life of me understand why people subject themselves to doing things in a video game that feel like work in the first place,

    This isn't quite a video game, it's a MMO, it's more like a hobby than anything else.

    A video game has a distinct beginning, middle and end. You do something, you get a score or a fancy cut-scene, then it is over. There is no 'over' in an MMO until the servers shut off.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This isn't quite a video game, it's a MMO, it's more like a hobby than anything else.

    A video game has a distinct beginning, middle and end. You do something, you get a score or a fancy cut-scene, then it is over. There is no 'over' in an MMO until the servers shut off.

    DO IT. b:shutup
    Guild History:
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  • Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I just thinking to come back here (because of boredom), so i can play while waiting for other MMO CB.
    And look what i found . . . . . .
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    Being 40 doesn't make you have wisdom. But I won't go there any further than to say, I've seen it happen and I've lived through it.
    Yes it does go talk to your grandfather he is wiser than you are.This is as far as I am taking this as it is going off topic.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    You can make 10x the money in soooo many easier ways O_o (imo of course).

    Hi Rose :)

    can you tell me at least 5 ways and make a nice tutorial for it. I would love to know 5 more ways of how i can make 10 times more money easier than selling that DQ Stuff.

    But for sure you can also add all your ways you know maybe you know 20+ that would be many ways i think.

    Unfortunately i must tell i dont know any way, so i ll look forward for your tutorial.
    !!So start writing now!! And i promise i will donate you ;)


    PS: So tell us the ways and no one will ever care about the 20% if it is that easy.
    To find yourself, think for yourself : Socrates 469 BC

    UBCS : Raging Tide

    Faction Level: 3

    Leader: _Kahn_
    Director: _Maylea_
    Marshal: dRaxXstar
    Executor: BlackEffect, Lylinn, _Lenneth_, Kreuz, white_devil_, Foxian

    Site: ubcs.mmoguildsites.com or ubcs.tk
    We are still looking for you: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=8526252
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This, along with NPC prices going up, has already caused about 12 of my friends (5x-7x range) to quit the game.

    Kind of a stab in the back, PWI. I'm likely to be following them. Even if they take back the DQ idea, PWI's almost pulled the last straw for me, telling its users that if they can't spare a coin or RL money, they can **** off.
  • Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    b:byeWell cant say i didnt see something like this coming but what all these ppl dont realize is those so called poor ppl that dont have extra cash to spend on virtual property cause they have a real life and dont play a video game 16 hours a day is that those poor ppl are the ones that buy their cash shop items and their gold from the boutique to give all of those pos lazy ppl can do thier dailies with and get ur wines for ur bhs and so on and so fourth there fore i cant wait to see the lvl99-100+ out there grinding for x2 wines for bhs and cstones b:laugh that will be truly funny have fun sitting around bankers with shops up waiting for someone to buy ur crapb:chuckle oops they wont have the coin btw better games out there where gears arent sold in stores and better pvp systems and better balancing of classes and better bug fixes heck theyre just better all around
  • Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Hi Rose :)

    can you tell me at least 5 ways and make a nice tutorial for it. I would love to know 5 more ways of how i can make 10 times more money easier than selling that DQ Stuff.

    But for sure you can also add all your ways you know maybe you know 20+ that would be many ways i think.

    Unfortunately i must tell i dont know any way, so i ll look forward for your tutorial.
    !!So start writing now!! And i promise i will donate you ;)


    PS: So tell us the ways and no one will ever care about the 20% if it is that easy.

    Its all about re-sell back stuff

    I make lots of profit from it, theres always people that pay 1.3M coins for somthing that cost 1M coins. This game is all about re-sell.

    But decreasing DQ drops price will be bad for poor ones and rich ones, since poor ones wont be able to buy much stuff.
    Happy Sauce face

    Manufactured by Konariraiden
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Its all about re-sell back stuff

    I make lots of profit from it, theres always people that pay 1.3M coins for somthing that cost 1M coins. This game is all about re-sell.

    But decreasing DQ drops price will be bad for poor ones and rich ones, since poor ones wont be able to buy much stuff.

    Oh hell no, please don't sabotage CheeseSteak's online mission. He's already on a tough road to sell out his Tiger and Coral packs at west Arch. You know who I'm talking about if you're from Santuary and a frequent forum visitor.
  • Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Ok that way i know, so this is one way ;)
    And that at least is the way i do, since i put alot of rl coins in it.

    But my point is, for the poor ppl i dont see so many ways of making "10x money easier".
    I d just like to know how they can earn enough for a good playing experience.

    He or she (Rose) just exaggerated i think. In my opinion if we had a chance to avoid this we should do. Thats means the masses of ppl counts not the minority which likes to nerf the rates. PWI should act for the majority, because it is even better to keep them than the minority right? b:laugh

    And at least in short i think (blame me for this) the majority are poor and the minority is rich.

    PS: That doesnt mean that every rich dont care about that, i think there are also some rich outside which dont like this at all and even some poor which dont care about this topic. But PWi should listen in that case to the masses.

    To find yourself, think for yourself : Socrates 469 BC

    UBCS : Raging Tide

    Faction Level: 3

    Leader: _Kahn_
    Director: _Maylea_
    Marshal: dRaxXstar
    Executor: BlackEffect, Lylinn, _Lenneth_, Kreuz, white_devil_, Foxian

    Site: ubcs.mmoguildsites.com or ubcs.tk
    We are still looking for you: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=8526252
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Even if they restore NPC prices and DQ... PWI has already made it plainly clear they're not a friend to the free-to-play player.

    Damage has already been done.
  • Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Even if they restore NPC prices and DQ... PWI has already made it plainly clear they're not a friend to the free-to-play player.

    Damage has already been done.

    PWI hasn't, PW-CN has. It might have just been a mistake to post that. That or something else.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011.
    pwcalc.com/e7016929e7b204ae "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    If they lower the DQ price, at least they could just give new players full inventory, so they could just farm and gather more items without spending gold at the start of the game. I remember that i hated this game when just created a char to try it out. Low inventory space....and there are so many items u need (especially when ur a new in the game and u still quite dont know which items are useful and which not, so you keep 'em till you found out later) - it's really annoying to run each 30mins to town just to sell smth cos u cant take more loot..... I stayed just because of few friends encouraged me to return to game. I remember i was so pissed when i had to buy that inv. ex. stone around my lvl 25 or so, cos i still think that full inventory space must be "free".
  • Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Its all about re-sell back stuff

    I make lots of profit from it, theres always people that pay 1.3M coins for somthing that cost 1M coins. This game is all about re-sell.

    But decreasing DQ drops price will be bad for poor ones and rich ones, since poor ones wont be able to buy much stuff.

    this is true and this is the problem. If by far the best way to make money in the game is by merchanting then something is wrong with the mechanics of the game. people play a mmo because they wat to play a game. they want to quest, they want bosses, they want challenging dungeons etc. they do not want to open a business. the do not want to have a virtual job on a game that they play when they get home from their real job.

    If people enjoy merchanting that is just fine, good for them and I'm sure they will do well. it has been said before that alot of merchants are richer then the cash shoppers. when merchanting becomes the main way to get by aside from swiping a credit card it is no longe perfect world it is now Catshop Tycoon. real players leave leaving all the merchanters and cash players. cash players can get money from a credit card and buy endgame gear leaving no end user for the merchanter. what will they do buy and sell from each other till they all go out of business except a couple?

    maybe pw should do an experiment. open a server (or merge 2 small ones leaving an empty one) and make the server completely void of a cash shop other then fashion mounts and aerogear and make all of that stuff untradeable and see how the economy turns out.

    @shinsen or just make more quests to complete the inventory and safe. all dq stuff just cut and paste and change the items
  • Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    PWI hasn't, PW-CN has. It might have just been a mistake to post that. That or something else.

    Let's be clear about this. Perfect World Entertainment is the company running PWI - hiring GMs, administering the servers, and making a modicum of localization decisions. If they were a separate entity licensing the code, your point might have a sliver of relevance (although anyone licensing the fundamental code of their product without any contractual control over changes to that code deserves scorn). In fact, though, PWE has clearly stated that they are a US subsidiary of the Chinese company which does the code development and runs PW-CN. All the nonsense posts about not blaming "the GMs" (or, more appropriately, any of the people at PWE) for things controlled by "the devs" display a level of naivete that is disturbing. If your bank lost all your money and you went to your local branch office to complain, would you be satisfied when they said "That wasn't us - the parent company of this bank lost your money." If so, you deserve the run-around you are getting.
    "?" IS my avatar.
  • Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    *sigh* hoped the game would have gotten abit better in the months i've been away.
    *back to FPW*
    (best i could do T_T)
    b:cryYou were the best CM everb:cry

    August 12 - I'm officially 15 b:pleased
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Interesting.... Go to youtube and type in the search best mmorpgs 2010 (or whatever) . I have not seen Perfect World International in anyones line up (please advise me if you find such a vid on youtube) .. RIP pwi is so sad to type :(

    I advise all not to pour anymore money into a broken dying ill fated game such as this milked dry one. It will only get worse from here on in ,with management decisions such as this . this is now a stand off as to whether the devs/management will listen (if ever) to the community that PLAYS this game. GM's are apparently speaking to the devs about the backlash of this impending change . Its make or break now..... i anxiously await the decision...

    I will also post this statement that I posted in another thread as its also relevant to this one :

    Your right it (changes to the decomposed mirages from equipment ) was never announced , it was found out by the players... Makes you wonder what's next that will be 'coincidently discovered' . I really wonder why they announced the 20% reduction of DQ NPC selling price BEFORE it happened . It does not fit in line with their way of doing things... I wonder the real , true, reason for actually disclosing it before-hand???
    b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry We love this game STOP RUINING IT !! b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry

    "Sometimes the strongest are the ones that walk away . Enough is Enough ".
  • Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    DQ causes:
    ozone layer depletion
    loss of brain cells
    unnatural urge to kill something over and over again
    and forum rage.

    IT'S BAD FOR YOU, don't do drugs.
This discussion has been closed.