Dire_Straits - Raging Tide Arc User


  • Can this be tested ? Do sutra and cast few 1.0 casting time spells (gush, CoF, DP, pitfall, WotP, frostblade), how many can you cast ? and is it the same with other wizards ? This might prove if its your ping or something else. Also if none of the wizards are able to cast 4 or more will prove your 1 second delay. OR it…
  • Might be because when someone encounters a problem with something they love and have invested a lot of time and money in, the initial reaction is to try and work it out instead of quitting... but divorces happen, what can I say.
  • You mean 1 week. Sunshine packs sale ended July 14th Mar 17th - Mar 31st (Coral Packs) 1 week break Apr 7th - Apr 13th (Year of Tiger Packs) Apr 13th - Apr 20th (Year of Tiger Packs) (time extended) Apr 20th - May 5th (Year of Tiger Packs) (time extended) 2 week break May 19th - June 16th (Year of Tiger Packs) June 16th -…
  • Pathetic. If pwi feels that players were craving packs back because of a person making a post some time ago, then realize that in an mmo, out of thousands of players playing, few people will always have their misfortune like this no matter what the situation is. Out of your continuous sale after sale these past months, I…
  • You're certainly passionate about it. I wonder how long it'll last. PS can I borrow some monies plox b:beg
  • Thanks GM team, I hope the counter measure initiates on the same day when DQ change happens b:thanks
  • Either an April's fool joke ? or no maintenance bug ? I miss it b:sad
  • I once saw a low level veno lost near dreamweaver, it was fun leading it back to her village (dreamweaver server last year). Flew a low level tideborn from thousand streams to tb starting village (raging tide server) apparently her friend flew and left her there as a joke b:shocked Last to last week I walked a low level…
  • Me thinks spoons passed on ... ..to BoI. Welcome frankie and best wishes to spoons Edit- @lymphocyte (below me) please don't misunderstand, BoI is another game from PWI, I am sure spoons is very much alive and well.
  • Here at Hikari, we understand that players come from different background and what some wouldn't find offensive may be offensive to others. Instead of pming me when I made the offensive comment (haxing), you rage quit. Even a mention in faction chat about not saying anything like this in the future might be ok and more…
  • Unfortunately your using any skills has nothing to do with the low level player in tideborn area just taking advantage of black voodoo skill, trying to kill as much as possible in 1 minute. Not all player follow the same methods. Just having a look at different angles.
  • Gah i apologise, it does have a low cooldown, but that still doesn't change my point. A person will still want to take advantage of the buff for full 1 minute. Using the skill over and over again before timer will result in a much lower mana.
  • What am I off base about ? White/black voodoo have 1 minute cooldown with 1 minute lasting time, SoV has 3. All three buffs are from lvl 9. What has your using white voodoo with SoV anything to do about my understanding that a certain player was taking advantage of a short term buff and didn't pick up his loot ? What has…
  • Please don't try to derail the point I was making by adding completely unrelated information. I am talking about player leaving loot behind due to taking advantage of a SHORT term buff. You stating that psychic (my example) do not have to worry about it because of a short cooldown period ? Lets compare facts -> We get no…
  • The actions you take within game and forums have consequences whether you are aware of it or not. Different community of people comprising of different age groups play here, that is why there is a guideline / rules that we must follow. Having no consequences for your actions will quickly make this game attract only…
  • The phychic buff that I was talking about is level 9 (since after the 2 starting "non buffing skills" skills, the next skill we get is AT level 9 "which IS a buff skill"), it only lasts 1 minute and cooldown is 1 minute. I have no idea which level 4 skill you're talking about b:surrender My apologies for late reply, didn't…
  • The traitor!!!b:shocked I guess it could be guessed, he used to allow some members (and was open for any one interested) to lead a TW. Given that this was also somewhat 6-7 months agob:surrender
  • Where's Seraphim ? Its hard to believe Calamity losing with him as leader. Half the members didn't understand but his leadership was one of the main reason Calamity won TWs. He did research on many strategies with leaders of HT servers, etc. Not to mention changing strategy mid TW to accommodate any given situation.
  • I hope he player wasn't a phychic, they get a useful 1 minute attack buff and the player might just be trying to make the most of it. We can't judge on who's brash who wasn't without whole conversation pictures. We can debate if its worth it to not pick up loot for the reason that killer might be taking advantage of a…
  • That's why I replied to the one who found the situation serious enough. There are many kinds of people with different views here. You don't have to respect them, that doesn't mean you have to ridicule them. Common courtesy is hard enough to find, lest you deny it here too.
  • Hi Foxrunning, morals depend on the society we're born / raised in. One looks down on others trying to change and ridicule it. Although many credit games having influence on children, which is rarely the case. A child is influenced and sees the world depending on how its raised. Your children are mature enough to give them…