Cy_Anara - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • Part of the reason I went sage on my sin is to try to escape generalization. I am still only 2.5 aps and can do pretty much anything a 5 aps can or better with a lil brain power lol. I love the class, and I love how it plays. I'm not good at pvp...mostly because I panic.. and then nothing good can come of it. lol.…
  • 82 pages.. ohmai b:shocked ty for the title <3
  • Would like mine to be "Angel Fish" Proud sage assassin :D b:victory
  • b:angry i was supposed to be married as well today, wouldnt work-ppl waited for 3 hrs! just unacceptable >.< went to submit a support ticket and cant even access that because its "down for maint" i feel for your friends! i hope this gets fixed soon.
  • Read what I said btw... I said no reason they should get ALL the drops. Yes the rep and xp is nice, but as you said, it isnt as valuable as it once was. When I help with fb's I dont mind dropping molds/books/3*'s in return for the rep/xp...But I still think the logic is twisted in the first place. It's usually people at…
  • To be perfectly honest I really see no point in "tabbers" getting all drops. b:shutup They've really put nothing "extra" into getting them. Not to mention they usually have to hope n pray they can get into a bh squad for help. I could see if it was just some ppl comin along for the xp/rep or just to help, to hand over…
  • You should have taken a bit of time to read-frankie,kritty,and shelly have all commented on this. I really do hope this is changed...and soon! Utter nonsense that they never seem to test anything during these updates. I realize people would have a cow if the servers were not back up on time, but I would think most would…