Cupcake - Raging Tide Arc User



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  • Aw Man D: No love for Cupcake I see. b:sad I'll let Ben know you're still thinking of him though! b:mischievous
  • After a tip from a faction member, I restarted my computer and it seems to be working now.
  • I'm having a similar problem as well... though, instead of saying the version and client are the same, I get an "Update files corrupted" pop-up at elementskill.dll. How did you resolve yours? :3
  • Mine stops at elementskill.dll too with an "Update files corrupted" pop-up. Once I click Ok, the patcher closes. ._.
  • Just wanted to quote 2 things for truth: b:laugh Because I just like to pick on Rawrgh. b:cute Though I hate to admit it, good point you brought up. Hopefully a GM comments on it, though I wouldn't hold your breath. b:surrender And I am now way more informed on the history/meanings of the swastika symbol than ever before.
  • The quest boss killing shall commence in... 14 hours. :D ..if I counted my time zones correctly. :3
  • Ahem RaaaainZ: b:mischievous Hey Kiran! Ben says hi, too. b:cute While Taoya and the 2 that follow are a good suggestion to add (I've done them countless times in the past for fac mates @_@), our general aim here was to help the lower levels with their bosses, hence…
  • Ah, unfortunately, I don't think we'll be including any bosses inside FBs. I'll look into it, but it's unlikely. I would suggest keeping the quest and either waiting until your fb69, which you'll have to kill Noxtouch in order to open a door, OR tagging along on a bh69 if you can't wait.
  • Yep, we do. That's a simple and to-the-point title that catches our members', and apparently your, attention on our forums. On here though, we prefer to be a bit more aesthetic as we are appealing to the masses and not just our members. Kind of like walking around your house in whatever the hell you want, but taking the…
  • Yes, yes of course. b:kiss I forgot to mention that: Cookies and cupcakes will be handed out at each boss for those who attend. b:cute
  • I voted for the database. While I agree with what Sangodoc posted (different sized fashion changing scrolling bar = slight annoyance), I preferred the more condensed menu on the left to the tons of scrolling of the M/F pages. The database page has potential to be a really useful tool - being able to pair fashion together…
  • I accuse you of putting a space before every punctuation mark! b:infuriated And Veritas, dancing was in well before the Infamy bandwagon jump. Keelie was one of the first from Infamy to come over and dancing is several names ahead of her on the faction list, indicating he was in for quite awhile longer. Nimpo gave lead to…
  • Why put a space before every punctuation mark? :(
  • Awh, wish I actually remembered to visit the forums regularly so I coulda thrown in my 2 cents with the thread. Must remember to have Rawrgh remind me. Parker, I kick your *** in pk, yo. b:cute ....Okay, well I would run and hide behind Rudy while frantically clicking send nix button. And giggle. I remember joining QQme…
  • :( Changed the code to have it just open 100k packs all in a row... No SoT the 1st click. No SoT the 2nd click. :o SoT at around ~290k packs opened. >.> Didn't change any of the coding except that the button opens 100k instead of 100. (Lazy clicker.) I won't be testing my luck anytime soon... b:cryb:surrender But nice job,…
  • Woo, Sexy Nixxy Air Squad is pro. b:cute And Hope! Why no "LF more squad members" over your head! b:beatup I think it's safe to say though that our squad has the best dressed cleric. ;)
  • -drums fingers- b:scorn AisuBeki, KingTank, and everyone else who said Harpy isn't: thank you very much! -looks at rainz pointedly- :P I tried explain all these points in our faction chat to Mr. RainZ, but men will be men. I would like to insert a well-earned "I told you so."
  • XD Man is very much a real member. He's the leader of QQme, both mine and Rawrgh's faction. I think what caused Man to respond that way to Rawrgh was on our faction forums, a lot of people (inc. Rawrgh) have screenshots of silly things people have said in our sigs. So he purposefully set himself up for the screenshot to be…
  • Too late, Rawrgh, your vote is void. I had to QQ to you about it in PMs. </3 Ihu.
  • >:O Cheerleader, eh?! b:lipcurl I provided expert brambles and expert bramblehood-->foxformin-->purge-->foxformout. D: Someone asked what it drops... First time, we got 2 Dragonling Essences, and the 2nd time that Asheera mentioned, they got 3. I agree with Man; was a little sad when…
  • XD Nice video, the_love. Kali is my queen, so she has my vote. b:kiss See Kali? I'm obviously better than Teddy... he isn't even here to support you! b:lipcurl And awwww at Fuzzy's post. I really need to tell Ben to step it up on the mushy compliments. b:surrender
  • Well, I already told you on MSN, but I'll say it here in case other people happen across this and wonder as well. It's in 4th past map (Old Moonshade Desert) -- you'll need 4th map to complete your final culti, whether you are demon or sage.
  • b:shedtear While I am sad that you are leaving pwi, I'm happy that you got a pretty nice deal out of leaving. xD And anyways, I still have you on vent and msn. b:dirty I know you didn't give me a heart too because you didn't want to make NR jealous, it's okay. >.>
  • Got married on my male cleric alt... and we were digging the bouquets when suddenly the instance just kicks us all out. Why? >_> Also, my 'wife' and I did the exchange rings thing and got the timed all-white wedding fashion, but we never got any kind of reward or the permanent fashion. D: I still have the ring from it...…
  • Puppy one = adorable. xD All quite funny. b:laugh
  • I only got to the NPC that says "You're at halfway" after about 1 hr of trying, rofl. I'm curious about how the quests in there work... honestly, that confused me a lot. >< I got the Toxic Room quest (didn't complete b/c I was just trying to see how far I could get...), and I turned in one crest thing at the starter NPC...…
  • Overall, I liked the event. Only complaint is that it's only once every week, but with some prizes being rather extravagant (lunar ring o_o) I guess I can understand why. Still, 2-3 times a week at least would be nice... Was a little sad the reward packs can't be account stash'd, but I can understand why they'd change…
  • I found it. :D Thank you Dyskrasia and Elvindor. b:thanks And to answer your question: I went to Raging Tides to kill mobs and they were pretty much everywhere. o.o Just head out the south gate. There's 5 different types of mobs you can kill w/ varying amounts of health and contribution (Alpha, Beta,.. etc.), Alpha being…
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