Harpy Wraith Slain



  • Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I believe ArchMichael already wasted more teles than Harpy's drop worth

    It's a fact.
  • Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I believe ArchMichael already wasted more teles than Harpy's drop worth

    He isn't doing it to sell it. Gosh. He is doing it to increase his e-peen.
  • Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    ya harpy wraith must be dead coz i haven't seen it on the ancient wall all week
    I did not feel the treachery or inconstancy of a friend, nor the injuries of a secret or open enemy. I had no occasion of bribing, flattering, or pimping, to procure the favour of any great man, or of his minion; I wanted no fence against fraud or oppression: here was neither physician to destroy my body, nor lawyer to ruin my fortune; no informer to watch my words and actions, or forge accusations against me for hire: here were no gibers, censurers, backbiters, pickpockets, highwaymen, housebreakers, attorneys, bawds, buffoons, gamesters, politicians, wits, splenetics, tedious talkers, controvertists, ravishers, murderers, robbers, virtuosos; no leaders, or followers, of party and faction; no encouragers to vice, by seducement or examples; no dungeon, axes, gibbets, whipping-posts, or pillories; no cheating shopkeepers or mechanics; no pride, vanity, or affectation; no fops, bullies, drunkards, strolling prostitutes, or poxes; no ranting, lewd, expensive wives; no stupid, proud pedants; no importunate, overbearing, quarrelsome, noisy, roaring, empty, conceited, swearing companions; no scoundrels raised from the dust upon the merit of their vices, or nobility thrown into it on account of their virtues; no lords, fiddlers, judges, or dancing-masters.
    From Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
  • Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    So harpy killed again and somehow I survived with my **** gear and no charm or BB b:cool

    I was like b:shocked most of time though, pretty sure many things could have gone wrong and I would have been dead b:surrender
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Correct me if I'm wrong but... arent tt99 weapons better than the harpy wraith weapons and cheaper too? b:surrender
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    It's an e-peen matter b:avoid
  • Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    So harpy killed again and somehow I survived with my **** gear and no charm or BB b:cool
    LOL get out, your gear is awesome not ****. Don't be so modest. b:cute

    *sigh* I need harpy for a demon quest (surprise surprise) but I doubt I could live to get the kill b:surrender
  • Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    >:O Cheerleader, eh?! b:lipcurl
    I provided expert brambles and expert bramblehood-->foxformin-->purge-->foxformout. D:

    Someone asked what it drops... http://www.pwdatabase.com/pwi/mob/7088
    First time, we got 2 Dragonling Essences, and the 2nd time that Asheera mentioned, they got 3. I agree with Man; was a little sad when it didn't do the "xxx has recently acquired a Dragonling Essence" system announcement. :(

    And no, we didn't video it... Woke up randomly at 7 am that morning, Ben says let's go kill harpy, 15 min of buffing and gathering... 10 min later, dead. I think our next feet is to kill 5 world bosses at the same time (done 2 so far...), working up to all + Harpy. XD

    :OO Man! You have a panda mount?! Best mount ever. :D <333

  • Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    :OO Man! You have a panda mount?! Best mount ever. :D <333

    That panda is sooo cute b:cute


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