Infamu or gtfo, fegs.
I'll chainsaw you with Twisted Fate allday kkkkkk.
Lal even when we're not playing we still make people rage, Asher still got it lmao. Anyways, back to my secret cave, i go hibernate pwi too lame these days. -inb4defensivecrapandsuch.
Thread was made to remember the old and fun times of RT, if you weren't part of it i understand. But no one is forcing the new breed to read this, its nostalgia fest. And lawl IPwnUNub you still play?
BumbleBee should be on that list. Empire original.
inorite? Such a pro lvlb:cute
Aff i go do that. Also stop spamming General Discussionb:scorn
You seem to try getting a comeback for every single post. Thats what i do not you.b:sad I never said CSing is badb:cute Also like the thread. Who can make me our fallen heroes sigb:dirty
Your definition of an alive game is different from mine. Your definition of an alive game is that the GMs are still getting their pockets filled. While mine is big numbers of players having fun and having an almost "fair" gameplay. IKR
I played enough to know the difference between when it was alive and when its dead. Go player info peeps around archo. See how many non CSers u find. Go go flames.
Expect this to be on Lower Deph's soon. Even if there is nothing wrong with it, it will end up there. Pro modsb:cute Game is dead. IJS
I join Infamy now, k men? Lets go kill some Insights at sp.... oh waitb:sad Game is dead. IJS
The best class and most needed, is the CS class. Goodluck ^.^ i heard its a really fun class to use.
A kill stealing thread? Erm is this what pwi has become? <.< You get killed stealed? Get over it or quit the game(which is the best option) Posting it on forums wont change anything. ijs /Criminal
Have fun Esuna. Even tho we never liked each other i respect you for actually leaving this shet. b:bye Oh wait.. what am i doing here?b:shocked
You can try, but you may end up without a girlfriend. <.< And lol at Hope 85 xD Overall nice report.
Oh god fuzzy... you have been hanging out with Hope too much...
Good times eh? Also about hope its true tho, i remember her getting a warning for spamming the smillies on faction chat so much XD Nice and fun people there, a really unforgettable faction. Also i just remember about a really old name... dont know if he still plays but, What happend with MeatShield? xD one of the first 5x…
You just got trolled. Oh hai there.
Whats infamy tho?
Lol..... b:bye Hope is lost and confused as always i see. Nice thread.
Oh noes, Aeternus is getting teached by Hopeb:shocked
So Hope, you finnaly decided to show ur talent to the whole world eh? GG have a nice trolling. inb4icantreadthatstupid. Blind pplz.
Havent u heard? Lvl 100 this days means nothing. U say " they have cought up" like that is it, ur so wrong. But ill leave u be rofl. Remember crim in a few more months now. I am done now. RT forums are getting boring, its mainly just spam( including me in them) and no threads with a point. Finnaly u wont have to see crim…
Lol wut? i already had stopped pking at lvl 50.If i recall correctly the only one with an ego like that is u. I have never put myself over someone else but i do remember this coming from ur mouth at sp - CRIMINAL U NOOB FIGHT ME OR ARE U SCARED, when u were higher lvl than me and had 7 insight buddies behind u.I did fight…
Never. And Rawrgh... a little 6 yr boy could figure it out i dont have to play to know that. As i dont have to play to know u will never be a problem in TWb:chuckle Who's up for Forsaken world?
Cause things have got boring and have no one to the end game instances which it seems u have the same problem.People gotta understand something, u can be of the highest lvls for the first 8-9 months of the server but when eventually many others that didnt power lvl get there u will be same as them or even less. First…
ButtHurt. QQ?
I remember back when BumbleBee be used to kill his little Insight buddies and Knight would follow him everywhere cuz he was the only was able to see him in stealth, then i would jump in and end up dead b:victory Fun moments indeed. But i still think Knight was nicer than the most of the insights that used to pk lol ,…