Crilla - Sanctuary Arc User


  • A mugiwara guild? b:heart Geez, you people are really trying to get me to switch servers, aren't you?
  • I second both of these ideas! One of the things I liked about D&D was cross-classing, they managed it pretty well with DDO and some other mmorpgs. Also, I know more races will be a tough one for the sake of the cost of more animations and such, but giving access to more classes in the existing races would be nice (the…
  • (On as Coreth's Alt) Sure, if I make the switch I'll look you up. :) Are we able to play on more than once server in this game? I only just started playing a couple days ago, so I'm not sure of the limitations yet.
  • The mental image of a whole group of Werewolves running around is cool, but Pwguardian does have a point - as long as there are class limits, it'd be solely barbarians. Not that that's impossible (at least as far as the lower levels), so long as everyone can cycle fights well and keep stocked on their potions, but it'd…