RolePlay Guild



  • xodiumx
    xodiumx Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    If you build it they will come!b:laugh

    I have been looking for an RP guild.

    So, would it be Reshella I contact in game? Yes?
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Names you should probably contact about the guild, Xodiumx.

    (Names are typed exact)

    Due to recent events, I will be more on Yashanee_ Then Samoonra and Elayne is often if you happen to contact her.

    P.S. awfully sorry about Reshella. She was my first character and doesn't belong to the guild. :P
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Come on guys, it isn't too late to pm your guild leader about your status in the guild. Monday is going to be the day.
  • Uindo - Heavens Tear
    Uindo - Heavens Tear Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Do you know how hard it is to find roleplay in this game?
    I have some questions but would prefer to get answers via email. I can elaborate more there and get more thorough answers.
    My husband and I have been roleplaying for well over 13 years now together and myself for 17. Anything from pen and paper to multiple MMORPGS. We have played and ran roleplaying guilds in multiple games and we are looking for one to make things far more interesting and enjoyable in this one. If someone could please contact me at . There are a few things I would like to know:

    Is this guild good, evil, neutral?
    Do you consider yourselves relaxed, hardcore, medium, or casual roleplayers?
    What is the goals of the guild? The purpose?
    What drives the guild?
    What lore basis does the guild have in the game? etc etc.

    At the same time you are more than welcomed to ask me any questions you have.

    Thanks! You can also contact me in game but chatting for long lengths like this is impossible due to chat limitations. In game I mostly play Ashwynn or Uindo or Cercin.
  • Elayne - Heavens Tear
    Elayne - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Recently there has been a large drop in guild activity, with only myself and one other seem to be online at the moment, and our leaders are taking a hiatus from the game. Please feel free to contact Elayne in-game for any more info or joining requests.
  • jayde
    jayde Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    im still there,just in euro timezone! ,also to uindo check out the website we do have some lore written and some links to more general veno stuff

    im Foxtsuba ig feel free to contact me! :D

    looking forward to reading your stories!
  • mahiro
    mahiro Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    ok I am not lvl 20 but I am 13 ........on my way to a higher lvl ......but I would like to join if that is alright with you .... do you wish me to message you in game ??
  • Uindo - Heavens Tear
    Uindo - Heavens Tear Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Well I did have one person contact me via email but honestly I do not feel you guys are what I am looking for. With no real driving force, purpose or even in game guild, its just not very appealing. Personally I look for interaction between characters and stories to go with. I look for a guild that is just as involved in game lore, character lore as they are in roleplay. What good is roleplay if its just random and has nothing to do with the characters, guild, or their purpose.
    Perhaps I misunderstood the answers I was given to my questions but the person who responded directly shot themselves in the foot with the answers they gave me.

    I feel myself and my husband both have a lot to offer any guild, especially a roleplay guild but what you guys have is merely a place for roleplayers to connect and meet up in do not persay have a Roleplay Guild.
  • princessnoonie
    princessnoonie Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I would love to join. I read carefully throught the reiqurements listings and guide thingy and it sounds pretty interesting . b:cute Im a sucker for RP.

    I'm just waiting now for the download to finish .

    I just signed up today.
  • merlinfist
    merlinfist Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I'd like to join. But i'm still downloading the game, I used to RP in other games, so I know how it must be done. My name will be Eldantir, I don't know if this game has different servers but if it has, what server is this guild?
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    There are currently three servers running,
    Heavens Tear (which the guild is formed in)
    Sanctuary and Lost City

    And for about what Uindo's post, I am sorry this isn't what you are looking for but you would be exactly what I'll be looking for, for anybody who has bothered to reply, you seem very dedicated when it comes to rping. I must admit this is the first time I've ever created such guild in an MMORPG and I don't always know what people are looking for when it comes to a roleplaying guild. And for some of those that know, I come from Neverwinter Nights servers (role playing). Where most servers have their own settings like PW and stories we follow along. Well like that, we also work on developing and getting more in depth with our character's history, the way they interact with the world AND other charcters.

    Maybe people do misunderstand what I'm trying to create but it's not me that creates this kind of enviorment but everyone else. And unlike those Neverwinter Night servers, I'm not a dm (dungeon master) and I give freedom to those players on however they feel comfortable playing their characters.

    So I ask anybody this, should RolePlay be an actual in game guild where we are all pulled together to serve under a leader to lead in the never ending struggle against the wriths and to try to make a better and peaceful world?
  • jayde
    jayde Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Also in reply to Uindo
    The main problem we have as a rp group here is the fact that ,apart from venomancers,there isint much lore to be found
    Try googling for chinese elf folklore,there hardly is any,and they all more resemble goblins!
    what were trying to do is basically make it up,to everyones agreement,which ,as im sure you appreciate,is a lot harder than it sounds!
    were basically creating the manual,just like cygax did! :)
    You sound exactly what were looking for,someone whos prepared and willing to go from scratch to create these prototypes,and settings for character development,it would be a shame if you didnt at least keep in contact with us to share ideas etc.
    my IG is Foxtsuba please feel free to contact me ig at any time.
    P.S. if you can find any relevant lore etc,please send me the links cos Ive been googling my fingers off trying to get some :D
  • Gwixar - Sanctuary
    Gwixar - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I am not level 20 yet but I am interested in joining already.
    I do not have much experience in this.
    I started once in a forum but the topic died because of the dissapearance of the story creator.
    I hope I hear soon something of you with the message that I am in.
    thx guys
  • Coreth - Sanctuary
    Coreth - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Glad to see there are Roleplay guilds in this game. I don't have any level 20's yet, but hopefully it's not already full up (too many responses, didn't read all of them D:)

    Oh shoot... just noticed I'm on a different server. Well dang!
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Yeah sorry, we're only in Heavens Tear.
    But if you're interested and be willing to start on this server, you're free to do. :)
    Either just contact me as 'Yashanee_' or I'll contact you if you do decide to switch.
  • Crilla - Sanctuary
    Crilla - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    (On as Coreth's Alt) Sure, if I make the switch I'll look you up. :) Are we able to play on more than once server in this game? I only just started playing a couple days ago, so I'm not sure of the limitations yet.
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    For switching between servers, there are no limits.
    I don't think you can change your character over on one server to the next. And if so, no doubt they'd make you pay money for it. -.-
  • Uindo - Heavens Tear
    Uindo - Heavens Tear Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Well basically, in games like this you trash anything you do research on and you simply come up with a story together to base and bring everyone's characters together.
    For instance, I was in a guild in DDO who's name was based oddly the names of three gods from Forgotten Realms but our basis was simple. The guild was there to protect the innocent and farmers and etc in the surrounding areas. We built our whole story on this even though the setting was not Forgotten Realms. We fought evil in every form we could.
    Eventually, the leader left the game and it was thus up to me and one other to build the guild up. Our roleplay was in groups as we adventured and completed quests. We at times completely ignored the quest purpose itself and came up with our own especially when we were had to repeat certain instances/quests to help another guildy advance.
    Our purpose and theme brought many faces and many stories...each person having their own. We even had thieves who stole from the rich and greedy and gave to those that needed. We retrieved artifacts, looked for missing children.
    The guild itself started 6 months prior to release. We did RP sessions in chat and on WebRPG prior to release. We were 120 strong at release. Only reason the guild did not survive...was that the game did not have enough content to keep most of us content.
    With such a wide open world as Perfect World there is more than enough to keep any adventuring RP group content or so I would think. Unfortunately, my highest level is only 28. I love this game but with lack of enough RP to keep me interested I tend to venture off too far sometimes.

    Forget trying to do research and come up with your own. If you would be willing to let me, I would gladly help and then perhaps together we can build a guild worthy of the cause...though I am not sure what you call it in game, I think you may need to rebuild and rename once you have your ideas together. On top of that, I am a web designer, I could easily build a site even if it were in guildportal or so to help out.
    I am also working on building a MMO assistance site for Roleplayers to post their characters from all games, past and present , pen and paper and MMO. It will also help people like us to find others in games and find the right games as roleplayers.
  • bluewater
    bluewater Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You guys almost make me want to be in heaven's tear.
  • Elayne - Heavens Tear
    Elayne - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Back at the formation of the guild, I brought up the idea of the guild being a company of mercenaries. I do like the idea of having a set purpose for the guild, but at the time there were also several more active members. If this is done right, though, it builds a more cohesive group and ties all of the members' stories together, hopefully to the guild's benefit as a whole. Issues of organization and leadership especially will be an issue for the moment, as I'm only active part-time and Reshella's character is not suited for leadership, not to mention that her player is quite busy with all the other leadership functions she's serving for the guild out of game.

    I welcome your ideas and thoughts, though implementing them, were you interested in joining and helping out with our eventual goals, is certain to take some time. I don't check here all that often, but please contact me in game at any time if you'd like.
  • wintermyst
    wintermyst Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    As of tomorrow I will be downloading this game to play and if i like it I would be interested in talking to someone about your guild.

    I have been a heavy RPer sense before MMO's came out. RPG table top games and then joined Everquest the first one only a month after it went live, went to EQ2 shortly after that came out.
  • Kaelysta - Heavens Tear
    Kaelysta - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Hiya, I haven't been playing Perfect World very long, but I've been rping for awhile, so I believe this would be a fun guild to join. Pm me sometime please ^^
  • chrishart013
    chrishart013 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I've tryed to contact you guys several times
    but I've never gotten any response, so I've finally
    Broken down and decided to write a message.
    Please contact me in game(ChungLi) or in a PM here.

  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Alrighty, I'll try to get to you hopefully later today ChungLi.
    I haven't had much luck getting those who have posted their interests here.
    For me being online in PW, it's verries but usually it is between 16:00 - 1:00 (yes earily morning) and my timezone is GMT -07:00.
    So perhaps to make it easier, to have timezones posted and when would be a good time to contact you guys.
    Also those who use their account names on the forums, please post your character's name exact, so we know who we're looking for. :)

    Again, my main character I am playing is 'Yashanee_' .
  • ChungLi - Heavens Tear
    ChungLi - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Im on right now. 4:58 CST
  • Ocane_II - Heavens Tear
    Ocane_II - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Alrighty, I'll try to get to you hopefully later today ChungLi.
    I haven't had much luck getting those who have posted their interests here.
    For me being online in PW, it's verries but usually it is between 16:00 - 1:00 (yes earily morning) and my timezone is GMT -07:00.
    So perhaps to make it easier, to have timezones posted and when would be a good time to contact you guys.
    Also those who use their account names on the forums, please post your character's name exact, so we know who we're looking for. :)

    Again, my main character I am playing is 'Yashanee_' .

    i sent you a pm on here

    obviously im interested and um

    well i play most of the time haha

    normally around 2 pm to 4 or 5 am PST ( time zone ) yeah im on alot haha of course i do take brakes inbetween those times for my girl work around the house, friends and what not

    im in game atm and will probably be on for the rest of the day though i have bundles of cleaning to do im too sore to do it atm haha
  • Evancer - Heavens Tear
    Evancer - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I broke down and built a character on Heaven's Tear, just so's I can join this guild.... but I've got a while to go before he's level 20. b:sad Time to grind!

    "Let's just pretend I said something clever in response and leave it at that..."
  • Evancer - Heavens Tear
    Evancer - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Maybe not so long after all.... Give me one more night and I'll be sending you a PM. :)

    "Let's just pretend I said something clever in response and leave it at that..."
  • Uindo - Heavens Tear
    Uindo - Heavens Tear Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I should be on later in the week particularly this weekend. You can find me on several characters but my main is Ashwynn. The others are Uindo, Cyren, Cercin and Miiwaa
  • Ocane_II - Heavens Tear
    Ocane_II - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    jayde wrote: »
    Also in reply to Uindo
    The main problem we have as a rp group here is the fact that ,apart from venomancers,there isint much lore to be found
    Try googling for chinese elf folklore,there hardly is any,and they all more resemble goblins!
    what were trying to do is basically make it up,to everyones agreement,which ,as im sure you appreciate,is a lot harder than it sounds!
    were basically creating the manual,just like cygax did! :)
    You sound exactly what were looking for,someone whos prepared and willing to go from scratch to create these prototypes,and settings for character development,it would be a shame if you didnt at least keep in contact with us to share ideas etc.
    my IG is Foxtsuba please feel free to contact me ig at any time.
    P.S. if you can find any relevant lore etc,please send me the links cos Ive been googling my fingers off trying to get some :D

    elfs accually have alot of lore

    maybee not in china

    but up in iceland they are very well known and beleived to be existant by more then hal fthe population there
This discussion has been closed.