ChucknNorris - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • i like my full mage cleric due to his power.I can take on mobs 10 lvls above him.Cleric at 70+ are beast at gathering multiple magic/poison mobs and taking them all out...why zhen when you can do that. The otehr night i noticed Blessing from radiance rounding up a massive amount of spiders up north in avalanche and it was…
  • I have a cleric as my alt and have buffed/revive alot of people.Though plenty of times i have gotten paid out of kindness of the player i have revived.Buffs i tend to be stingy with mostly because its my mp and us clerics tend to need the blue.I have paid plenty of clerics who offer help in killing bosses etc when they…
  • i havent bought a thing from cash shop yet.I just use my millions to buy from other people who have bought from the shopsb:laugh farming pays off!!
  • Anyways i have a lvl 45 cleric maybe 46 going full attack style and frankly is quite boring to be honest..spamming plume shot and cyclone all day and kiteing..maybe a lil stank thunder ball from time to time or some dumb debuff that seems to not really be noticeable on anything..just something to cast.If you go cleric FaC…
  • hell i love my wiz and i love the power it posses.Looking over at a barb the same lvl as me just pounding and pound away at a enemy(same goes wit ha BM)while i done took down 2.Zhenning is fun and i dont care about the money and uhhh when has a zhen cost 500k each time????? i can do like 3-4 zhens off one freakin gold…
  • did u have any mystical meat on u?..he kinda likes that stuff.b:laugh
  • i hear that there is a program out that allows u to use multiple accounts on one computer..and its a free program.I personally dont see what the problem is about running a mule if some one is running mules then yeah that can be a problem..kinda like a exploit in a way.