thanks, i hope this works
seriously were did that come from ????? super random 4 no reason
wat blacksmith u mean, they dont sell shineys 4 me yet
Hero: Ichigo Show:Bleach Reason: Its just because of the hair and the sword , u gotta respect it
wow this thread poped up in time bcuz i was gona ask
alright thank you
i could have swore dats on the list of things u dont say......and the elder didnt give me anything
i did fb19 but there was no drops
i'll join , how many members?
nefarious is alittle 2 strong for there own good
wow thats a small pic i cant see nothin srry
am i wasting my time or am i gna get a cookie ???
banned 4 being a noob at life
bleach , FLCL, and code geass
wow i dont kno how 2 respond to that
banned 4 not knowing about ran
sanctuary ???