Canadagirlx - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • From what I've learned about genie LP's it's all about luck, You either have a lucky genie or a non lucky genie. If you end up with a **** genie just decompose it and make a new one. Both my hubby and I are working on our genies so far nothing affects the LP it's all just based on luck. (hence why it's called lucky points)…
  • Be prepared for tele hell when server comes back on. b:laughb:thanks
  • Just put it this way if you don't want your charm to tick and you're a squishy don't get ToP it'll tick every time you use it. b:pleased
  • Yeah I'm a "ohh shiney" cleric b:chuckle I ran into that thing and played with it for like an hour LOLsb:laugh
  • I am waiting on another genie my lvl, but I have a lower lvl one right now and earthquake has saved my butt and many others as well, I have second wind for extra healing in instances where it's tough and bosses aoe. I have holy path (a must for any cleric because we're just slow like that), and I have my initial skill to…