Bramir - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • 2.3k isn't that big a deal to a barb...but to any other class at that level it is a much larger percentage of hps....enough that after a few hits they will die. Whether they die after oneshot or three doesn't make much of a difference in anything but forum wars...
  • You obviously have very little experience with these things...or you just don't pay attention. And we are talking about a seeker of appropriate level for the instance, right? I honestly just don't care if a lvl100 anything can tank a lvl80 boss... I have two melee class characters as well and have been doing TT since 2008.…
  • TT bosses will be a different story...oneshots from guys like ape and forshura and drum are just waiting for overconfident seekers trying to do a barb's job. And bloodplaint doesn't help much when you are getting hit for 5k damage...
  • QFT. I took a year off when I got sick of seeing nothing but wannabe ninjas all over the place, and when I came back we had r9 to make it we have motorcycles in a fantasy game and noone even finishes FC.
  • I buy zen every now and then, and bought my real life wife a herc for her birthday. Every now and then I might buy a little more, but for the most part I like to earn my coin. It sounds cliche, but most of the fun in games like this is the journey to end-game. If you buy it with cash shopping, then what is the point?
  • The only evidence needed of OP aps DDs is that they can solo squad instances. That is so obviously broken I can't believe it hasn't been fixed. Regarding Jones blessings, people used to get in actual squads and finish instances without them, even if it was hard (some still do). If you take them away people will figure out…
  • 4 million eh? What is that, about 40 minutes of regeneration to get back to full? Again, this is not about anything but a bug report but you keep trying to make it about something else...
  • We waited that long because we were busy trying to get our hacks to work properly.
  • Ok, sorry...14 year old. The more you guys protest and posture about how good you are, the worse you look and you provide more motivation for the GMs to keep looking at it, so thanks for the help! The majority of the suggestions that there was cheating involved seem to be in the form of denials... I'm mostly kidding here,…
  • Just to make this clear for people who only read one of every three sentences. This may be a bug, and this thread is a bug report. It also may not be a bug, but that is why it is being looked at. As far as I am concerned, until a GM comes out and says it was determined to be a bug, Vanquish won that TW fairly. That said,…
  • Nope, you came across as a 12 year old forum troll who protests too much...
  • That one video shows the crystal go from having taken about 5% damage and then be fully healed a few seconds later. I'm in Bushido but my first inclination was that there was no bug/cheating involved and we were just doing something wrong. I even said so in vent when people starting talking about it. However, I can't…
  • Bought it from a friend for 3 million...but I was on the run where it dropped... I had the opportunity to buy sage fire mastery at about the same time for 5 million, but I was in the middle of restatting and couldn't afford both. Spamming pyrogram+divine pyrogram with a constant 20% reduction in fire resistance is fun, but…
  • Haha...I completely forgot you can go buy a crappy weapon at the blacksmith...
  • Wizards are capable of being much more effective than an archer in almost every circumstance...doing a little less damage against bosses is irrelevant unless you are on some sort of timer...which you aren't in almost all cases. Damage is quite literally the only thing archers are good for in pve...wizards can heal, seal,…
  • Just wait until your factions' people start to hit lvl100...they will mostly leave for Eq and Cal because noone will be able to help them with their BHs, etc. Which then means there aren't enough lvl100s when the next batch gets there, and they leave as well. Don't overestimate the loyalty of your faction...when it comes…
  • I AoE grind like the BMs do it, against melee mobs. After the first couple hits use the expel genie skill and hope it lasts long enough to kill most of them... You can also try dropping a MS + hailstorm + BT on a group of spiders once you get 3 sparks. It doesn't matter the number as long as they all get hit by the two big…
  • Keep in mind that those damage differences were greatly affected by my lower magic resistance, and are not actually representative of offensive output. That was also before I restatted all points out of vit and dex that were not necessary. We need to do that test again and I need to borrow my wife's arcane armor to do it.…
  • Why are we still talking about a build with a 1% crit rate? I don't even consider the points I have in dex wasted...the extra points in strength are the ones I could do without. Any build that reduces my crit rate by 5 to improve my magic defense is just not going to cut it. I got a midnight black pataka and my magic…
  • Did you miss the part of the discussion where we actually compared magic attack bonuses? It may be that a LA build needs a different weapon than arcane... Physical defense between the two builds is about the same, and the increased hps from LA refining and HP shards make up for the lower magic defense. So the only thing…
  • A lot of it depends on what you mean by competitive. Having 1k less magic attack than fully geared arcane wizards is little different than comparing the builds of someone with a +5 weapon to someone with a +8 weapon. Not having the 'best' does not make someone uncompetitive...especially in TW where there is a lot more…
  • Cost is more like 50-60 million the way I see it...but otherwise I agree with you.
  • Its not that people won't say its expensive when asked...the problem is that whever someone asks about LA vs. arcane there is a chorus of bleating sheep saying arcane is better and LA wizzies better restat at 90+. Generally there is no mention of cost on that side of the argument until someone else brings it up. I think…
  • No I'm just saying that I am nowhere close to being able to afford the gear to restat to arcane without gimping myself in some way, and that most people in my situation are going to have the same problem unless they spend a lot of real money. If I spent what money I had to restat now, my arcane gear would suck and I would…
  • Or you can use a LA build and get most of what you want without having to spend lots of real money. If you try to restat to arcane without the proper funds you will gain nothing and waste what money you do have.
  • You used gear that is randomly determined and doesn't necessarily exist. You claim it is easy to get, but my experience and that of others is different. If I found it in the AH it would cost nearly as much as good TT99 or lunar. But I won't find it in the AH because those who get lucky and make them don't sell them. I…
  • "Fixing" my build with gear that may not even exist on the server is pretty amusing. Also notice the 1% crit rate...
  • I'll also enjoy my 6k physical defense...with only my own buff...and more my 500 or so more hps...
  • If I can get my hands on a midnight black mold my magic attack will be 5k-8.2k at lvl97 after moving 5 points out of dex and all but 3 out of vitality. So when I get a good damage roll my attacks would be just about as strong as a pure wizzie...with realistic (for me) equipment options anyway...
  • As you can see I can lose some points from both dex and vitality to add to magic while remaining LA...