I have r999+12 JOSD gear and I got it through merchanting. I started merchanting about 2.5 years ago (even though I have been playing for a bit longer than that) and about a year later (about when NW first came out) I had enough to fully max gear up my archer (about 13-15 billion coin back then) On average, this took about…
Vindicate vs. Legendary 10/05/14 Saturday's attack on Plume City (lasted 1 hour 24 minutes):
This weekend (15/03) Legendary's TW videos: Legendary vs. Vindicate TW 15/03/15 14:00 (Legendary's attack): Vindicate vs. Legendary 15/03/14 20:00 (Vindicate's attack):
Legendary vs. Vindicate TW videos from yesterday. Afternoon TW (Legendary's attack): Evening TW (Vindicate's attack):
Shameless self plug... Only recently got a good enough computer to record on and I am mostly recording TWs and some 1v1 pk Most recent TW video: b:thanks
Vindicate vs. Hoorah 18/01/14
I believe I got past this part of the quest chain after getting to Arcane Sky III.
So I have done warsong a few times so far, and seeing as there isn't a guide for the last boss, I wrote my own. (First time writing a guide, so bear with me here) The final boss, Incacerate is very challenging, but it does nothing randomly, so with enough coordination it isn't as difficult as it first appears. It spawns…
Well, first I must assume that you type stealth when you in fact wanted to type combat, otherwise your response to my previous post would make no sense. And second, this is a item the gives you a quest, and the quest is what puts you in stealth, it is no ordinary pot, so we can't assume the ordinary rules apply. All I am…
I would assume that we can't, but just to be sure does anyone know if we can use these stealth pots while in combat, like sins can use shadow escape?
I don't know, maybe that extra 4% base damage goes to their head O.o
Lol, I am demon, like I said at the beginning, I believe that a sage archer's only strong point is against other archers and since there is more then just one class, the obvious choice to me was demon. I am simply defending my opinion at the moment.
"archers have nothing that only they can use" is what I said, but well if you really want to waste 3 sparks that the sage archer should just kite away, go ahead. But, like I had said previously, anything the demon archer uses to avoid getting stunned, the sage archer can also use to kite the demon archer more. And once the…
Well only four offence skills are not 30 meters at level 11 for a wizard, so that is not really an issue. But yes, every single caster has some sort of defense to it, wizards got shrink, clerics have purify, venomancers have sage summer sprint, psychics got sage bubble, mystic have a pet, and just spam heal themselves or…
Yes, it is easier when they are not approaching you, but it is still not difficult when they are. You can simply stun them and take 2 steps back (holy path if you want, since they will already be at thier max range if they started channeling something), shoot again and aim low and you are golden. But I mean, there really…
Because its damn easy to do against any caster, where again the "dead zone" is only 2 meters (in reality, you only have about 10 seconds of stun time you can actually use) and the principle remains the same, even if archers have a few more anti-stuns. I'm not saying it would be easy, but against a predictable archer (which…
Yes, there is a large amount of luck in archer vs. archer, but that extra two meter range can be very easy to trap someone in for 12 seconds and with equal gear, 12 seconds is a long time to kill someone. Also, a sage archer has every anti-stun a demon archer has, but will always be in range to stun the demon archer first…
Really, the only thing sage archers are better at killing then demon archers are other archers... (in 1v1 situations)
more proof if you want (shows the level of ST) 80k before demon ST 68k hp after demon ST…
You forgot to add that, in addition with everyone having r8, very few people can actually afford charms anymore and charm prices are just going to get higher (unless they put them on sale soon for like 2-3 gold b:surrender) So ya, people with greater clicking speed will win in average-geared pvp xD
Caption: Insert food here to continue your tanked TT experience.
Game is dead lol Even if they made something better then r9 it would only break the game even more, since r9 is already so over powered (eg. psychic with full r9/ JoSD/ jones bless has 154 def level and only -10 attack level = pretty close to invincible to everyone without r9 and does very close normal damage b:shocked)…
thats not harsh at all b:laugh and on thread topic.... at such low level's and when uncharmed all classes can pretty much kill eachother. Though i would suggest waiting a bit b4 actually trying to pvp seriously. But u one hit him, which is a good start :P
the most OP thing in this game is... wait for it... kunkun b:surrender
this is just what i do... i got 2 heaven lords and one misty (its rly not that expensive) and i just switch between the misty and the 2nd heaven lord depending what im fighting: -misty when pvp against archer/fist bm/etc -heaven lord for pve and pvp against robes and stuffs
i just meant that u had to hit it pretty well exactly when the CD is over, and i have slow and lazy reflexes xD
the old 3k mp event food from jolly jones isnt enough though xD (well it is, but there is almost no room for error on hitting it every 10 secs) and call me crazy, but hate not being able to afk in delta, so im often charmed, but unless i wear my handy-dandy mp hat, the BoA will cancel from lack of mp b:sad and tbh, even…
demon barrage is a pvp (mostly tw) skill. not rly needed at all for pve lol. demon is about 20-25% more dps than lvl 10 BoA (and 17% more then sage i think), but if u switch weps to lower dps... im going to have to say it becomes kinda pointless b:surrender xD and yes, mp costs are ridiculous but ur choice...
needs more drama b:angry and i miss the old days, back when my +5 tt99 xbow was epic pro b:cry
and my sexy archer lightning spin b:kiss :P