Blackmail - Raging Tide Arc User


  • LOL @ the guy who said CoD is useless. Obviously, he's never been to TW. IF the kind people of the forum haven't said it enough, allow me to get my moment of fame... CoD is used for PVP, and there's a reason why. Other than the fact that you'll use many of your skills for the debuff it gives, you'll also be trying to hit…
  • Same concept applies to vit; cover it with gear. Reason why you'd rather have dex than vit is this: We gain more attack power thru dex, than hp thru vit. Balance-wise, the dex point greatly benefits in comparison to vit. Therefore, if there's any stat you'd rather natually have, it would be dex. Let vit be the stat you…
  • I agree with Kuroi Sin -- assassins are considered pro-class because it's a class that can't just be picked up. It takes patience and understanding, and you have to devise your own strategy. Sure, any of us can tell you what WE do... but you need to figure out what YOU do. There's a heavy armor sin on my server; lv78,…
  • Fastu: 4/10 Sounds semi-simplistic, but if you were to explain your name, I might have another opinion. Blackmail = black + male, which is what I am. Also, since the character is female, I get the opportunity to call alot of horny e-peens out on their homo advances on me. I think I do a good job of living up to the name.
  • I had to get at this... If a cleric barriers, we disappear. If a veno brambles, we sleep and bleed and disappear. If a wiz blinks, we "blink" twice. Psys can stun, sins can stun more. Psys are squishy. Need I say more? Barb generally = death, unless he crits for a 1 (I've seen it happen, and lost duel while lmao). Archers…
  • Twin Strike? Well that's a shocker... guess it's time for me to dust it off and pump spirit into it. O wow, now that I think about it, twin strike is two hits! So that's like...double the chance of critting somewhere in there! b:victory
  • I completely agree. If you want to see a sin, let him hit you once. I'm sure there's a genie skill that can help you out with taking a hit (VERY sure, as a matter of fact, check your list). To beat the same bush, I have to say, sins are NOT melee archers. As a matter of fact, any archer who doesn't see a sin coming has a…