I like it, to me the old one was just way to big
They are back and people are overloading the serversb:chuckle
Isn't it about time a mod locked this thread since its going nowhere. All I read on the past few pages is an endless argument between the entire community and 1 person.
Wrong you can choose from 7 but only accept 2
I was doing this instance earlier today in a squad that was completely new to the instance. And after some trial error we all got a lane to do. But then it went wrong during my lane My lane was gamma and lane alpha and beta went pretty ok other then the bm in lane beta dying after he lit the mirror thingy to let me…
QQ More But seriously they said it was down And that they are working on fixing it, this thread won't make that happen any faster Furthermore looking at your join date, you should have known that the blessing page goes down sometimes. And thus you could have prepared for it by having at least 1 extra blessing waiting in…
I agree with this Sure there are problems but once you get it to work it actually is a cool mostly glithch free expansion
Oh hai obvious troll First of all teh fishies were released more then half a year after teh fairies Ya know after them big QQ of teh first pack release Second to level back in tah day yous had to work work work so it be highly improbable that person were 101 back tehn. Note: My grammar and spelling being horrible was fully…
I would call Momaganon/Lothranis and OHT and such maps due to: Their size, the fact you can fly there and the fact there are general purpose npcs (for crafting, selling junk and repairing etc) Now secret passage and nightscream island are open instances to me since you can't fly there , there are no general purpose npcs…
It is offline againb:surrender Anyway thank you for the guide The idea that once my seeker hits 80 I might be able to do this. Makes me like my seeker even more then already did.b:pleased
There are some really sad people in this game just don't let them get to you. As said before all they want is your attention if you ignore them they will get bored and will leave you alone. As for the people suggesting the OP to reroll on another server the trolls in RT are a minority and every server has it fair share of…
On my main (sin) I tend to stick with the jones blessing although I do carry an o malley blessing with for me when the situation calls. On my alts I only use a jones blessing although I probably will get an o malley's blesiing for my seeker in the near future now that it actually might need to tank some stuff.
and thats necro number 2 in the same thread great job
Physics on clothes will never happen not in this game. I am no programmer myself but from what I know physics rely heavily on the games engine. Now the engine of this game is truly ancient it dates back to 2004 I believe and its fairly obvious this games engine wasn't based on physics to much even for its time. And even…
Lets see I made both the classic mistakes of bad stat allocation and wrong weapons. I also didn't know you would get your free flying gear at lvl 30. This led to a pretty silly situation back in December 2008 when there was this Christmas event for which you could get a quest at lvl 20+ thing is you had to go to 1k streams…
Well I am not sure about other servers but on RT the chances to get pked in pk enabled rooms seems fairly low. At least that's what I have seen in the 30 or so times I did the cube on my assassin main.(and about the fact but you're a sin you can stealth argument I rarely get attacked outside of stealth and never seen…
Well pwi runs on a pretty old engine (6-7 years or so) I believe. That means it doesn't use lots of things that newer hardware and software offer. The most obvious example of this is how it barely takes any advantage from more then 1 core. This might mean you can't do much about it as it means pwi just won't efficiently…
Sure i leveled one genie over months it ended with 36/90 lucky points Another I leveled within 1 day from 1-90 and it got 73/90 lucky points As many others said this is just another false rumor, that people want to believe these rumors just proves how simple the human mind truely is
Just ignore them, the less attention bullies get the more likely they get bored and stop, this goes for both real life and ingame Besides its much easier to ignore them ingame then in real life, since all they can really do is sending you annoying messages in major cities and you can blacklist them, that should solve the…
Axis of Fate in the cube is a weak high hped mob that needs to be killed and it doesn't matter who does how much damage in that room as long as it gets killed, the teleporter will spawn and everyone in the room can talk to him and advance to the next room so don't say that person was arrogant Anyway this seems like a waste…
Well a bow is recommended but you might also want to upgrade your gear since getting hit for 4k seems a bit much, since i can't remember getting for more then 3k at a high spike by pole's aoe at 8x on my sin and my gear didn't change that much from 7x-8x(armor wise anyway)
The only people that will really suffer from this are the OP lvl 100+ farmers, no one else can farm that many mirages a day unless you sub every TT you do and live in TT So seriously stop complaining I actually like this update as it makes it so easy for me to get 36 mirages a day, besides if it wasn't limited I would farm…
My sin's name is HardToFind, kind of ironic considering how many sins there are running around and yet not at the same time if you know what I mean
I am guessing that hes either a hyper noob or bought his account Otherwise hes just an idiot which very possible as well
As much as I hate the fact this is done, its not banable btw OP are you the same person who went WCing on RT that it is against the rules to sell quests/mobs the other day
I would just stay on RT, theres enough nice people here if you are willing to look past the trolls on the forums and WC As a matter of fact trolls are really a minority on RT, it are always the same people who are trolling
You do realize he was trolling right, before you actually do this
I don't think it will be very easy but nowhere as bad as BeserkBeast described Yes you need decent gear and lifepowder, but if you learn how to control your damage and use a bow for some aoe bosses, as well as using your self buffs and debuffs in a good way its not that bad Basically you just need to learn some tactics and…
pre lvl 59 I really recommended you to make life powder with lvl 1 apothecary, because without it you will use alot of hp pots after lvl 59 you should be doing enough damage to get enough self heals out of bloodpaint(lvl 34 skill) to reasonably solo normal quests and grinding For a sin it simply gets progressively easier…
I went there, was doing what the OP described and then I heard a strange voice saying haha another soul to claim, at this point I got scared and ran