Not this **** again.
Castle crushers it is! \o/
This is the most stupididest pettition ever. I understand not everyone has a billion alts. But if they did that everyone would just spend all day in PV 105 would not be an achievement to be proud off. It will be like "Oh you finally hit 105? took you long enough."
I heard this Badonka guy is pretty nab. I vote for him! totes. Or TecTonicArch. ijs.
You can borrow my wizzies. o: Though its all mainly +2 and **** or not sharded at all. ;_;
Ashy. <3 I want to see everyone in TT90 going at each other, then maybe we will see if its just their ego or if they are actually any good. o:
That is Gross. Thank you. <3
The Lunar one is always unbound, no matter what stage it is at. ^^ Unless you bind it of course. TT bow is always bound. Can not be unbounded.
I don't think its really game breaking. Since what use is a BM that does CC when a caster's purify procs? Or as myself an archer to to use anti -stun/badge it off and kite away. Makes a bm's main purpose kinda pointless doesn't it? Edit: I didn't read all the pages. I read what the OP said and commented. ._. Going back to…
Pretty much what bluesmist said. Heaven Shatter is better for both PvE and PvP at that level, if you are going to make a N3 bow and going to pk a lot, selling it to make a TT99 to make a N3 bow would be better, then you can't drop it and you'll get extra coin from it. Unless you want to pk with Safety lock or scrolls or…
Welcome. o:
I wasn't aware that we were playing wow, when does the subscription start? o:
I like it as well. Good for teamwork and what not. But as most other said, remove the once a day thing.
Was finally motivated to go to NW and this happens. ._.
This has gotten to the point of being a joke. Some people gained more then what they lost during the roll back.
Made my day. +1 Give this guy a medal. f:cute
I'm going to throw this out there. Because we can not hear from the tech team themselves we can't actually say it is what they wanted to do. I read" they took our money and decided to roll back the server intentionally" Today's tech is so advance yes, but doesn't mean it can't fail. I've lost stuff to, not as much as some…
I see. :o Thank you guys. Was just curious because I do get in some squads who struggle a lot.
:O that alien program? I was visited by them to. :o
Apply water directly to burn. OP's spelling/grammar is so bad I want to cry. I'm getting sick of this "We are old school players we are so much better and most people who has R9.3 +12/10 cashed for it." Note not everyone is like this who have been playing for so long, just some. I nearly have my R9 ring and haven't spend…
What are you talking about? It will be free to play. Pay to win though.
I did a video. But fraps is ugly. :( On a side note. What recording software did you use?
I love doing metal. :o it's one of my favorite pavs to do. I learned the hard way to not bother shooting at the mob when they are close to the monkeys. Um I can try and post a video of me doing it. (no promises) I'm just a S3 Nirvana with +5 armour (+2 boots don't ask) and ornies/rings +3-5 :D
-removed- The faction with the most land wins. Disqualifying the whole faction from the TW season is to harsh, most members don't even know what goes on past officers, so why punish the whole faction for it? That's like saying certain factions on Archo server never should have won TW season because there was a time when a…
Your Pony skills are quite astounding.
I do enjoy reading them, it keeps me busy at times. If we are watching a movie, we are watching it at your house. People left me to clean up all the mess. f:cry Show me a picture of a purple hippo then I will admit to you having good paint skills. >.>
Someone give this man a cookie.
^^ Waiting.
Just seconding this post.
I laughed harder then I should have.