I hereby nominate myself for this... thing.
Ok, I understand what you mean. Like I said, it never fails for me. There is the usual delay, but the only time skills fail is when I have 1k+ ping. Maybe you got a lag spike? I get the sutra thing every once in a while tho. And blinking backwards, that only happens at 1k+ ping as well.
I live in Europe too, 300-600 ping average, and I got no issues with it at all. Maybe you are just too far away? Whisper only got a 20 meter range, much less than your other skills, wich are 28-30 meters.
Everybody who could think/read/ask already knew it... As for the lvling aspect, this glitch is more balancing than gamebreaking. Regarding other aspects, yes, it's game-breaking.
Wizard, since it was my first character on PWI, and has always been my favourite. Will be nice to play it with <500 ping too b:surrender Was looking forward to 4x world PvP/TW, doubt that is going to happen tho, with hypers and all that... Will miss out on first week due to vacation :(
I'm in if it's a pvp server. Would definately wanna join a RPK guild. Still undecided what class, but would be nice to try playing wizard without 500+ ping b:surrender
I don't think he reads forum, so I'll post for him. No SS :( KingAyoub - Harshlands -- Kin***oub
Er, didn't they say all servers would be accessible with all clients? So just a new server, and 2 translated clients compitable with all servers?
I went ahead and posted the link to this thread at Mayhem forum.
I'll be there.
How about fight being fully buffed then? From my experience playing both wizard and BM, PVP is more balanced when both parts are fully buffed (especially with bad gear). And how about starting with 1 spark or below? That would allow players to use basic chi consuming skills, but not starting off with sleep -->ulti to force…
The difference is that tokens of best luck is bought in boutique, the things he mentioned are accesible without paying real cash, and thus not generating any direct income for PWE
Because endgame relies heavily on gear, and the best gear just got incredibly cheap for people paying with real money, while non-cashshoppers still have to pay what they did before the patch. Not to mention consumables for the cahshop (charms etc) just got really expensive for non-casshoppers
PWI doesn't have any need to recover. The new expansion will bring enough players for PWE to get by until FW is released, at wich point it will go the same way as PWI did (downhill)
Ah yeah, forgot about CoD: BO. Darned good game if u can actually get it to work
Personally, I'd wait for GWII to come out. Otherwise L4D is still an awesome game if u play with friends, and like co-op games.
Literally, you would know that if u read the quest dialogue.
For BH, yes, anything will do. Fc is basicly the same, altho u want to have enough hp+def to survive aoe from bosses. But that would probably only be a problem if u only used 1* white npc gear... As for the more challenging instances like GV, u want a bit more firepower and hp to kill stuff and survive. In 7x squads i did…
Rehab Leader: Snugglebut Site: Members only Extra: Reqruiting 80+ for TW, also doing TT, GV, FC and more. We have vent. Leechers and QQers not wanted.
As for getting the belt, how much HP in needed for GV? AFAIK u're dead if u get too much aggro by mobs no matter what gear, so can i get by with just managing aggro and having enough HP to survive bosses? In that case, how much is recomended?
Ty for the advice :) So just get the Crit sword, and skip rest of TT99, or is the wrists worth it over TT90 gold? Or a set of 2xHP+105 OHT, which i have now? Got any Tips on helm, are there any good TT/Mold or should i just look for OHT ones?
your HP for the 7x build is a bit low, especially if u want to do GV gamma. I'd suggest switching out the cape (tauren is for LA and HA mostly), the belt and the demons heart ring for something with HP addons. Might wanna swich some garnets for citrines too if needed. 3k unbuffed HP is a good amount at 77
While you can certanly do FC with your current hp, be prepared to have your charm ticking like crazy on the last boss if you have below 4k hp buffed. (If u have a charm that is, which isn't needed at all for a FC run)
So the lvl 95 Lunar isn't a good end game wep? Sry, i haven't really looked into it yet
Thx for the reply :) Figure I'll go with the endless for now, and then probably 90 glaive. There's no way i can get the money for Aquadash at 85 anyway... I haven't really looked at the endgame weps, but that's pretty far away as of now